【Memory Star God Fuli】

【There is no existence in the world that is more tolerant than pure memory: it records everything without disgust or preference; it selflessly retains every basic fact and every beautiful gesture; it is a river formed by the continuous life, and it is eternal. Treasures made of wisdom】

【——The Fuli is a school of fish that swims back and is also the key to the treasure house. He sat in meditation in the center of the Pure Land, watching everything in the world tirelessly repeat its mistakes. Legend has it that after everything returns to its ultimate silence, Fuli will use the memory of the universe as a blueprint to resurrect all realms. ]

And this time the Star God appeared, and he represented the concept of [memory].

From a certain perspective, memory may be equivalent to recording.

Therefore, in this vast universe, he can record everything that is born or happens.

Judging from this aspect, such a star god should be quite important to this vast universe.

Moreover, the most important thing is not only this, this powerful memory star god can even restore everything that has disappeared by relying on his own memory.

For example, if the universe is destroyed, then he can restore the destroyed universe according to everything in his memory.

This is one of the reasons why he is so powerful.

Because his power is too special, too powerful, and unique.

This shows that he is very important to the entire universe.

Following that pleasant voice, after introducing the general content of Memory Star God.

Audiences from different worlds also expressed their surprise and emotion on the barrage.

After all, this Memory Star God is more interesting than they imagined.

The importance of this Memory Star God also shocked the audience.

【Kiana: Wow~ Such a star god is worth having. If I can follow his destiny, can I remember all the difficult-to-remember knowledge points in the textbook?】

【Brony713ya: Paramecium, don’t try to take shortcuts!】

【Raiden Meiyi: The authority of this star god does have this function, but is it too wasteful for you to use it to memorize knowledge points in textbooks?】

【Bronya: And memory is only one of the powers of this star god. His real function is to record everything that happens in the universe.】

【Xingdian March 7: He is really a cool being. I also need this kind of memory】

【Sister Xing: You think too much】

【Dr. Mei: This star god looks really good. He can record all the traces in the universe. That also means that he probably knows the origin and all the secrets of the universe.】

【Mebius: In front of him, perhaps any cover is gone】

【Otto: Recalling the previous Star Gods, I suddenly felt that they all seemed a little childish in front of him.】

【Kevin: Exploring the unknown and unlocking secrets, all of this does seem a little bit in front of the Memory Star God.……】

【Heita: Well, it’s a bit ironic, but that’s the fact before us】

【Otto: What makes me curious is that if the universe dies, can he really restore the entire universe with his memory?】

【Xingqiong Jizi: All this is just our speculation. Maybe this Memory Star God really has this power. However, these are just legends. As for whether he can realize it, there is too little relevant information and we have no way to study it.】

【Dr. Mei: Maybe it’s because your universe has not experienced destruction.】

【Xingqiong Jizi: Well, this is one of the reasons】

【Alicia: Oops~ Why does it get more complicated the more you talk about it?~】

【Kiana: Hey, what kind of concepts will the (bgdj) Star God who appears next have?】

【Velvet: Hmm~ Maybe it will bring us another surprise】

【Starry Sky March 7: Looking forward to it】

【Padofyllis: Curious. ]

The audience was shocked by the power and status of [Memory Star God].

After all, when the universe is destroyed, he can directly restore the universe with the memory plate. Such an ability may not be possible even in the Void Star Vault.

He is truly unique in this universe.

Although all this is just a legend, it does not prevent people from trusting him. After all, legends cannot be groundless.

Outside the light curtain, in an office at Tianming Headquarters.

Looking at the comments in the barrage, Otto was leaning against the sofa at this time, with his cold eyes reflected in the scene.

He was somewhat interested in the Memory Star God.

After all, according to the star god's description, the fact that he can restore the universe is enough to shock people.

Moreover, the story introduction this time not only emphasizes his power, but also puts forward the special nature of his status.

His existence is very important to the universe.

Everything that happens in the universe is recorded by him.

Just relying on this, his position has become untouchable.

And creation is more difficult than destruction. It couldn't be easier to destroy something.

But to create something, it takes ten times more energy and strength.

But he can directly restore the entire universe by relying on the memory blueprint.

