Back to the video.

The screen went black and bright.

A new video appeared on the screen.

At this moment, in that lively street, people were coming and going.

But at the very front of the camera, there is a girl with her back to everyone.

Her long purple hair, purple clothes, and even the casing of her weapon are all purple and white.

It looks elegant and beautiful.

When the camera slowly moved forward, her tall back was perfectly displayed.

However, the audience of Honkai Impact Three Worlds had different feelings after seeing this scene.

Because the back figure in front of them gave them a very familiar feeling.

It was as if he completely overlapped with someone.

So, what is going on!

For a moment, the audience outside the light curtain were dumbfounded.

Especially the audience of Honkai Impact Three Worlds. They tried hard to observe the person in front of them, but no matter how they looked, they found that she was very similar to that person.

If the imagination were bigger, everyone would seriously doubt that she was her.

But as for whether the result is positive or not, everyone is not sure.

So on the barrage, people from different worlds started a heated discussion

【Star Vault March 7: So who could she be?】

【Sister Xing: Curious."Two hundred thirty-three"】

【Padofelis: Uh...why does it feel familiar? Who is it?】

【Velvet: Hahaha, I know who it is】

【Eden: Looks like someone?】

【Alicia: Hmm~ She looks really similar to her】

【Kiana: No, no, no! I seriously doubt that they are the same person. How can two different people in this world look so similar from back?】

【Teresa: Ahem, actually...there are indeed many people in the world who look alike from the back.】

【Wuliangta Jizi: Well, this is a fact】

【Bronya: No matter from which angle you look at it, they do look a lot like the same person.】

【Kiana: I believe they are the same person. The color of their hair, the clothes they are wearing, and the accessories of their weapons are obviously what she usually wears.】

【Xingqiong March 7: So, who is the"she" you are talking about?】

【Sister Xing: Tsk!】

【Star Walter: I think I already have the answer】

【Siegfried: What are you talking about? Why do you feel like you can't keep up with your thinking?】

【Otto: Interesting】

【Star Vault March 7: So who does"she" refer to?】

【Sister Xing: Huh, I probably know who you are referring to.】

【Xingqiong Jizi: Yes, it does look very similar to her back.】

【Starry March 7: What! Am I the only one who doesn’t know?】

【Siegfried: Why are everyone pretending to be charming?】

【Kiana: Dad, haven’t you guessed it yet? The answer is very close! 】

On the other side beyond the light curtain, in the conference room of the Fire Chaser Moth from the pre-civilization era.

Everyone was reunited. Although they already had the answer in their hearts, they were actually not sure about this answer.

Because the reality given by the video was only a back view, and Zhong Yingjie didn't know much about the colors and accessories on her body.

According to the content on the barrage, Mebius also came up with her answer,"It seems that it may be Raiden Mei."

Dr. Mei:"Well, after all, even her closest friend Kiana designated her.."

One of Velvet's personalities appeared. She put her hands on her hips and stared at the video excitedly.

"Hehe, I guess it’s her! After all, besides her, who else would have such equipment."

And at this moment, Alicia's sweet voice came slowly.

"The moment I saw her back, I guessed it was her"

"But what is the purpose of Mei Yi appearing here~"

Eden:"Keep reading, the answer will be revealed at the end of the story."

As soon as the words fell, everyone's eyes focused on the video.

Amid the audience's expectations, the video continued to play.

At this moment, a clear female voice came,"Welcome to Pinoconi, Miss , may I ask what your name is."

As this voice appeared, the camera slowly came to her front.

Purple and white intersected, and the tailoring of the clothes was elegant yet sexy.

Seeing this, the viewers of Honkai Impact III were confused. After all, Mei had Have you ever seen such a piece of clothing? How come they have no impression at all.

Especially Kiana, her eyes widened with disbelief on her face.

After all, she knew very well that Mei did not have such a piece of clothing.

In the audience When they were confused, the camera slowly moved up.

Then, the purple hair, purple pupils, snow-white skin, and that familiar face made the Honkai Impact III audience very sure that she was Raiden. Mei.

But the next second, the words she spoke made the audience's joyous mood fall to the bottom.

Her voice was particularly plain,"Guide Ranger, Huang Quan."

At this moment, some details that had been forgotten by the audience surfaced.

Raiden Meiyi had never had such a hairstyle. Half of her face was covered by her hair, only one eye was exposed.

