【Bronya: Gaining powerful power directly, I don’t know whether to evaluate whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.】

【Velvet: It looks good. After all, the ascetic has been pursuing it for so long, isn’t it just to gain power?】

【Padofelis: But the power he gained was what they hated and resisted the most before.】

【Eden: The way the Happy Star God tortures people is really weird.】

【Leiden Meiyi: For these ascetics, it is indeed the most ironic and painful thing, but for ordinary people, I am afraid……】

【Fu Hua: For"fun", he really has no scruples】

【Black Tower: He is not afraid of any star god, nor does he care about life or death. He is just a"madman""】

【Mebius: Possessing so much power for no reason is not much different. Maybe for ordinary people, all this is an elusive and unattainable existence.】

【Theresa: It’s different. Those ascetics have their own beliefs, so everything the Happy Star God has done makes their life worse than death.】

【Otto: But for him, the more painful the ascetic shows, the happier he may be】

【Aponia: Such behavior is indeed bad】

【Gracie: It’s too much to base your own happiness on the pain of others!】

【Kia"Zero Zero" Na: She is indeed a naughty child, she likes to play pranks all day long】

【Xingqiong Danheng: This description is very appropriate.】

【Hoshiko Himiko: He does like to play pranks everywhere】

【Raiden Meiyi: He is so crazy. Isn't there any other star god who can control him?】

【Kiana: Yes! Is everyone just letting him continue like this? Misfortune never comes singly. Maybe one second he was torturing other Star Gods, and the next second the knife might fall on him.】

【Black Tower:...Well, indeed not, even Zhizhi Star God can only see through the other party's tricks】

【Dr. Mei: From this point of view, the Happy Star God is indeed the most dangerous existence in the universe.】

【Kiana: Yeah, the strongest void star god likes to"make trouble", and he doesn't know how to cause trouble like him.】

【Alicia: Happiness is important, but when this happiness puts others in pain, the concept is different.】

【Heita: Yes, it’s a pity that no one can stop him, he will only continue to go crazy, and this is not the worst thing.】

【Kiana: This is not bad enough! ?】

【Alicia: This situation is enough to drive those ascetics crazy.】

【Xingqiong March 7: Wow~ He is indeed the second most powerful existence in the universe.】

【Xingqiong Jizi: I probably understand, the next story】

【Heita: Alas. 】

From the content of the barrage, the audience can roughly guess that the previous story is just one of the joys for the Happy Star God.

It's not even the worst case scenario.

Therefore, the most extreme and cruel things he did have not yet been introduced.

Thinking of this, audiences from different worlds are also full of curiosity about the next story. return screen.

The screen continues to play.

The background pattern did not disappear, but the large white characters on the screen began to update their content.

Immediately afterwards, a new story about the Happy Star God appeared.

This time, what appeared was not the ethereal voice before.

Instead, something similar to a tape is playing, and that mechanical voice describes that past for the audience.

【Fool's Play: The troubled ancestor is seeking old grudges, and the fool cuts off the golden body with his sword.】

【The yang of my home country fades and the yin grows, and all the people who come under heaven's punishment will perish.

Collect the divine light alone and make decisions about the world and celestial phenomena】

【Today, we are going to tell you a little bit: the trouble is that the ancestors sharpened their troops to seek old grudges, and the fool swung his sword to kill the golden body.】

【As everyone here knows, these thousands of stars in the universe are far away from each other. There is a star god who ignores the lower world and hides in a place isolated from the world.

There are also gods of seven pillars who inspire foolish believers.

In the muttering prayers of believers, the heroic name of destruction is heard from time to time.

Listen. The divine power contained in these two words must be guiding those violent believers: like a tide of insects passing by, like a vicious dog. The eclipse sun, this is the army that changes color upon hearing the news of the Galaxy, and the incarnation of the annihilation of all things - the Ancestor of the Eclipse.

Some people were surprised and said: Ancestor of the Annihilation, what is that?

Someone whispered: What kind of slang is it? It sounds related to the Legion.

Someone else replied: The storyteller came from the fairy boat. This must be their view, referring to

Of course, in most worlds, he is also called Nanook】

【It is said that this legion uses black holes as furnaces, yin and yang as charcoal, and all things as copper.

Under the orders of the Ancestor of Destruction and the Great Lord of Destruction under his command, they refine the cold stars.

Where did they come from? The answer is, the universe is ancient.

What is it for? We don’t know either.

Sigh. The evil ancestor is so powerful that it is invincible. He is invincible. He curses. The planets are converging vertically and horizontally. Each one has his own evil intentions.】

【Facing the vulnerable galactic military formation, the Supreme Executioner finally recalled his homeland that was once dominated by an unjust but powerful force. 】

He gathered tens of thousands of dead soldiers and prepared to ask King Guo for an answer.

