When the ethereal voice explained this, the audience understood the meaning.

No wonder the golden cracks appeared on the body of the Destruction Star God, making it look like he was separated.

It turned out that he was injured by the opponent during the battle with the Happy Star God, leaving a crack that could never be healed.

However, just from the point of view of"cannot be cured", it is enough to show that the strength of the Happy Star God is higher than that of the Destruction Star God.

After all, just one blow can make the opponent unable to heal, how terrifying it is here.

If there were a few more blows, wouldn't it mean that he would die directly?

But it is obvious that the end of this paragraph is not over yet. After all, the commentary only shows a little bit of content.

Then the ethereal voice continued:

【When the nameless fool succeeded in leaving an incurable scar on Nanook's chest,.........】

【The golden blood flowing from the wound was picked up by everyone........】

【Part of it was taken away by a certain force and brewed into fine wine.】

【Destroy the prominence! 】

This paragraph is even more ironic to the extreme.

No, it should be said that it is insulting and straight up.

What happened? The golden blood flowing out of the body was taken away.

There is also a part of it that is made into fine wine. this! Simply morally bankrupt.

After all, the Star God of Destruction is also a Star God, a high-level and mysterious existence in the universe.

He is 16 powerful and as powerful as a god.

But after the battle with the Happy Star God, not only was he slashed by the opponent, leaving an indelible wound, but even the shed blood was picked up by mortals and turned into fine wine.

Is there anything more ridiculous than this in this universe?

"The blood of the"god" was used by mortals to make wine.

The culprit responsible for this situation is the Happy Star God.

Maybe it is also his hand that mortals use the blood of the Destruction Star God to make wine.

Seeing this, The audience couldn't help but sigh, perhaps in this universe, most of the Star Gods have been teased by the Happy Star God.

Of course, this has to exclude the strongest Void Star God.

The Happy Star God has teased so many Star Gods, It is very likely that deep in the hearts of those Star Gods, there is a dark history that can never be erased. But why don’t these Star Gods unite to defeat the Happy Star God? After all, who would not resist such a hateful existence


Hate it?

I'm afraid even the Destruction Star God can't wait to crush the Happy Star God to ashes.

The audience outside the light curtain, after learning about this incident between the Happy Star God and the Destruction Star God, also commented one after another on the barrage. , and started discussing excitedly

【Otto: It’s interesting. He is indeed the second most powerful person in the universe. Apart from Nothingness, the other Star Gods can only let him play tricks on him.】

【Dr. Mei: That nameless fool seems to be the disguise of the Star God of Joy. Otherwise, how could an ordinary person be the opponent of the Star God of Destruction?】

【Kiana: Yes, he also left an indelible scar on the opponent's body, with blood flowing freely. At first, I thought that the shape of the Destruction Star God was so special and magical.】

【Velvet: Yeah, I was also amazed by his appearance, but I didn’t expect that all the golden liquid flowing on his body was his blood.】

【Raiden Meiyi: I'm okay, I thought it was a scar, which can highlight the word"destruction" of this child.】

【Bronya: Such a result is really ironic. What I originally thought was a special look turned out to be a wound caused by the Happy Star God.】

【Teresa: This is the end of the story between them. Does it mean that the Destruction Star God has succeeded in taking revenge?】

【Wuliangta Jizi: It does seem to have this meaning.】

【Black Tower: Well, the revenge of the Destruction Star God was indeed unsuccessful, and the wounds on his body can never be healed.】

【Star Vault March 7: I really didn’t expect that the Star God of Destruction would be teased like this by the Star God of Joy. It can be described as embarrassing. But the blood left behind by the Destruction Star God is used by mortals to make fine wine. Wouldn't this be too much?……】

【Silver Wolf: Insulting and straight up】

【Kiana: The Star God of Joy simply rubbed the dignity of the Star God of Destruction under his feet】

【Black Tower: Why is that? I would say he is a madman and the most dangerous existence in the universe. The Void Star God is so messed up that he is too lazy to move, but the Happy Star God goes around provoking others.】

【Aha: Hahahaha~ This light screen in front of me is so interesting, why didn’t anyone tell me?】

【Black Tower:? ? How did you get in?】

【Aha: Come in if you want, hahaha~】

【Kiana: Wow, where is the God of Joy? ]

Before Aha appeared, the audience still wanted to continue to complain about this"madman". After all, everything he did was really too twisted.

But when he appeared, the crazy barrage on the screen stopped instantly.

And this scene in front of him is not a kind of"pleasure" to the Happy Star God.

He didn't expect that he could find such interesting"fun" by occasionally breaking into this space.

