But no matter what she thinks, this world will eventually be destroyed by the Herrscher of the End.

So at that moment, what would Raiden Mei do?

The one who stood up and tried his best to stop the law of the end?

Judging from her current strength, she is no match for Herrscher of the End.

Otto was looking forward to the continuation of this story more and more.

For what reason did the Herrscher of the End let Leiden Mei go?

With this curiosity, Otto's eyes returned to the video.

With much anticipation, the video continues to play.

Looking at her friend in front of her, Leiden Meiyi felt despair.

What was once the best partner has now become the culprit in destroying human civilization.

She watched helplessly as the other party killed her teacher, killed their friends, and killed...

Recalling the scene of Theresa and the others disappearing, Raiden Mei's heart was particularly broken.

The moment they disappeared, everything was too late and she had no time to save them.

Raiden Meiyi's eyes were red, and her emotions were jumping repeatedly on the edge of collapse. She didn't want to let herself become the same as Kiana before.

She knew that at this moment, she had to stay sane.

But the despair in her heart seemed to flood her.

The hoarse and deep voice trembled slightly, and finally took on a crying tone.

"Teacher Himeko........Dean Teresa......Xi'er.......Bronya........"

Raiden Mei called their names one by one.

But at this time, no one responded to her.

In the end, she was the only one left.

Emotions such as loneliness, anger, and despair surged into my heart.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Raiden Mei suddenly raised his head, staring at Kiana with bloodshot eyes.

"Why kill them? Kiana!!"

The voice of Raiden Meiyi was almost roaring.

When she heard this, Kiana felt very funny.

The expression on her face could almost be described as evil, the corners of her mouth were raised, and her expression was a little more interesting.

Then, she was high-spirited again He raised his chin and looked down at Leiden Meiyi with cold eyes. He said contemptuously:

"Anyone who stands in my way...kill them!"

A simple sentence made Lei Dian Meiyi's eyes turn red with anger.

It was obvious that the Honkai Will had completely controlled her thinking.

For the Herrscher of the End, all that was left in her mind now was The next idea is to continuously destroy human civilization!

Those who hinder her will be classified as garbage by her and dealt with all!

But due to her own strength, the Herrscher of the End actually does not take human beings seriously. After all, with their strength, how could they be her opponent?

She didn't even have to waste time on them, it was all meaningless.

There was nothing to care about, little ants.

Eliminate them. Just eliminate it!

Is there anyone who will remember how many ants they have stepped on?

I'm afraid not!

In the blink of an eye, I have probably forgotten this.

And the group of people who appeared before, for the Herrscher of the End, She was too insignificant, so she was not qualified to be remembered by her.

After hearing the other party's cruel words, Raiden Mei finally stabilized her emotions and collapsed again.

The girl who dreamed of saving the world and becoming a human hero ended up being destroyed. The culprit of the world.

And what she just said showed a disregard for life.

""She" is no longer her.

How ironic all this is!

Listening to the other party's speech, Raiden Meiyi's heart is full of despair.

But even so, she is not willing to give up.

As long as she is still alive, there will be another chance. She will continue to move forward given the opportunity.

Raiden Mei shouted loudly:"Kiana, didn't you say you wanted to protect this world? ?"

He stared at Kiana's expression, observing all the details, and finally concluded that the other party did not have any emotional fluctuations.

Those golden pupils were still like a pool of stagnant water.

This time, Raiden Meiyi completely understood. Now, relying on shouting, it is impossible to reach Kiana's heart and wake her up.

So the only way left now is to fight her!

Then do everything you can to beat her to death!

Raiden Meiyi said solemnly:" I will definitely stop you!!"

After firm determination, Raiden Meiyi immediately activated her power.

Purple electric light surrounded her body. At this moment, the collapse in her body could expand crazily at the fastest speed!

