Bronya said loudly in confusion:"The rampage of Honkai energy is no longer controllable. The heavy-armed bunny unfolds and prepares to accept the impact!"

Raiden Mei shouted desperately:"Kiana!!!"

Teresa looked at her. Looking at Raiden Mei, he was afraid that she would move forward again:"Mei, you can't go there!!!"

After all, Kiana might have lost her mind now, so what should she do if she attacks Mei Yi by then?

However, Theresa was too late to stop Mei Yi, because Leiden Mei walked forward again:"Kiana, Kiana!!!"

In an instant, the whole situation became extremely chaotic.

All hell breaks loose.

Suddenly,"Boom!" a deafening sound came, and then the whole world began to tremble violently. It was as if the ground would crack in the next second.

A strange thing happened, the Honkai energy in Kiana suddenly disappeared.

Theresa opened her eyes wide and stared at Kiana closely, her tone was a little surprised.

"Honkai energy's rampage.........Stopped?"

Leiden Meiyi's expression has become more anxious than before, because the situation is completely out of control now.

"Kiana.......where? Bronya frowned tightly, her eyes sharp:"We found the extremely strong"283" bad source ahead. This level has surpassed the peak of the third Honkai........"

Just when everyone was confused about the situation in front of them, a golden light shone on the ground. When everyone looked up, they found that Kiana's figure was already suspended in the sky.

Is she still Kiana?

From the frightening aura emanating from her body, everyone could tell that she had changed.

No! She should be called the Herrscher of the End!

Appearing in front of everyone with a new attitude, at this moment, Kiana's expression also underwent earth-shaking changes.

The tenderness and kindness in his eyes disappeared without a trace, leaving only numbness and coldness.

The original ponytail was spread out, and the soft silver hair was draped around her waist.

The light blue pupils turned to gold.

On top of her head, there was an additional golden seal.

Gold and purple blend together to form a new gorgeous robe.

The majesty emanating from his whole body is even more shocking.

Just one glance can make people feel the endless majesty. Under this terrifying power, everyone feels as if there is a huge stone on their shoulders.

Her arrival also means that human civilization is coming to an end.

Because she represents"destruction"!

In this world, she will destroy everything with her own power.

Moreover, no one can be her opponent! Because she is the strongest existence [Herrscher of the End].

It wasn't because of her arrival that the whole world ended!

But because the world is about to end, she will come.

The moment she transformed into the Herrscher of the End, it was too late.

At this moment, Bronya and the others could only watch her come into the world in such a posture.

Outside the light curtain.

When the audience saw this scene, their hearts beat faster and they became extremely nervous.

The viewers of Honkai Impact Three Worlds know better than anyone else what the Herrscher of the End means.

Even through the video, they can feel the terrifying power and absolute pressure!

It was as if there was a heavy stone weighing on their hearts.

And no matter how hard we try, this stone can never be pushed away and is firmly fixed at the top.

Such a Herrscher of the End! Can Bronya and the others deal with it?

Is there any way to save that world?

Thinking of this, the audience started heated discussions on the barrage.

【Kiana: This...this is completely different from what I thought. The end of that world will bring only despair, fear, and fear to people. The temperament she exudes is completely different. She is more like the demon Kevin, no! Not right either! The sense of repression she is showing now is stronger than that of the demon Kevin】

【Raiden Mei: Well, I’m afraid everyone can see it. The Herrscher of the End who collapses the third world brings hope; but the Herrscher of the End who collapses the second world brings despair】

【Bronya: I didn’t expect that in the end, the world would develop to such an extent. Can everything... be saved?】

【Mebius: I’m afraid it’s difficult. After all, Kiana has successfully transformed into the Herrscher of the End, which represents the [end]】

【Kevin: The power she now displays far exceeds that of Wendy in that world. Perhaps, the power may far exceed that of the"Herrscher of the End" in our world."】

【Alicia: Oh~ I really don’t want to admit this cruel reality. That powerful aura and terrifying pressure are too strong! Is there really no possibility of recovery?】

【Dr. Mei: It seems that the possibility of recovery is very small. Authority may no longer mean anything to her, because she is now so powerful that no one can match it.】

【Otto: Interesting, is this the Herrscher of the End who destroyed the world? It seems like she wants to destroy the entire civilization? 】

Looking at the Herrscher of the End in the video, the audience outside the light screen can clearly feel the power radiating from her body. powerful! fear!

