【Bronya: Cruel and unbelievable……】

【Starry Sky March 7: Under this kind of torture, people may collapse directly】

【Mei Raiden: It’s been a long time. Let time torture, even if it turns into ashes, it will never end】

【Mebius: It’s really painful.】

【Teresa: Oh, I never thought she would go through this in the end】

【Wuliangta Jizi: How painful and uncomfortable it must be... No one can withstand such torture.】

【Otto: But what’s even more interesting is that after human civilization was completely destroyed, something called the"Stigmata Terminal" actually restarted human civilization.】

【Mebius: equivalent to reincarnation】

【Alicia: It turns out that in that world, humans also relied on their own strength and had a chance to start over.】

【Himeko: Yes! At least it's not complete despair】

【Kevin: But now it seems that the world of Honkai Impact II has probably gone through countless destruction and restarts.】

【Dr. Mei: After countless failures, by summarizing experience, maybe we can find a way to solve everything?】

【Mebius: I hope so】

【Otto: I’m afraid it will take a long time to find the final solution.】

【Alicia: Oh, no matter how bumpy or long the road ahead is, I believe that human beings will move forward through thorns and thorns, looking for new hope.】

【Kiana: Yeah, I think so too】

【Raiden Mei: Human beings represent hope. 】

Beyond the light curtain, in the conference room of the Fire Chaser Moth headquarters in the pre-civilization era.

At this moment, everyone is reunited and looking at the content in the video, everyone has different thoughts.

But in a sense, their world is still somewhat connected to the collapsed world.

Regardless of whether they are human beings or the things they experience, they are all very similar.

As Otto said before, the worlds on the Tree of Imaginary Numbers are very similar.

Just the fact that civilization is reincarnated and restarted can already be said to be the same situation.

The only difference is that in their world, reincarnation is completed by the Herrscher of the End.

In the collapsed world, this is accomplished by something called the"Stigmata Terminal". The Herrscher of the End is responsible for destroying it! Accelerate the"Stigmata Terminal" to complete the work of restarting human civilization.

But after such a comparison, everyone noticed the gap.

Dr. Mei's voice was low:"I have to say that the collapsed world far surpasses us in terms of strength and technology."

"Now we are still in the exploratory stage."

And under that kind of predicament, people from the Zero Age were able to develop the"Stigmata Terminal" and compress human civilization that took millions of years to complete into tens of thousands of years?

Such abilities and technology are really amazing. It's too exaggerated.

Even they can only touch the edge.

With the power of human beings, they have completed the revival of civilization!

It is too powerful, far beyond their technology.

Thinking about it this way, the people of that world are lucky, But it is full of misfortune.

Although the Herrscher of the End has become so powerful that no one can match it, we can only watch her destroy the world.

However, in the world of Collapse II, people still have countless treasures, that is Outstanding scientists.

They have created countless possibilities for human civilization! They have even left countless opportunities for mankind!

After a long period of time, I believe people will be able to find the answer to all this.

Listen. As Dr. Mei spoke, Kevin took up her words at this moment.

"No matter what difficulties we face, humans never give up"

"While the enemy is getting stronger, humans are also getting stronger."

"We will fight to the end until the moment of victory arrives!"

On the road against Honkai, Kevin has gone further than anyone else, and his obsession has deeply affected everyone around him.

But it is precisely because of his speech that it is so inspiring That's right

, no matter how powerful the Herrscher of the End is, humans will never give up on defeating Honkai!

It's not that there is no hope of survival, it's just that they haven't found a way to crack it yet.

In this sacred world At another solemn moment, Alicia's voice came.

That sweet voice said slowly:"Oh, the video is over.~"

"Everyone, please look forward to the upcoming video.~"

"This time, whose video will it be about again~"

Her white fingers touched her lower lip, and her beautiful pupils reflected the picture.

After a while, light emerged from the dark picture.

Then, Kiana's beautiful back appeared in the picture.

She seemed to be on the moon, looking up at the blue planet.

A shooting star passed by, and her light blue pupils were filled with water. She seemed to be missing everyone.

Then, the picture turned, Two unfamiliar faces appeared.

One was short, but he was carrying a hammer twice as big as her.

The other was tall, but his expression was particularly indifferent.

The picture turned again, and we came to the vast On the earth.