And the cold eyes, alienated Her temperament makes it even more difficult to figure out what she is thinking at the moment.

And the name she said makes people even more confused.

Is she really Raiden Mei?

Where is this Pinoconi? How did they do it? Never heard of it?

Outside the light screen, watching the content in front of them, the people in Honkai Impact 3 were silent.

The person in the video did look exactly like Raiden Mei, but her appearance seemed to have changed.

And even The names have all changed.

After all, Raiden Mei is not a person who changes her name at will. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Therefore, Huang Quan is very likely to be her real name.

But no matter how you look at it , she does look exactly like Raiden Mei, and her temperament is also very similar.

And the viewers of Star World are also particularly confused.

Because the [Pinoconi] that appears in the video comes from their country world.

A planet known as the star of the event, Pinoconi is the largest playground in the universe.

So how can people from another world appear in their world.

At this moment, in the barrage, everyone People around the world have begun heated discussions again

【Kiana: Weird! How strange! She obviously looks exactly like Mei, but I don’t feel like she looks like Mei】

【Bronya: It feels really weird. They have the same face, but different hairstyles, but the temperament is also the same.】

【Fu Hua: It’s her, but it’s not like her】

【Alicia: Hey~ How could this happen? ? She is not Raiden Mei】

【Gratitude: But, she looks exactly like Sister Mei】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Hiss... Weird!】

【Xingqiong March 7: It turns out that the"she" you are talking about refers to Raiden Meiyi!】

【Siegfried: How in this world can two people look exactly the same?.......】[]

【Star Sister: Is it possible that it’s not the same world?】

【Kiana: Huh? What's the meaning?】

【Bronya: Paramecium, what a fool】

【Mei Raiden: What she means is that it could be me in parallel time and space.】

【Star Vault March 7: Oh~ I remembered, isn’t this Pinocchio the biggest playground in our world? No wonderIt sounded familiar to me just now】

【Mebius: Playground?】

【Kafka: Well, Pinoconi is the greatest playground in the universe.】

【Kiana: So... Raiden Mei went to your world?】

【Alto: Interesting, are the two worlds interconnected?】

【Dr. Mei: It's possible, but it's also possible that it's the reincarnated Raiden Mei. ]

Listening to everyone's discussion, Kiana's mind was in confusion.

So is it Mei?

Kiana feels like she looks like Mei, but not Mei?

Kiana stared at the video with complicated eyes, feeling particularly conflicted inside.

Because of that face, she was in a trance, as if she had seen Mei Yi in another world.

And she had never heard of the name Pinoconi. But on March 7, they said that Pinoconi was their biggest playground.

So did Mei travel to the world of Starry Sky?

Outside the light curtain, in an office at Tianming Headquarters.

The bright sunshine shone on the ground, a breeze came, and the man slowly opened his eyes.

The black eyelashes trembled slightly, and the deep pupils reflected the picture.

I originally thought that the two worlds were not connected to each other, but what happened now broke Otto's previous thoughts.

The imperial bow pierced the sky, absorbing the power of imaginary numbers to truly become the Star God.

The Happy Star God climbed the World Tree, also known as the Tree of Imaginary Numbers. The moment he climbed to the top, he understood the truth of the world and was promoted to the Star God.

Originally, he thought that the two worlds were not connected to each other. After the story of Happy Star God 4.2, he might be able to be promoted to Star God in his own world.

But this process may be very difficult.

It may even be more difficult than any Star God's upgrade.

After all, there is no Star God or destiny in their world.

If he could go to another world where there were many Star Gods, it would definitely be easier for him.

With the audience's expectations, Linn began to introduce the next content

"She is the 69th descendant of the Kaslana family!"

"The strongest Honkai warrior who has the blood of both Kaslana and Shaniyat families!"

"The Great Collapse is coming, and the furnace containing the core of the Second Herrscher is activated......."

"The Herrscher Core on the Moonlight Throne merges with the Herrscher Core in the Dogma Zone of St. Freya Academy!"

"The Second Herrscher Siren tried to resurrect with Kiana as her body!"

"After learning the final truth, Kiana collapsed emotionally, and the Honkai energy in her body broke out uncontrollably. Coupled with the influence of the second Herrscher core, she finally transformed into a Herrscher!"

"The Great Collapse is coming, and the vitality of the world is isolated in this collapse, and will eventually be inevitably destroyed!"

Hearing these contents introduced by Lin En, the audience blinked and immediately started the discussion mode.

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