It was her who caused Siegfried, and this incident kept replaying in Kiana's mind.

At this moment, Kiana could only try her best to deny this matter and this cruel truth.

Perhaps only in this way, her desperate heart might be able to repair a little bit and prevent it from collapsing like it is now.

But unfortunately, no matter how much Kiana suppressed her emotions, Cocolia was still unwilling to let her go.

Cocolia looked at the girl who had collapsed, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she continued excitedly:

"Hahaha, the evidence is already obvious, you can accept the power of the Herrscher's core!

This shows that you are the body created by destiny to resurrect the Second Herrscher, and you are the one (god) who destroys the world."

No matter what, she can't let go of the girl in front of her.

Only by constantly breaking through her inner defenses can the strongest power be released.

When the audience outside the screen saw this, they instantly understood that Honkai Impact II Cocolia in the world is the top evil person!

Her current behavior is to gradually force Kiana to become the ruler of the world. She clearly knows that Kiana is merging with the Second Herrscher, and she is also the last It was the critical moment, but she was going to come out to cause trouble at this time. She even tried every means to force Kiana to collapse.

It seemed that Kiana had become the Herrscher of the End, which she had expected.

Even if the End was The Herrscher will destroy the world, but she will still continue to force Kiana.

In other words, if the world is destroyed, then Cocolia will be the culprit.

She is looking forward to Kiana's collapse and end Herrscher's path, looking forward to her destroying the world!

Beyond the light, in the dormitory of the girls of St. Freya College.

Watching the story in the video, everyone felt irritable.

Especially when they saw Cocolia trying her best to After the scene where Kiana's inner defense was broken, she wanted to rush into the video to stop it all.

If this continued, it would be too late.

She knew that Kiana might become the Herrscher of the End, but she still wanted to Do that.

At this moment, before Kiana could open her mouth to curse Cocolia, Bronya who was sitting aside had already said:

"How come that guy is still so bad in a parallel world!"

"It seems that she is really suitable to be a villain! No matter where in the world they are, they like to force their ideas on others."

"I like to oppress others and defeat their inner defenses."

In this world, even though they know what will happen after Kiana collapses, they still want to madly export the cruel truth to Kiana.

They try their best to force Kiana to become the Herrscher of the End.

She What she is doing now is no less than destroying the world.

Not only is she cold and cruel, her actions are even crazy.

As one of the orphans, Bronya actually doesn’t hate the other person.

She was the one who took her in when she was hungry and cold. , and Cocolia has indeed done well in some aspects.

She feels sorry for those children, and she is really good to those children.

So it is unrealistic to say that she hates her.

But let Cocolia Some extreme behaviors are really unacceptable.

She is arrogant and unreasonable, and always likes to put her own ideas on others. Regardless of whether the other person is willing or not, they must implement her ideas.

On the other hand , On the other hand, Kiana, who was looking at the scene in front of her, felt extremely uncomfortable. She didn't expect that in the world of Honkai Impact II, she would have to endure such despair and pain.

Although it was only a parallel world, for Kiana, That is herself.

In the academy, she has always longed to become a hero who saves the world, saves human civilization, and becomes the hope in everyone's hearts.

But in another parallel world, she has become the source of people's despair.

She is very It is possible to become the Herrscher of the End, destroy human civilization, and destroy everything.

Kiana hugged the pillow and sighed deeply,"Why in that world, everything has changed, and everything is changing in the most extreme way." Fast way to do it."

Leiden Meiyi:"But I believe that there will be a turn for the better in the future. Despair cannot always accompany us."

"After experiencing so many things, we also experienced pain and despair in countless reincarnations, but in the end we found a way to defeat the end."

Bronya:"Whether it is this time or the world of Honkai Impact II, we will eventually defeat the end."

Everyone's words went straight to their hearts. Kiana nodded seriously,"Yes, I will definitely do it."

Returning to the video, the scene continued to play.

Listening to Cocolia's crazy words, the defense line in Kiana's heart was constantly being broken. She did not want to accept this cruel fact. She did not want to accept that she was the legendary one who destroyed the world. The Herrscher of Yan.

She has always had this wish since she was a child, that is, to become the hope of saving mankind and the hero who saves civilization.

But now... everything is ruined.

