At this moment, Cocolia was completely immersed in joy.

After all, her plans and dreams were finally complete.

However, Cocolia didn't know that the story would develop further and lead to the origin of existence in her imagination.

However, now that Kiana has become the Herrscher of the End, Cocolia must also know how the world will end after the Herrscher of the End is born.

It was obvious that she was looking forward to that moment.

In the eyes of everyone, Cocolia has gone crazy, completely crazy.

She wants to destroy this world!

But even after hearing Cocolia's heartbreaking words, Theresa, as the dean, was unwilling to give up on her for some reason.

It's simple, she doesn't want to give up on anyone!

Save if you can, this is her principle.

Observing the energy erupting in Kiana's body, Theresa also realized that something was wrong. She turned to Cocolia and called out:

"Cocolia, get out of there quickly. Humans will be infected immediately by such violent Honkai energy!!!"

It's a pity that no matter how Theresa tried to persuade her, the other party couldn't listen.

Cocolia stood there excitedly, her fiery eyes staring at Kiana high in the sky.

At this moment, the Herrscher of the End It seemed that she had become a sacred existence in her heart.

Her lifelong pursuit finally became a reality at this moment!

Everything she did was worth it.

It was precisely because of her existence that the Herrscher of the End was born in this world. The world.

It was she who created this Herrscher of the End.

Gradually, Cocolia looked at the Herrscher of the End, becoming more and more excited and crazy.

Theresa’s urgent call, Coco Leah ignored it directly, she opened her arms and said 25 happily:"Haha, Theresa, did you see it?"

"This is my daughter, so beautiful, so strong, and no one can take her away from her again."

Now Cocolia's heart has been completely filled with vanity and excitement, and she is still intoxicated in her dreams.

Thinking that the Herrscher of the End was actually created by her, then... she doesn't seem to realize at all that the real The crisis is quietly approaching her.

The emergence of the Herrscher of the End is indispensable without her fueling the flames behind it.

But even so, she is like an ant to the Herrscher of the End.

After all, Herrscher of the End is just in his eyes. Here, all humans are garbage that should be cleared away. And she is naturally one of them.

Just when Cocolia was excited, the powerful Honkai energy suddenly swallowed her up.

The speed was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye she was Cocolia disappeared completely from this world.

It was like she had never been there.

The current result may be the best ending for her.

After all, no one can forgive her for what she has done before..

The emergence of Herrscher is inseparable from her.

But judging from the Honkai energy just now, it also reflects how strong Herrscher is.

Her strength has far exceeded everyone's imagination.

No. She needs to take action, and the Honkai energy emanating from her body is enough to destroy all obstacles.

In front of her, all humans are nothing more than weak ants.

As long as she wants, she can deal with them at any time.

Maybe Deli Teresa and the others could resist for a while with their own strength.

But as the Honkai energy she exuded became stronger and stronger, the terrifying corrosive power became even more frightening.

Teresa knew very well that even if all their strength increased , Even if she gets up, she may not be able to compete with it.

Moreover, the moment she saw Cocolia's death, Theresa clearly realized that Kiana had really disappeared.

She is now the Herrscher of the End! Yes The Eiko Hand who is about to destroy the world!

Looking at the Herrscher of the End suspended in the sky, everyone tensed their muscles and stared at her.

Even if the opponent suddenly attacked, they could quickly dodge, but the reality is really there Is it that simple?

Looking up, Mei Yi was closest to Kiana, which also meant that Mei Yi was very dangerous.

Theresa clenched her hands and said quickly:"Protect Mei Yi quickly, there is still a way to prevent the collapse."

Unknown to everyone, Raiden Meiyi was still thinking about waking up Kiana at this time,"This is not true, Kiana, wake up!!!"

Theresa didn't understand what Leiden Meiyi was thinking, but now it's too late. Theresa shook her head and said in a heavy tone:

"She is no longer Kiana, but a puppet under the control of the Second Herrscher. We must bring Kiana back.

Get ready for the attack!!!"

At this point, they can only try their best. What if they succeed?

After experiencing so many things, Theresa is no longer the gentle girl she was before. She understands that what she needs to do most now is to stabilize everyone's emotions..

She thought that if everyone worked together, there might be a glimmer of hope.

Unfortunately, she still underestimated the power of the Herrscher of the End!

The moment she finished speaking, the battle was over.

A golden light flashed, and Bu Ronya, Teresa, Seele, Bronya........His figure was completely annihilated in this world.