Unexpectedly, he met a nameless fool stationed at the Star Gate on the only way.

He waved a rapier that shocked Kanyu. He dodged left and right and found every opportunity.

Like the elusive fish in the pond, or like the fleeting flying star.

Jin Miehuo Ancestor fought fiercely with him for seven sun and moon cycles, and finally gurgling golden blood seeped out from his divine body.

This is the origin of the wound that has not healed for many years.

Someone in the audience exclaimed: True or false?! Don't just coax the new department members!

The defense department officer repeatedly stopped us:"Don't be impatient!" Listen to Mr. Speak slowly!】

【In an instant, time and space reversed, the stars changed drastically, the culprit escaped, and all the legion of birds and beasts dispersed. The sentient beings in the galaxy outside the world could not see such a situation, and they all regarded the bloody golden flower as a supreme oracle, intending to steal it. Make bloody mead.

He wanted to destroy it and weaken the legion's divine power.

Someone commented loudly: Yes, yes! I did! It is said that in a tavern somewhere in the galaxy, the name of this mead is on the wine list. what is it call………

Another person replied: Bloody Mary?

Someone commented faintly: That’s so vulgar!

The man replied again:"Scream, destroy the prominence like crazy!"

Someone was commenting faintly: Oh~~ so exciting!】

【For a moment, it was a disturbance of star dust, so vast that fools laughed to themselves and all living beings were busy.

And among the big names who have won the gold and silver medals, there is one who set out from our space station, traveling at night in fine clothes.

When he returned, all the staff stood in awe of him. Unexpectedly, after the greetings, this man's temperament changed drastically, and he saw that a disaster was about to take shape.——】

Although this content is presented in classical Chinese, it has not been translated.

The audience can still tell that a long time ago, this powerful Star God of Joy seemed to have fought against the Star God of Destruction........

As for the final result, the audience outside the screen did not understand it. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But in the previous barrage, Black Tower has already said that the"fun" of this Happy Star God is far more than this, it is truly the craziest and most excessive Yes, it hasn't appeared yet.

Maybe the story in front of him is the Happy Star God's greatest"fun".

Outside the light curtain.

After listening to the content, the content on the barrage quickly scrolled

【Kiana: There are a lot of classical Chinese texts that make me want to sleep. Although I can’t understand what is said, I can roughly tell that the protagonists of this large section are the Star God of Destruction and the Star God of Joy.】

【Raiden Meiyi: Well, it looks like they had a fight before?】

【Bronya: However, the ending of the Destruction Star God does not seem to be very good.】

【Kiana: Then who won?】

【Bronya: Paramecia, of course the Happy Star God won. After all, Black Tower has said before that he is the second most powerful being in the universe.】

【Otto: These battles between star gods are not uncommon, but this happy star god suddenly provoked a fight……】

【Black Tower: Hey, just treat the other party as"fun""】

【Teresa: This is...okay! He is powerful and indeed has the qualifications】

【Padofelis: She has a really bad personality】

【Thunder Mei Yi: His own strength is his strongest defense】[]

【Black Tower: Well, so far, no one of the Star Gods he has teased has ever succeeded in taking revenge.】

【Jing Yuan: He hasn’t teased the"Hunting Star God" yet."】

【Black Tower: If he wants, he can do it at any time. After all, no one can escape him except the Void Star God.……】

【Star Vault Walter: Although I may not be rude to say this, it is also true. The"Hunting Star God" seems to be the weakest existence among the Star Gods.】

【Otto: In terms of the breadth of the concept, indeed】

【Jingyuan: Well, we can’t deny this.】

【Xingqiong March 7: Alas, can you give me a translation? I can’t understand classical Chinese either!】

【Kiana: Yes, yes! My head hurts when I look at it】

【Sister Xing: Danheng, can you understand 2.5?】

【Starry Sky Danheng: Seven Seven Eight Eight】

【Starry Sky March 7: Awesome】

【Kiana: Envy. 】

At this moment, most of the audience cannot understand this classical Chinese text, and can only hope that there will be a translation in the end of the video.

The words that appeared above were recognizable separately, but combined, they were incomprehensible.

So in the expectant eyes of the audience.

The ethereal voice appeared, and she slowly interpreted the content of this story for the audience.

【Once upon a time long long time ago.........When Nanook, the God of Destruction, gathered his army to return to his homeland and asked for an explanation from the"past"】

【At the star gate he must pass through, he met a fool with no surname】

【Although the opponent used the shabbiest weapons, his movement skills were particularly exquisite.........He was able to perfectly dodge even the attacks of the Destruction Star God.】

【Facing such a powerful enemy, Nanook of the Star God, he had to use all his strength to fight the Fool for seven days and seven nights...........】

【But in the end, the Destruction Star God Nanook was defeated...........】

【The nameless fool even left an incurable scar on his body】

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