When the light passed, Raiden Meiyi successfully possessed The posture of a lawyer

【Alicia: Oops~ It’s exactly what I thought. Mei in that world is still the Herrscher of Thunder.】

【Dr. Mei: Well, the world is so the same after all】

【Otto: This crazy expansion of Honkai energy is a bit interesting. The speed is simply unimaginable...interesting, so interesting!】

【Mebius: Sure enough, this battle will eventually take place! Herrscher of Thunder is the last hope. If even Raiden Mei loses, there will really be no hope for this world.】

【Kiana: I didn’t expect that I would have to fight Mei in the second world of Honkai Impact】

【Bronya: But the parallel is Mei of the world, who is equally powerful. But when she is compared with Herrscher of the End, there is still a huge difference.……】

【Raiden Meiyi: Well, it should be said that the gap is huge. Even I in that world was not a match for Herrscher of the End. I don’t know how far the story will develop in the future. I hope a miracle will happen.】

【Theresa: Alas, the current situation is not good at all.……】

【Cecilia: How strong is that child...Will Kiana also kill her?】

【Youlandel: younger sister……】

【Otto: Although the battle between the two has not started yet, I am afraid everyone has already guessed the ending.】

【Kevin: Well, although it is unacceptable, the facts cannot be changed after all. Maybe there will be a miracle.……】(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After knowing the power of Herrscher, the Second Honkai Impact, everyone no longer has hope for Mei Raiden.

Recently, the strength gap between the two still exists.

In this case, the possibility of Raiden Meiyi being able to defeat the opponent is almost zero.

So the audience can only hope for a miracle in the end.

Under the blazing eyes of the audience, the video continued to play.

At this time, Raiden Meiyi has completely become the Herrscher of Thunder.

And she knew very well in her heart that this battle was inevitable after all.

There was only a winner between her and Kiana.

The Herrscher of Finality, suspended high in the sky, also understood the other party's determination.

It seemed that she really wanted to fight with herself.

But how could an ordinary Herrscher have the same power as hers?

Gradually, Leiden Meiyi's body was suspended in the sky.

She was very aware of the gap between herself and the opponent, or from the beginning, she had no chance of winning.

As they said, it was not the arrival of the Herrscher of the End that brought about the end.[]

But human civilization is coming to an end, so the Herrscher of the End will come.

The word"end" already represents the ending of this world.

On this blue planet, no one can stop the Herrscher of the End.

Even for herself, it is absolutely impossible.

Seeing the other party's ready-to-fight posture, Herrscher Jingyan just glanced at her coldly and said calmly:

"it's useless.......You can't stop it!

I will, follow, will, destroy......Humanity......"

Maybe she still has Kiana's consciousness in her body, and she always has feelings for Raiden Mei. But even so, she will not change her current goal.

As the Herrscher of the End, the only thing she can do now is to destroy the world.

All those who stand in front of her will be eliminated one by one.

Even if the person standing in front of him is the one I remember most deeply, Raiden Meiyi……



In a very short period of time, two powerful forces burst out instantly, and the forces collided and blended, and finally produced a huge heat wave that pushed back.

And Raiden Mei and Kiana turned into two different rays of light. , surged into the sky.

In the blink of an eye, they rushed out of the earth and into the interstellar space.

The purple light and the golden light collided crazily, and a fierce battle began at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

The surrounding scene gradually Become a foil for their battle.

For their level of battle, no matter what the environment is, it will not have any impact on them!

Because they are already strong enough to ignore everything.

No matter what the environment is, they only have each other in their eyes..

As the battle became more and more intense, the two of them came to a farther place.

After all, the position close to the earth was too small!

And it can be seen from this battle that the two attacked. The speed is very fast, and it can rush out of the earth in a split second.

But after this battle, the audience also clearly realized that the strength of the Herrscher is still stronger than Raiden Mei.

She has an absolute advantage, although this It is a natural result. Seeing this scene, the audience is still extremely desperate!

This is not the scene they want to see!

Isn't there a little bit of hope? Even Honkai Impact II's Raiden Meiyi If there is no way to compete with the Herrscher of the End, then who else can protect the earth and human civilization?

She is the only hope of the earth now!

She must win!

If even she loses, then this beautiful world , destined to be destroyed by the Herrscher of the End himself.

Outside the light screen, watching the fierce battle process, the audience outside the screen were particularly emotional.

Especially when they saw that even if Raiden Meiyi was suppressed, she still had to fight. While attacking with all their strength, there was still a glimmer of hope in their hearts, what if... what if she won!

But when they saw the strength displayed by the Herrscher of the End, their hopeful eyes gradually dimmed..

Too strong! Her strength is too strong!

Do humans really have a chance?.

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