After all, there will not be another person in this world who can possess this kind of power.

At this moment, Cocolia was more certain of Kiana's true identity.

At this moment, Kiana was in pain all over her body, her bones seemed to have been broken, her eyes were bloodshot, and her face was extremely pale.

But when she heard the three words"Siegfried", Kiana's expression suddenly changed.

Holding back the severe pain and gritting her teeth, Kiana slowly asked in a hoarse voice:"How do you know?"

Since she knew, her father was Siegfried.

That also means that the other party must also know something about Siegfried.

Kiana opened her pupils wide, enduring the pain, and wanted to hear the other party's answer.

Unfortunately, the answer she wanted might not be as good as she imagined.

Looking at Kiana in front of her, Cocolia laughed wildly with excitement.

"Hahahaha, it turns out everything is operating under God’s will"

"Kiana, you don’t have to look for your father anymore"

"Because Siegfried him……"

Speaking of this, Cocolia's eyes were fixed on Kiana's expression.

She knows very well that the final answer may very well be her own Kiana, and may even lead to irreversible results.

But isn't this what she wants?

The corners of Cocolia's mouth couldn't help but rise.

But at this moment, Theresa's urgent voice came

"Don't tell him!!"

The final truth is very likely to excite Kiana, and everything will be late by then.

No one can stop everything in the end.

Outside the screen, watching the scene in front of them, the audience from different worlds also noticed something was wrong. After all , Kiana asked only for news about her father, but Theresa tried desperately to prevent Cocolia from answering.

Obviously, the final answer may not be as good as everyone imagined.

Even for those who have been searching hard 230For father Kiana, it is hell

【Bronya: No matter which world we are in, this guy Cocolia is so bad.】

【Star Vault Walter: Tsk! She made a mess of reverse entropy while I was away】

【Otto: Gee, I probably know the answer. I didn’t expect Siegfried to be so miserable in another world.】

【Cecilia: I have a bad premonition in my heart, and this premonition is getting stronger and stronger.】

【Siegfried: Alas, fate】

【Theresa: Well, I also have a bad feeling】

【Mebius: Originally, after meeting the Herrscher of the Sky, the Honkai energy in Kiana's body had completely gone berserk. If we encounter another emotional shock, I am afraid that no one can stop what will happen next.】

【Dr. Mei: It will directly lose control.】

【Alicia: After being hit, she will lose her mind and completely collapse】

【Kevin: If this is the result, then the situation is still controllable, but is it really that simple? I feel like I'm not just rampaging……】

【Kiana: What happened to dad? Nothing will happen to him, right? In a collapsing world, can I really just go on like this? What will I become by then?】

【Raiden Mei: Don’t be afraid】

【Bronya: It seems things are not going well for the paramecia in that world. ]

Judging from the current situation, the final answer may not be very good.

So at this time, viewers from different worlds did not want Cocolia to tell the final result.

Because everyone knows that Kiana is already on the verge of collapse. Once she knows the truth, the Honkai energy bursting out in her body may completely explode.

In addition, she is currently in the critical stage of merging with the Second Herrscher.

If the emotions are breaking down, the end result...

Back to video, footage continues.

Although Theresa tried her best to stop her, how could Cocolia listen to her?

Cocolia glared at Theresa arrogantly, and then told Kiana the cruel truth in the loudest voice

"He is dead!!"

As soon as the words fell, Cocolia seemed to have succeeded in her conspiracy, and the smile on her face became even brighter.

But this fact is so cruel to Kiana, who has been looking for her father for many years.

It should be said that this sentence , directly pulled Kiana into hell.

Seeing Kiana's painful and collapsed expression, Cocolia smiled happily.

Cocolia couldn't feel her evil deeds at all.

She even felt that she had helped Qiana Yana.

She was really happy. In order to continue to stimulate Kiana, Cocolia continued:

"Ha, ha, ha, she is indeed an ignorant girl. According to the anti-entropy information, Siegfried was already dead in 2012.

The cause of death was the incident involving the body's rampage when Destiny was chasing the Herrscher's body.

It seems that the so-called Herrscher's body is this girl!"

This truth is even more cruel and full of irony.

This is tantamount to telling Kiana that the culprit who caused her father's death was herself.

What an irony and painful truth this is.

Kiya The father that Na tried her best to find had died in 21 years ago because of her.

She was the final perpetrator!

She killed her biological father!


