Kiana crossed her arms and stared straight at the screen with her big round eyes.

I’m curious~ Which Star God will appear next? ?

Wouldn’t his concept be interesting?

And is his appearance as weird as the Void Star God?

Because every time a video ends, there will be a gap period.

During this period, Kiana began to imagine the appearance of the next Star God in her mind.

Compared to the excited Kiana, Bronya and Raiden Meiyi seemed too calm.

They sat on the bench and stared at the video indifferently.

Because for them, every Star God has its own special features.

Either the power is great, or the concept is special.

So no matter which star god it is, they are looking forward to it.

Outside the light curtain, the audience's eyes returned to the video.

When the story content of [Final Star God] ends.

The pitch-black thick fog also gradually dispersed.

The vast and boundless universe has regained its dazzling brilliance.

Gradually, the figure of the next Star God appeared on the screen.

However, the way he appeared was also different.

Other star gods either appear in their entire bodies or use other items to replace their own concepts.

But the star god in front of him only left the audience with a back view.

No, it should be a dark silhouette!

You can't see the whole thing at all, you can just see a rough outline.

It looks... like a dragon! ? And it still looks like an ancient oriental dragon.

Even if there is only a silhouette, the powerful momentum and magnificent spirit are enough to shock the audience outside the screen.

Moreover, this is not only a powerful coercion.

Through the video, the audience can also feel the mysterious and ancient atmosphere.

As if through that outline, the ancient Eastern dragon was tumbling in their minds, swallowing clouds and mist.

Outside the light curtain, look at the silhouette of the Star God.

The audience outside the screen started a heated discussion again

【Kiana: It feels so special, he looks like a dragon! But the sense of oppression is stronger than that of the previous Star Gods, and the ancient charm seems to be overflowing from the video.】

【Raiden Meiyi: Well, through the silhouette, we can indeed see his previous posture. It seems to be the Canglong that already existed in the prehistoric period.】

【Bronya: Sure enough, every star god has his or her own special features】

【Otto: But the question is, why does this Star God only show a silhouette?】

【Kiana: Yes~ Why is there only a silhouette, or has no one seen his true form?】

【Xingqiong Danheng: That’s not the case. Because he has already died, there are no photos of him.】

【Kiana: Oh, I understand. Compared with the fallen Star Gods before, he has a silhouette, which is not bad.】

【Velvet: Huh? Already fallen?】

【Jingyuan: Well, that’s true】

【Dr. Mei: How did the ancient Canglong fall? Could it be said that he was swallowed by other star gods?】

【Star Walter:...Well, the way he fell was more special.】

【Xingqiong Danheng: Well, very special】

【Otto: In that case, what concept does he represent?】

【Xingqiong Danheng: This... let's leave it to the video to explain. After all, I can't answer this question. 】

The people in the Star World have turned on the Riddler mode, but the more they act like this, the more curious the audience of the Honkai Impact Three Worlds becomes.

Returning to the video, through that silhouette, viewers from different worlds can feel the strong cologne atmosphere.

It seems as if it has already existed in prehistoric times.

And the absolute pressure also made the audience outside the screen hold their breath and not dare to slack off in the slightest.

Suddenly, that ethereal voice came again, and she gently introduced to the audience the story behind this star god.

【Immortal Star Dragon】

【He rules over the immortal ancient star god. In the past, it often appeared in the form of a giant dragon, leaving traces in the legends of countless civilizations.】

【He left behind a large number of dragon descendants, most of whom now live in the Immortal Boat Alliance and are called the Vidyadhara clan.】

【The symbol of immortality inevitably inevitably decays in the end. The legend lives on, but the real dragon is gone. 】

That’s right!

The concept he represents is also so different.

And this [immortality] is its concept.

But it is a pity that his concept is"immortality", but the Star God with such a concept has ushered in his own end? ?

It sounds extremely ironic.

The audience outside the screen were also confused after hearing the introduction of [Immortal Star God].

Doesn’t he represent immortality? How could it fall?

So what's going on?

And the sentence"The legend still exists, but the real dragon has passed away" is hard to understand no matter how you look at it.

It feels very abnormal.

For a moment, the barrage outside the screen became lively again.

And the viewers of Star World and Honkai Impact World have all kinds of weird conjectures in their hearts.