Pressure is everywhere!

Even if they look at each other through the screen, everyone will be involuntarily nervous and their heartbeats will speed up.

It can be seen from this that if the"Herrscher of the End" in the collapsing world appears in their world.

I'm afraid that if Kevin and Kiana join forces, they may not be her opponent.

If we add everyone's strength, there may be a glimmer of hope for victory, but to be honest, this hope is extremely slim.

Because the disparity in strength is really too great.

Just like the distance between the earth and the sun, it is insurmountable.

Moreover, the Herrscher of the End in the video seems to be born to destroy everything.

The human civilization in that world will eventually be destroyed in her hands.

In the face of absolute strength, everything is nothing.

Theresa and the others may not even have a chance to negotiate.

On the other side outside the light curtain is the headquarters of the Fire Chaser Moth from the pre-civilization era.

Looking at the content in the video, the heroes sitting together sighed.

The Herrscher of the End in that world displayed too much power and pressure.

It has even far exceeded Kevin's power.

This made them doubt that even if Kevin and Kiana joined forces, they might not be her match.

This Herrscher of the End, the purpose of her coming into the world is to destroy!

Destroy humanity! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Destroy civilization!

Destruction... this is completely different from the"end" of their world.

The reason why Kiana obtained that powerful power was to save mankind! Save the entire world civilization.

But the"end" of that world was born from"destruction" from beginning to end........

The moment she came into the world, everything was too late!

The world will eventually move toward darkness.

At this moment, Dr. Mei's voice came:"If Kiana does not become the Herrscher of the End, then the Cocoon of the End will create a new Herrscher of the End from the void. By that time, our situation is estimated to be It's similar to that world."

However... there are still certain differences between the two.

For example, the Herrscher of the End in that world was obviously stronger than the Herrscher of the End in their world.

After all, Dr. Mei is not only good at research, but also good at analyzing things.

The moment she saw Kiana's emotions collapse, she had already guessed all this.

When she becomes the true Herrscher of the End, her power will be unrivaled.

Listening to what Dr. Mei said, Alicia also looked embarrassed. I lowered my head and thought for a few seconds, and then a sweet voice came from

"The Herrschers of the End in the two worlds are indeed very different."

"One was born for hope, the other was born to destroy mankind."

"In any case, the humans in that world seemed to have no choice."

After all, in their world, there are at least countless heroes who are willing to fight for mankind.

Even she, the"Herrscher of Man", chooses to stand on the side of mankind.

Because she hopes that lovely civilization can Continue.

With them laying the foundation, Kiana and the others have a choice.

But in the world of Honkai Impact II, it is obvious that humans have no choice at all from the beginning.

They can only accept the fate Arrangement, because the destructive will of that world is not as gentle as the Cocoon of Finality. His purpose from the beginning was to destroy human beings!

Destroy the existence of all civilizations.

With the expectations of the audience, the video continued to play.

Qi Yana's body was suspended in the sky, like a queen, looking down with cold eyes.

And her body was flashing with a majestic and sacred light.

She was like a king who dominated the world, and humans were In her eyes, it's just"garbage".

And what she wants to do in 2.7 now is to follow Honkai Will's instructions and sweep away all the garbage on this planet.

Through the video, the audience can fully feel it【 The terrifying aura exuded by the Herrscher of the End.

Kiana feels like the arrival of death.

Just looking at her, despair and fear can't help but arise in her heart.

It's as if she will be killed in the next second. Then he would rush out of the screen and harvest their souls.

Even the audience felt this way, not to mention Raiden Mei, Theresa, and Bronya who were present.

It is estimated that the despair in their hearts has almost reached the extreme.

This way No one expected the situation.

Even some people couldn't understand why Kiana became like this!

Especially when they saw Kiana suspended in the sky with a new attitude, their hearts were shocked and extremely... Of course, except for one person.

It can be said that everything now is caused by her, and this person is the evil-doing Cocolia.

Looking at the Herrscher of the End in the sky, Cocolia's mouth stopped. She kept rising, she was smiling like crazy


Success, the door to the realm of God is finally opened, come on!

My daughter, ask the gods to grant you eternal life and strength!!!".

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