She has become the Herrscher of the End!! Ronya said loudly in confusion:"Honkai energy's rampage is no longer controllable, the heavy-armed bunny is unfolded, ready to accept the impact!"

Thunder Mei Yi desperately called:"Kiana!!! Theresa looked at Leiden Meiyi, fearing that she would move forward again:"Meiyi, you can't go there!"!!"

After all, Kiana has probably lost her mind now, so what should she do if she attacks Mei Yi then.

However, Theresa was too late to stop Mei Yi, because the thunder and lightning Mei Yi walked forward again:"Kia Na, Kiana!!!"

In an instant, the whole situation became extremely chaotic. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Everything was in chaos.


A deafening sound came, and then the whole world began to tremble violently. It was as if the ground would crack in the next second. A strange thing happened, and the Honkai energy in Kiana suddenly disappeared.

Deli Sha opened her eyes wide and stared at Kiana closely, her tone was a little surprised.

"Honkai energy's rampage.........Stopped?"

Leiden Meiyi's expression has become more anxious than before, because the situation is completely out of control now.

"Kiana.......where? Bronya frowned tightly, her eyes sharp:"We found an extremely strong source of Honkai ahead. This level has exceeded the peak of the third Honkai."......."

Just when everyone was confused about the situation in front of them, a golden light shone on the ground. When everyone looked up, they found that Kiana's figure was already suspended in the sky.

Is she still Kiana?

From the frightening aura emanating from her body, everyone could tell that she had changed.

No! She should be called the Herrscher of the End!

Appearing in front of everyone with a new attitude, at this moment, Kiana's expression also underwent earth-shaking changes[]

The tenderness and kindness in his eyes disappeared without a trace, leaving only numbness and coldness.

The original ponytail was spread out, and the soft silver hair was draped around her waist.

The light blue pupils turned to gold.

On top of her head, there was an additional golden seal.

Gold and purple blend together to form a new gorgeous robe.

The majesty emanating from his whole body is even more shocking.

Just one glance can make people feel the endless majesty. Under this terrifying power, everyone feels as if there is a huge stone on their shoulders.

Her arrival also means that human civilization is coming to an end.

Because she represents"destruction"!

In this world, she will destroy everything with her own power.

Moreover, no one can be her opponent! Because she is the strongest existence [Herrscher of the End].

It wasn't because of her arrival that the whole world ended!

But because the world is about to end, she will come.

The moment she transformed into the Herrscher of the End, it was too late.

At this moment, Bronya and the others could only watch her come into the world in such a posture.

Outside the light curtain.

When the audience saw this scene, their hearts beat faster and they became extremely nervous.

The viewers of Honkai Impact Three Worlds know better than anyone else what the Herrscher of the End means.

Even through the video, they can feel the terrifying power and absolute pressure!

It was as if there was a heavy stone weighing on their hearts.

And no matter how hard we try, this stone can never be pushed away and is firmly fixed at the top.

Such a Herrscher of the End! Can Bronya and the others deal with it?

Is there any way to save that world?

Thinking of this, the audience started heated discussions on the barrage.

【Kiana: This...this is completely different from what I thought. The end of that world will bring only despair, fear, and fear to people. The temperament exuding from her whole body is completely different. She is more like the demon Kevin, no! Not right either! The sense of repression she is showing now is stronger than that of the demon Kevin】

【Raiden Mei: Well, I’m afraid everyone can see it. The Herrscher of the End who collapses the third world brings hope; but the Herrscher of the End who collapses the second world brings despair】

【Bronya: I didn’t expect that in the end, the world would develop to such an extent. Can everything... be saved?】

【Mebius: I’m afraid it’s difficult. After all, Kiana has successfully transformed into the Herrscher of the End, which represents the [end]】

【Kevin: The power she now displays far exceeds that of Wendy in that world. Perhaps, the power may far exceed that of the"Herrscher of the End" in our world."】

【Alicia: Oh~ I really don’t want to admit this cruel reality. That powerful aura and terrifying pressure are too strong! Is there really no possibility of recovery?】

【Dr. Mei: It seems that the possibility of recovery is very small. Authority may no longer mean anything to her, because she is now so powerful that no one can match it.】

【Otto: Interesting, is this the Herrscher of the End who destroyed the world? It seems like she wants to destroy the entire civilization? Dry】.

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