Having said this, audiences in both Star World and Honkai Impact World are full of expectations for the follow-up of this story.

They all want to know, what is the relationship between Kiana and the Herrscher of the Sky in this world?

Why in that world, Kiana behaves so ordinary, and the aura in her body looks strange.

In the return video, the scene continues to play.

After hearing Theresa's almost trembling voice, Kiana tilted her head and showed a puzzled expression.

I really don’t understand why Theresa asked this question.

However, since Theresa asked, she must give an answer.

So, at this moment, Kiana raised her eyes and opened her full red lips slightly

"That's right~ In a deserted space, there was a little girl who looked very lonely, waiting for her mother.

I promised her that I would take her to find her mother with me. Anyway, I had to look for my hateful dad."

The audience outside the screen, after hearing Kiana's words, were even more confused about the situation.

The development of this plot is getting more and more strange.

Kiana is looking for her father, and this Herrscher of the Sky Want to find her mother?

And Kiana actually agreed to the Herrscher of the Sky to help her find her mother?

What is this situation? It’s so strange?

In that world, the Herrscher of the Sky didn’t fall?

Moreover, after becoming the Herrscher After becoming a Herrscher, he still has to look for his mother?

How the story goes is becoming more and more confusing to the audience.

After all, people who become Herrschers are basically in despair, or have completely lost hope of living.

How could such a child search for his mother?

The most outrageous thing is that Kiana actually believed this reason, and even threatened that she would search with the other party, and also search for her father. Contact the content of the story, such a dialogue , it’s not easy to see.

Of course, accidents always happen when we are caught off guard.

Just after Kiana finished speaking,"Boom!"

A loud noise appeared, and then, the weird collapse energy appeared.

In an instant, the ground shook, and golden and purple power coiled around Kiana.

Seeing this scene, Raiden Meiyi immediately realized the situation No.

As the person who cares and cares about Kiana the most.

Regardless of the danger, she stepped forward when she caught a cold.

"Kiana, what’s wrong with you! ?"

Facing Leiden Meiyi's question, Kiana herself couldn't figure it out.

Because she didn't know what happened to her body.

At this moment, she only felt very painful, and the bones in her body felt like they were being beaten. Interruption and reconnection.

This kind of pain is unbearable for her.

And the Honkai energy in her body is expanding crazily in the weirdest way, and the speed of increase is even more surprising.

What is happening to her?

Why ? , she had to endure such pain.

The sudden situation also caught everyone off guard.

Especially Bronya, her brows were furrowed, but at this moment, she tried hard to calm down her emotions and calm herself down.

The more this happened , When the time came, she couldn't panic any more.

After a while, she had the answer:

"A violent flow of Honkai energy was detected, and the Honkai energy in the core area was condensing.

This is emanating from Kiana's body......The energy of the Herrscher's core.....~."

That's right!

This powerful collapse broke out from Kiana's body.

As for why Kiana's body burst out with such terrifying power.

The audience still doesn't know the answer.

But after seeing this incident, new questions formed outside the screen and in the minds of the audience.

What's the matter?

Why Kiana's body exploded with such exaggerated Honkai energy, and even the speed at which the collapse energy increased, was particularly strange.

What happened to that world?

With doubts, viewers from different worlds expressed their opinions on the barrage.

【Alicia: Sure enough, that world is the same as ours, and Kiana will become the Herrscher of the Sky. And the Honkai energy that exploded in her body obviously belonged to the Herrscher of the Sky.……】

【Kiana: Strange? In the second world of Honkai Impact, I didn't seem to know that I was the Herrscher of the Sky. It could even be said that I knew nothing about everything in front of me. Moreover, the power within the body was completely out of control at this moment.】

【Teresa: She looks in pain!】

【Siegfried: Alas, they are all my children. How come they have to suffer such pain in another world?】

【Cecilia: No matter which world I am in, I don’t seem to be by their side. I am an unfit mother.】

【Kiana: Mom, I don’t blame you】

【Youlandel: Don’t blame yourself】

【Otto: Interesting】

【Dr. Mei: I’m afraid things are not that simple, because the Honkai energy erupted in Kiana’s body is probably far beyond the……】

【Kevin: Well, her strength has increased very quickly. I’m afraid she will catch up with Wendy in that world before too long.】

【Alicia: Alas~ the further you get to the back, the more uncontrollable the situation becomes.】

【Mebius: If this continues, she may really become the"Herrscher of the End""】

【Kiana: How could this happen? Am I really going to be the culprit that destroys the world?】

【Raiden Meiyi: Alas】

【Bronya: Judging from the current situation, Theresa can no longer stop it. 】

Looking at the content of the story, most viewers have already guessed what follows.