Although it is a legend, from this aspect, he does not seem to be a fuel-efficient lamp.

So compared to the powerful [Happy Star God] and [Void Star God], he seems to be more special.

Even in Otto's eyes, his status is no weaker than the other two star gods.

There are throwback videos.

After the content about the Memory Star God ended, his picture gradually became transparent and finally disappeared from the screen.

And the background of the picture returns to the vast starry sky.

At this time, it also means that another Star God is about to appear. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Just when the audience was concentrating and staring at the screen, an accident happened.

Because the picture of this star god did not appear on the screen.

Then, there was a thick black fog. It directly enveloped the entire starry sky.

As darkness spreads, the entire picture becomes pitch black.

Looking at this scene, the audience has reason to suspect that this time the Star God may be just like the pioneering Star God before, he likes to use other things to represent his image.

And in this dark picture, that ethereal voice came slowly, and she began to introduce the star god who appeared to the audience.

【the end king】

【Creatures that go against the time, ghosts that travel through the universe as Star Gods in charge of their final destiny, murmuring prophecies that will surely come true.】

【The admirers of the Last King devote themselves to interpreting the prophecies of the end of the world from the Last King's unclear words, waiting for a once-in-a-lifetime encounter. 】

That’s right!

The Star God who appears this time represents [the end].

It can also be understood as the [end] at the end of the universe.

This word does not sound like a good word, after all, the end can represent the end of the world, and it can also represent the end of the world.

Perhaps this is why his pictures are pitch black.

Because when the universe comes to an end, everything will return to nothingness[]

And nothingness is pitch black.

So the dark picture in front of him can represent his concept very well.

But what is strange is that although he represents the"end", he is not the one who brings the"end" to the universe.

Because he can only predict the time when [the end] will appear.

The eyes of the audience outside the light screen immediately showed full interest after seeing the Star God in front of them.

As a result, the audience started discussing enthusiastically on the barrage

【Kiana: Hey~ It’s so interesting. When this Star God appears, the aura and concept emanating from his body give people an ominous feeling. I thought he was the one who brought the"end" to the universe, but it turned out that he could only predict the"end".】

【Star March 7: Yeah, his concept of representation is too easy for people to misunderstand.】

【Velvet: I almost thought wrong too】

【Padofelis: Fortunately, the background was explained clearly later, otherwise we would really think that he would bring the end of the universe.】

【Raiden Mei: However, since the only thing he can do is prophecy, it means that there is someone else who can truly bring the end of the universe.】

【Teresa: So, who could it be?】

【Wuliangta Jizi: This is indeed curious.】

【Bronya: To destroy the universe, it is a simple matter for the Void Star God; for the Happy Star God, he can create unlimited trouble for"fun". Perhaps the person who brings the end of the universe is one of them】

【Otto: Well, as expected of Bronya, you got the answer so quickly】

【Dr. Mei: Well, that’s what I thought. After all, only these two people have the motive to destroy the universe.】

【Aha: You are framing me again. Having climbed the Tree of Existence, I have already seen through the nature of the universe."Destroy the universe"? I won't do such a boring thing】

【Black Tower: The Star God of Joy will indeed not do such boring things】

【Otto: But the prophecy of the Star God of the End cannot be groundless. In addition, the previous"Guardian Star God" also said one thing, the"big enemy" is about to attack. So these two things may be related.】

【Xingqiong Jizi: Yes, but there is no actual evidence, so we can’t confirm it.】

【Star Vault Walter: He is indeed a great inventor. This analytical ability is indeed terrifying.】

【Otto: Average】

【Black Tower: Things will happen again. Everything is just a guess, so we have no way of knowing the answer.】

【Kiana: Wow, Star Gods appear one after another, and the concepts they represent are becoming more and more interesting. Which Star God will appear next?】

【Xingqiong Danheng: I’m curious too. 】

Every time before the next Star God appears on the stage, audiences from different worlds will start heated discussions.

Outside the light curtain, in the girls' dormitory of St. Freya College.

For the star god who is about to appear, the"Yu San Family" are full of expectations.

After all, the content brought by each Star God is very interesting..

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