This disappears suddenly and without any warning.

No one can see the process of the Herrscher of the End raising his hand. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She was just suspended in the sky, watching all of this quietly.

Her eyes didn't even fall on Theresa, it was just because of Theresa's rebellious words that made her angry.

In just a moment, she directly killed several people.

Such power and speed are so exaggerated that it is unimaginable!

There is another point that attracts the audience's attention.

After all, Theresa and the others are obviously very close to Raiden Mei.

But the only ones who disappeared were Bronya, Theresa, Seele, and Bronya........they.

Obviously, the Herrscher of the End was merciful.

Perhaps because the identity of Thunder and Lightning Mei's Herrscher is special to her, this specialness is enough for her not to do anything to Mei Yi for the time being.

It may also be because the memory of Kiana still remains in her body. She cannot kill this former friend.

But no matter from which perspective, she was indeed merciful to Raiden Mei.

She didn't even have to do anything to make a few people disappear. Cocolia, who had been nagging in front of her, was corroded by Honkai energy in the blink of an eye, even in this world.

However, Raiden Meiyi, who was closest to her, was able to stand firmly in place and was not attacked by her.

Outside the light curtain, after seeing the absolute power of the Herrscher of the End, the audience's mood instantly sank to the bottom.

Who else can compete with such power?

On the barrage, viewers from different worlds started heated discussions.

【Kiana: This, this power is so absolute! Now without even giving a chance to negotiate, everyone will be directly destroyed.】

【Theresa: This is not the scariest and most daunting thing. She didn’t even take action, and I and others disappeared into this world. The speed of this attack was so fast that it made people desperate.……】

【Star March:'s inevitably too scary! It feels almost on the same level as the Happy Star God】

【Sister Xing: Tsk! Very cruel】

【Xingqiong Jizi: This is the first time I’ve seen such power.】

【Dr. Mei: Sure enough, the tree of imaginary numbers has appeared in the world. There are similarities and differences. Moreover, the levels of the world are also completely different. There is a huge difference between the Herrscher and the Herrscher.】

【Kiana: Yeah, Wendy is obviously the weakest Herrscher in our world, but in that world, she became a powerful being】

【Mebius: The ends of the two worlds are too different】

【Bronya: Kiana in that world did not hesitate to attack everyone】

【Otto: Don’t even bother to look at others, just do it directly】

【Raiden Meiyi: Oh, this is really hard to accept.】

【Kiana: How could I be so cruel in that world! ?】

【Fu Hua: She is not Kiana, she is a controlled puppet of the second type.】

【Kevin: Hua is right, she is still not you, this has become a problem. What dominates 553 your thoughts now... I'm afraid it's"the will to collapse.""】

【Dr. Mei: Well, that's true.】

【Raiden Mei: But it can also be seen that she was special to me in that world. At least at the last moment, she showed mercy. Maybe this can be a breakthrough point】

【Alicia: But there is another possibility. Maybe it’s because you are a Herrscher, so she was merciful.】

【Xingqiong March 7: Is it because she recognizes Leiden Meiyi as a companion? ?】

【Sister Xing: It seems so】

【Otto: Regardless of whether she is still conscious or not, the human civilization in that world will eventually be destroyed! 】

After seeing the cruel methods of the Herrscher of the End in the second world of Honkai Impact. The audience also developed a sense of fear for the Herrscher of the End.

After all, who is not afraid of such power?

In the blink of an eye, the enemy disappears from this world.

I'm afraid only she can possess such power.

At this time, the viewers of Honkai Impact III were not only thinking of the absolute power and terrifying destructive power.

It is the Final Herrscher of the Honkai Impact 2 world, completely superior to the Final Herrscher of the Honkai Impact 3 world.

That kind of aura, that kind of coercion is simply not on the same level!

Even if the two worlds finally meet, I'm afraid their world will have no choice but to admit defeat.

But if you think about it carefully, you will find that they were born with completely different meanings. One is for hope, while the other is for destruction.

So aura and strength are different, and it makes sense.

On the other side outside the light curtain is the office of Tianming Headquarters.

Looking at the Herrscher of the End on the screen, he directly eliminated everyone without giving Theresa and the others a chance to speak.

Such an approach is indeed cruel.

But Otto thought of another problem. After all, she chose to let Raiden Mei go.

Does the Herrscher of the End still have Kiana's consciousness in her body?

Or is it because Raiden Mei is a Herrscher, so she simply thinks that the other person is her partner and does not need to be killed?.

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