Outside the light curtain, the headquarters of Tianming.

Looking at this, the Happy Star God suddenly joined.

A dark light flashed across the deep eyes of the man sitting on the chair.

This Happy Star God seems to be more interesting and powerful than imagined.

Even when others are discussing him, he can easily feel it.

He can even freely enter the live broadcast room. He is truly worthy of being the second most powerful person in the universe. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So not only did Otto not find it difficult, he even found it interesting that Happy Star God joined the live broadcast room.

This feeling of discussing in front of others is really different.

But thinking back, how strong is the true strength of the Happy Star God when he can freely enter the live broadcast room without being invited?

While the audience was feeling emotional, the background images of the Happy Star God were also gradually disappearing.

After a while, the screen returned to the starry sky.

In this starry sky, that ethereal voice slowly introduced

【Giving up questioning is like a heavy rain giving up the piety of the stars, letting the torrent of metaphors pass through your body. You will see the truth at the end of the starry sky, the rose-colored mist lingering in the sky】

【It is a lie to say that everything can be understood. Life begins to speculate on unsolved matters based on its limited grasp of laws. Little does it know that the universe is inexhaustible and truth is really an illusion.】

【In order to prevent the certainty of intelligence from destroying possible variables, myths rain down thoughts and senses, revealing to the world indescribable mysteries through colors, peaks, riddles, and illusions.】

【Breeding Star God Taizyuros】

【If a dark shadow appears on the horizon at noon, close your door tightly - it is not the night that has arrived in advance, but a swarm of hungry insects.】

【Also known as the Insect King and Sand King, the creator of the locust plague in the world】

【As the last member of the order Coleoptera to rule the earth, his destiny was fueled by the desire for solitude. Taiz Yuros turned into a self-replicating terror, a desolate tide of endless reproduction. He - or rather - they traveled across the worlds until fate somehow stopped His progress】

【Greedy Star God Oberos】[]

【Insects and ants are to birds, hares are to wolves and dogs, stardust is to black holes, and all worlds are to greed.】

【The thirsty drinker of all worlds, the devourer who never trembles enough, the black hole that knows how to think. He is both a star god and an ancient beast.】

【In Boros's view, life is like floating algae that flickers and dies in the void ocean, and will eventually return to darkness along with the stars that gave birth to them - this darkness is in His mouth】

【Pure beauty star god Idrila】

【A few feet of cloth and silk are beautiful, a few lines of prose poetry are beautiful, a few strings of musical notes are beautiful - welcome to an era when praise of beauty is worthless! Vulgar, helpless, sad!】

【In the strange and ever-changing landscape of the universe, Idrila glimpsed the ultimate meaning of the world's existence: the existence that people call beauty.】

【The star god Junmei suddenly disappeared one day. His disappearance was as mysterious as his birth.】

【Balanced Star God Mutual】

【A strange star god whose identity is unknown.

Each other's orders subtly affect the universe, trying to bring about an ideal balance.】

【The Arbitrator acts under the instructions of the 167 Star Gods to pursue the zero-sum of the universe. They are mistaken for gods in many worlds. 】

Star Gods were introduced one after another. It can be seen that there are not many Star Gods in this universe.

Moreover, the concepts represented by each Star God are completely different.

For example, mystery, breeding, gluttony, etc. just appeared.

These concepts are unexpected by the audience, but they feel reasonable.

Although it seems a bit exaggerated, these concepts are extremely important in this vast universe.

In other words, these concepts are the foundation of the universe.

It is precisely the different concepts one after another that maintains the balance of the universe.

Although content about them appeared in the picture, the specific images did not appear.

Thinking of this situation, viewers from different worlds discussed on the barrage

【Kiana: Hey~ This Star God appeared so many times in one breath. He looks quite strong, but the concept feels very abstract. The most important thing is that there is no photo.】

【Bronya: Indeed, what’s the use of just reading the content? You have to look at the photos to correspond to the person.】

【Raiden Mei: Without photos, they can’t have a deep impression.】

【Velvet: Yes! I want to see photos】

【Alicia: Hmm~ It seems that everyone has the same idea as me.】

【Xingqiong Jizi: Sorry, these star gods have already fallen, so... there are no photos of them】

【Mebius: The Star God fell?】

【Otto: That's good news.】

【Aha: It’s really a pity that I didn’t play with them and bring them happiness before they died.】

【Kiana:...Uh, are you sure it's just for fun? Rather than unilaterally fooling them?】

【Velvet: Seriously doubtful】

【Alicia: The angle of your regret is so strange~】

【Bronya: He wants to build his happiness on others! 】.

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