Kiana screamed in despair, she I don’t want to believe this fact.

It turns out that she is the body of the Second Herrscher!

The audience outside the screen is staring at the video.

The situation they least want to see is ultimately Huawei’s reality.

Kiana’s emotions have already The collapse reached the extreme.

And the Honkai energy in her body increased faster and faster, even making people around her feel suffocated. The final outcome was already obvious.

At that time, Kiana will become the ultimate""The Herrscher of the End".

In this situation where her emotions collapse and the collapse energy goes out of control, she will become the creator of disaster. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

That powerful collapse energy, Enough to destroy the entire planet.

The Herrscher of the End, who is immortal and transcends reincarnation, has arrived!

【Siegfried: This, this, this is not in line with common sense. In the world of Honkai Impact II, I am actually (cfce) dead? Or is it because of the death of her daughter? ?】

【Cecilia: The truth is too cruel】

【Theresa: No one is willing to accept such a result. In that world, why is it so cruel to Kiana?】

【Raiden Meiyi: It feels like all this is controlled by someone... It's too dramatic, too……】

【Bronya: Sister Ping has the will of a paramecium. She simply cannot withstand such a blow. The collapse in her body can get out of control and her emotions collapse. I can even imagine the final result.】

【Kiana: How could I in that world accept such a cruel truth!】

【Xingqiong March 7: If it were another person, I'm afraid they would go crazy】

【Sister Xing: Tsk, it was me who killed my father.】

【Dr. Mei: Just like Raiden Mei said, it’s too dramatic and too cruel. I suspect that this matter is related to the"collapse will" that exists in that world】

【Alicia: Alas, the truth is too cruel. For a girl, such a truth is enough to drag her into hell.】

【Kevin: The end is coming. 】

Seeing this scene, both the audience of Star World and the audience of Collapse Three Worlds all thought of the ending.

Obviously, a girl's will simply cannot bear such a cruel truth.[]

Just as Kevin said, the"Herrscher of the End" is about to arrive.

Looking at the content of the story, the audience at this time was very worried about Kiana in the video.

But there was only one person who acted very calmly.

And this person is Otto.

When he heard the cruel truth, his expression became crazier than before.

"Is it finally starting?"

"The story is really getting interesting."

Based on Kiana's heart, she definitely cannot accept the fact.

Now she has stepped into the abyss, and there is not much time left for Theresa and the others. The Herrscher of the End is about to come to the world.

Slender His fingers were covered by white gloves. He rubbed his chin and stared at the video with interest.

How strong would the Herrscher of the End be in this world?

"Immortal, beyond reincarnation"

"Interesting, very interesting!"

He can't wait to see the final result.

As for how broken and painful Kiana is, it is not within the scope of Otto's consideration.

The only person who can make Otto care about very much, besides Kallen, is Theresa. As for Kiana in another world, if she hadn't been able to transform into the"Herrscher of the End", Otto wouldn't have paid attention to him at all.

Whether it was Kiana or anyone else..In

Otto's eyes, it's all about fun, and he won't put too much emotion into it.

When the video ends, he will take back all his emotions.

Now, he only cares about how strong the Herrscher of the End is. , what kind of authority does it have.

And what does Linn mean by"immortality, transcending reincarnation"?

Anyway, in summary, these are the points that Otto cares about.

Because according to Wendy's content, he has Perceived.

Since the Wind Herrscher of Honkai Impact 2 is stronger than the Wind Herrscher of Honkai Impact 3.

Then, the Herrscher of Finality in Honkai Impact 2 may also be stronger than the Herrscher of Finality in Honkai Impact 3. Stronger.

Hatred, anger, collapse, all these emotions will turn into the power of the Herrscher of the End.

So, how strong will the"Herrscher of the End" be in the end?

Under the blazing eyes of the audience Next, the video continues to play.

After hearing the cruel truth, Kiana completely collapsed.

She couldn't bear such a cruel fact.

When she thought of her father's death, she was the only one who caused it.

Kiana covered her hands with her hands. She had a stern face, but through the gaps between her fingers, others could still see the ferocious gaze.

Theresa knew very well that Kiana might not be able to regain her sanity.

Kiana now seemed to be in darkness , emotions of fear, fear, pain, and despair came to her door one after another.

Her voice became trembling.

Her hard fingertips gradually turned white.

She begged in pain.

"Ah, no way, this can't be me who killed dad.

How can it be?

I do not believe it!!!".

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