【Kiana: Uh, why is it so weird? Isn't he the Immortal Star God? How could he fall?】

【Bronya: Well, it’s completely inconsistent with the concept he has now】

【Raiden Meiyi: Ahem, it’s indeed a bit strange.】

【Alicia: So...what is going on?】

【Velvet: Just now, I also wanted to ask this question. After all, the concept of Star God is completely different from the story. Why does it look weird?】

【Mebius: However, since he is a Star God, he actually left his own descendants, while other Star Gods did not do this.】

【Dr. May: He seems to be even more special than other Star Gods】

【Star Vault, March 7: Moreover, the descendants left behind by this special star god are the Vidyadhara clan, and they are all in the immortal boat.】

【Sister Xing: I remember Dan Heng is from the Vidyadhara clan. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Starry March 7: Yeah, yeah】

【Xingqiong Jizi: How did you react?】

【Otto: However, our core should not be to explore why the Immortal Star Dome fell? Was he swallowed by other star gods, or was he……】

【Kiana: The situation does seem very strange. He has the word"immortality" in his concept, but such a star god will eventually fall. How strange!】

【Mebius: I'm thinking about this too, it seems so weird】

【Xingqiong Danheng: Well... we actually don't understand this question, but the only thing we can be sure of is that the"Immortal Star God" has indeed fallen, and it was not devoured by other star gods.】

【Mebius: That sounds quite ironic now. Since we are the"Immortal Star God" and have not been swallowed up by other stars, but have fallen for no reason, this is not as good as our"rebirth and immortality"."】

【Xingqiong Danheng:"Rebirth"、""Immortal", in fact, we, the Vidyadhara clan, can also achieve this step. But the method is different. We can rejuvenate ourselves through"reincarnation". In this process, although we will lose our memory and strength, from some perspectives, It can indeed be regarded as"immortal""】

【Wuliangta Jizi:"Reincarnation"、""Rejuvenating one's youth" is a good ability.】

【Teresa: Yeah, in a way, immortality has indeed been achieved.】

【Velvet: Such an ability is so interesting. 】

At this moment, the people in the Three Worlds of Collapse are all surprised that the"immortal" Star God will eventually fall, and how he falls has no way of knowing until now.

Such an"immortal star god" really gives people a sense of mystery.

It should be said that everything he experienced in the end was completely opposite to his concept.[]

Moreover, this form is the only one among the 18 Star Gods.

Therefore, his existence, concepts, and abilities are really full of irony when put together with the word"immortality"!

After all, the audience has no idea how he fell.

It's no wonder that people in the Star World say that he is special.

Now that I see it, it is indeed special, and special to the extreme.

But on the other side of the light curtain.

St. Freya Academy, in Valkyrie's dormitory.

Everyone also had different views on the Star God this time.

Especially Kiana, her heart was shocked when she thought that this"Immortal Star God" had fallen.

Just like what she said on the barrage, since she is"immortal", how can she possibly perish?

This is completely inconsistent with the concept he has!

So the whole story seems to give people only two words:"weird".

But now it seems that the content about this Star God is completely over, so Kiana is still full of expectations for which Star God will appear next.

As for the issue left behind by the previous Star God, let it drift away with the wind.

After all, even people in the Star World do itHow could she understand the problem?

Kiana lay on the bed, supported her chin with her hands, and muttered:"Oh, it's so difficult!"

"This question leaves people scratching their heads"

"However, even the people in the Star World couldn’t figure it out and just told me."

Speaking of this, she sighed deeply again

"Oh, forget it, forget it, I'm still looking forward to the next video."

Hearing Kiana's words, Raiden Meiyi pursed her lips and chuckled.

As for Bronya, who was sitting opposite Kiana, she was already used to this kind of thing.

After all, Kiana doesn't complain, then Not Kiana herself.

So under such circumstances, it is inevitable for Kiana to complain.

Moreover, the question of"Immortal Star God" staying in the end is not only curious to Kiana, but also all the viewers of the Honkai Impact Three Worlds. Very curious about this answer

"How did the"Immortal Star God" die?

After all, the background of the story is completely inconsistent with the concept he had.

"Shouldn't the word"immortality" mean to make it last forever?

Thinking about it, the three people soon focused their attention on the video.

Looking forward to the next mountain of stories.

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