It seems that Kiana is very likely to be the continuation of the Herrscher of the Sky's life.

In other words, she is not the main personality. When she comes into contact with the real main personality.

Something inside the body began to wake up.

And her previous emotions activated the power of another personality in an instant. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Now, the Honkai energy she possesses is on the verge of going berserk.

Her emotions are the source of her strength. The greater her mood swings, the faster her strength grows.

That's a negative emotion, and it's enough to subvert everything.

Outside the light curtain, in an office at Tianming Headquarters.

But when I entered the office, my vision was dim.

The man was leaning on the sofa with a gentle expression, but there was indifference hidden in his eyes.

After seeing Kiana in the collapsing world, her power gradually went berserk.

The expression on Otto's face changed immediately.

This story is really interesting.

What will happen when the Honkai in Kiana's body completely goes berserk?

There will also be questions about what kind of posture the"Herrscher of the End" will have in that world.

As for whether the world will collapse after the arrival of the"Herrscher of the End", this is not within Otto's consideration.

He was too lazy to care about the final result.

Now he just wants to know how strong the"Herrscher of the End" transformed by Kiana is! []

Compared with the"Herrscher of the End" in their world, which one is stronger?

With these curiosity, Otto's eyes fell on the video again.

On the other side of the light curtain, in the girls' dormitory of St. Freya College.

The girls' eyes were fixed on the screen. And the worry almost overflowed from his eyes.

As Valkyrie, how could they not know Kiana's current condition.

There was something obviously wrong with the Honkai energy in Kiana's body.

This rate of growth indicates that she may go berserk at any time, and perhaps something terrible will happen in the next second.

And this bad premonition became stronger and stronger in everyone's hearts.

They couldn't wait to rush into the video immediately to stop all this.

But I can only think about this matter in my mind.

Kiana leaned against the pillow aggrievedly,"What happened to me in that world! Why did such a thing happen? Is this wrong?"

Bronya:"Judging from the current situation, in that world The Herrscher of the Sky is probably not a positive character. For example, she may be the main personality of the body, and Kiana is the secondary personality."

Mei Raiden:"If this is the case, when the two personalities meet, then this The secondary personality at that time will most likely be taken away and transformed into the Herrscher."

Fu Hua:"And the reincarnated Herrscher may not be that simple."

At this moment, everyone did not continue to do it.

Because they can make a rough guess about the outcome.

Thinking about that situation, everyone fell silent.

Back to the video, the scene continues to play.

Raiden Mei's voice kept coming, but Kiana didn't have the energy to care about other things.

She is in pain!

That powerful force seemed to tear her apart!

And her body was like a cage, and that power was trapped in her cage.

At this moment, it wanted to get out, hitting the cage with all its strength, and kept erupting inside her body.

Kiana didn't even know what happened, she could only grit her teeth and endure the pain desperately. pain!

It hurts!

She (Li's Hao) seems to be dying.

Kiana lowered her head and let out a painful scream.

"Woo woo......What is this......My body feels so uncomfortable!"

She looked at everyone in despair, but no one could help her at this time.

Because people didn't know what happened, they could only look at Kiana in confusion.

As for what Kiana is doing now No one knows the pain she endured.

And Theresa, who knew the secret, had dilated pupils and stared at Kiana in disbelief, and then said her guess,"The Second Herrscher, could it be that she is the same as Kiana?" Combines?"

"This, how is this possible!! ?"

In fact, from the beginning, she knew that the Herrscher of the Sky was another Kiana.

However, she chose to conceal the matter.

But it was precisely because she knew the truth that when she heard Kiana say that she had met the second She was so worried after the Herrscher. When two people meet, the consequences can be imagined.

But the situation now presented is more critical than Theresa imagined.

It is obvious that the Second Herrscher is using Fusion with Kiana as quickly as possible.

Just when everyone was panicking and unable to do anything, only Cocolia on the side reacted.

She looked crazy and said excitedly:

"Can this girl carry the power of the Herrscher's core?..... etc!!!

Is your father's name Siegfried? Sun?".

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