【Theresa: This...this is such a terrifying power, but the Herrscher of Thunder in that world seems to be stronger than the one in our world.】

【Xingqiong March 7: Wow, is it so strong? But I feel……】

【Dr. Mei: The world has reached a critical point. With the blessing of emotions, adrenaline surges. It's simple. Due to various influences, coupled with her own strength, the suppressed power of thunder and lightning has also reached a terrifying level.】

【Otto: Isn't this just like Wendy appearing before? In another world, Herrscher obviously has more room for improvement and even becomes stronger.……】

【Kiana: No matter which world I am in, when I saw my battle with Mei, I still couldn’t help but feel sad. We are obviously the best partners.】

【Starry March 7: Oh, don’t be too sad】

【Sister Xing: Everything in the world is impermanent.】

【Thunder Mei: Kiana……】

【Otto: I believe everyone understands the ending! That world is destined to perish. This battle is completely meaningless and worthless.】

【Bronya: Although I really want to refute it, from some aspects, what he said is indeed true. The Herrscher of the End is very powerful, even completely overwhelming the Herrscher of Thunder. If the fight continues like this, the outcome will be different. Nothing will change. Instead, the Herrscher of Thunder will……】

【Kiana: How could this happen! ? Is there really no hope in that world?】

【Xingqiong March 7: It seems that every world has different troubles! The world was destroyed by the Daughter of the End, and Raiden Meiyi could only watch all this, how painful it must be for her】

【Star Sister: In the face of absolute strength, all struggles are in vain】

【Dr. Mei: Even if you don’t want to admit all this, you can only acquiesce to this fact now.】

【Mebius: Hope, it didn’t appear after all】

【Kevin: Human civilization is heading towards its demise. 】243

【Alicia: Oh~ I really don’t want to accept this ending.】

【Velvet: Damn it, I thought there would be a miracle in the end! Why is this happening? A good world was eventually destroyed by the Herrscher of the End.】

【Kiana: And it was still destroyed in my hands. In that world, I was a sinner!!】

【Youlandel: younger sister……】

【Raiden Meiyi: Kiana, don’t be sad, it’s not your fault……】

【Bronya: Paramecium……】

Because they knew the coming ending, the audience felt particularly uncomfortable.

I obviously put my hope in it, but in the end... all I got was disappointment.

Painful and irritable emotions kept flooding into my heart, and the world finally ushered in its demise.

Back to the video, the screen continues to play


"Boom!!!"A loud noise came.

The vast universe emitted a cry-like sound for the first time.

Fueled by power...under the heat waves... two light groups of different colors separated instantly.

In the end, the audience I also saw the final outcome of this battle.

Sure enough, as expected, with that absolute strength, the Herrscher of Thunder was no match for the Herrscher of the End.

One move determined the outcome, and the Herrscher of Thunder was defeated. Completely crushed.

But strange things still exist.

After all, the audience also knows a little about the character of the Herrscher of the End after going through previous events.

Cold, cruel, and treating life as nothing.

Even before, Theresa was just She said she wanted to attack her, but she immediately dealt with her.

But this Raiden Mei not only angered her, but even started a fierce battle with her (cgce).

In a situation like this, she should have directly dealt with Raiden Mei. That's right.

However, at the last moment, she still chose to"let go" Raiden Mei.

Now, what's going on!?

Could it be that Kiana's consciousness really still exists in her body.

Is this one Did her consciousness control her and prevent her from killing her?

Or was it simply because the other party was the Herrscher?

Looking at the content of the story, the audience outside the screen was also particularly confused.

So what is going on?

Is there still hope for the earth?

Can human civilization continue?

In the picture, the Herrscher of the End did not give a fatal blow. When Raiden Mei's body fell downwards, she quickly rushed up and hugged Mei Yi with one hand. The other hand gently placed on the side of Leiden Meiyi's face.

Her lowered eyelashes trembled slightly and she said in a gentle tone:

"The footsteps of the end can no longer be stopped....

Death is the beginning of new life. Return the human soul to its original state and the world will return to peace.........

As envoys of the gods, let us complete this final ritual together."

After hearing these cruel words, the hearts of the audience outside the screen suddenly tightened. It is difficult to tell that Kiana's consciousness still exists in her body.

If Kiana's consciousness is still there, it is impossible for her to do this. , and said such words so easily.

She is ready to completely destroy the entire human civilization!

The most speechless thing is that she actually said this matter so great.

It is as if what she is about to do is A very just thing.

If Kiana herself, she would never have said such words.

She once wanted to save human civilization and become a hero of mankind, but now she actually said such shameless words.

Although she lost Although she had no ability to move, Raiden Meiyi could still hear the other party's voice clearly.

She called out desperately:"Kiana……"

She didn't understand why things turned out like this.

The good Kiana eventually became the culprit of slaughtering human beings.

Kiana really couldn't understand the sadness in her eyes.

This is obviously a very good thing, but why does she act so sad.

She just wanted to share this happy process with her!

Isn't it something to be proud of to destroy human civilization with your own hands?

Raiden Mei opened her eyes hard and looked at the former friend in front of her. Her soul seemed to have disappeared! What is left now is just the body controlled by the will of collapse.

She is no longer Kiana, she is the Herrscher of the End!

Looking at the Herrscher of Thunder in such pain in his arms. At this time, the Herrscher of the End could not help but ask in the end: (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"why are you crying………"

And at this moment, she seemed to feel something, and her cold eyes changed a little bit more.

"Why...you feel so sad...Mei...I'm sorry……"

When she said the word Mei, the audience immediately realized that the girl who wanted to save the world still existed.

However, she was trapped in the deepest part of her body.

As the"Herrscher of the End", her mission is to destroy human civilization.

And now, this great moment has finally arrived.

Laidian is also a Herrscher, so it is also her mission to destroy humans.

She shouldn't be so sad, and she shouldn't be defending humanity.

They are true companions.

So...this is why the Herrscher of the End still doesn't understand the reason why Raiden Meiyi sheds tears.

However, in this beautiful moment, Herrscher of the End wasted too much time by Raiden Meiyi.

After all, the great moment is coming, and she should be prepared...

The Herrscher of the End turned around and looked at the blue planet with cold eyes.[]

"At least in the end, let's go back together.

Come back to everyone........

Bye now."

The indifferent words describe the cruelest truth.

As these words fell, a powerful force burst out from her body.

The camera turned and came to the blue planet.



The power that created the world instantly hit the blue planet.

In just a few seconds, the blue planet instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The magma rolled, and the red color covered the entire planet, and even the blue ocean was polluted..

With just one blow, the entire planet was destroyed.

This shows how powerful the Herrscher of the End is!

She can easily destroy all living things on the earth.

So she just talked to the Herrscher of Thunder The battle is very likely to go awry.

If she used the power to attack the earth to attack Raiden Mei from the beginning, I am afraid that Raiden Mei's ending will be exactly the same as Theresa's.

Destroying the ecology of a planet will have a profound impact on the end of the world. For the Herrscher, it was too simple and too easy.

Along with the destruction of the civilization era on this planet, a row of large white characters appeared on the screen.

Looking at these words, the audience fell into silence

【Collapse occurs and signs of life return to zero】

【Confirm that the trigger conditions are met and start module restart........】

【Gene writing begins and the restart cycle is set.】

【The order execution countdown begins】

【Order execution begins, number of recording cycles: 2]

In that world, ultimate systems named [Stigmata Terminal] and [Alaya Consciousness] began to activate.

Every time humanity is destroyed, the [Stigmata Terminal] and [Alaya Consciousness] systems left behind by the Zero Civilization Era will quickly operate to restart the entire human civilization.

As for the Herrscher of the End, when she completely destroyed human civilization, it also meant that she ushered in endless darkness and pain.

The white subtitles appear again

【The vitality of the world was isolated in this collapse, and was eventually inevitably destroyed.】

【After wiping out all humans, Kiana regained her sanity】

【Tormented by painful memories, she tried to end her life, but she could not die】

【In despair, Kiana closed her feelings and dissipated with the Honkai after a long time. 】

At this moment, the story belonging to the second world of collapse and the Herrscher of the End is completely over.

【Dr. Mei: Oh, how painful it is to not even be able to commit suicide... She was born to destroy human civilization. From the beginning, her life has been a tragedy】

【Kiana: Is this too painful? This is endless torture】

【Starry March 7: Poor! 】.

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