The figures of Fu Hua and Herrscher of Knowledge appeared in the picture respectively.

They stood on the tall building, looking up to the sky.

Because at this moment, the rising sun representing hope was slowly rising. , the red light shone on their faces, as if they were covered with a layer of glittering golden light.

Looking at the bright sunshine, the two of them became very happy.

Suddenly, a bird flew over their heads As the sun rose rapidly, it enveloped the entire city, bringing light and hope to mankind.

The picture changed and the scene came to a park. Birds were singing and flowers were fragrant everywhere. Under the blue sky, Hei Xier and Bai Xi Sitting together, with happy smiles on their faces, they seemed to be talking freely.

The camera moved forward, Kirara Shigure stretched, and her smile became sweeter than before.

The camera turned again, but this time, The environment they are in is not as bright as before.

In the dark corner, two familiar figures are slowly moving forward.

And in the thick fog, there is a girl waiting for them with her back against the wall. ( To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As for who this girl is, the audience has no idea. The people of the Three Worlds of Collapse want to know who the two strange girls who appeared before were? Why did they appear


In the picture? Why did you suddenly go to the moon to find Kiana?

Is it an enemy or a friend? The audience of the Honkai Impact Three Worlds were confused.

And the audience of the Star Vault were also full of curiosity.

Regarding the unfamiliar characters , they also have 100,000 whys in their minds?

The screen turned again, and a picture emerged. The characters in the picture were Fu Hua and the Herrscher of Knowledge.

On a sunny afternoon, Fu Hua The bicycle she was riding was riding a ride with the Herrscher of Knowledge.

But... the Herrcher of Knowledge muttered, seeming to express her dissatisfaction with Fu Hua.

As for what she said, it is unknown.

New photos appeared, Kiana occupied the C position, and the other two strange girls stood aside, but from their expressions, they seemed to like Kiana very much.

After a while, Kirara Shigure's personal photo appeared. Looking at the camera, she struck a perfect pose.

The slightly raised corners of her lips also outlined the sweetest smile.[]

As an idol, she has to pay attention to her posture at all times.

Outside the light curtain, watching the video content, the audience was full of curiosity about the two girls on the moon.

That peculiar style and that unfamiliar face, it doesn’t look familiar at all!

But why did they land on the moon and take the initiative to find Kiana?

【Xingqiong March 7: Hey~ what is going on? Who are they? Haven't seen them in previous videos?】

【Kiana: Ahem, don’t ask me, I also want to know who they are?】

【Bronya: I don’t know him at all】

【Raiden Meiyi: It’s a bit strange indeed】

【Mebius: Just the fact that they took the initiative to land on the moon is already very suspicious.……】

【Dr. Mei: Are they from other worlds?】

【Otto: I like your guess.】

【Teresa: Probably not!】

【Kiana: Alas, if the answer is not announced in the video, it will only make people more and more curious.】

【Alicia: Ouch~ This is really a annoying question.~】

【Velvet: So, who are they?】

【Xingqiong March 7: Forget it, the video has ended and I can’t find the answer.】

【Sister Xing: Who are the three people hiding in the thick fog?】

【Kiana: Yes, who is it?】

【Bronya: Paramecium, it’s so simple, can’t you see?】

【Raiden Mei: We get along with her day and night……】

【Teresa: No, you really can’t guess?】

【Kiana: Uh... So who are they?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Sigh, I didn’t expect Kiana to be so stupid.】

【Kiana: I am older than you, you are stupid】

【Herrscher of Consciousness: Humph, it’s so obvious, why can’t you see it?】

【Fu Hua: If I guess correctly, the two people who appeared at the beginning should be me and Herrscher of Knowledge, and the person leaning against the wall is Kirara Shigure.】

【Theresa: Ding dong, that’s the right answer】

【Star Vault March 7: Hey, the video is over, let’s look forward to new video content】

【Star Sister: Waiting……】

After listening to the answers of several people, Kiana fell silent. Although she felt that the figure on the back was familiar, she still couldn't think of a name.

Kiana sighed and turned her attention to the video.

On the other side outside the light curtain is St. Freya Academy, in the Valkyrie's dormitory.

The final answer left Kiana confused.

In front of everyone, she didn't even recognize the squad leader and the Herrscher of Knowledge. How embarrassing...

Thinking about it, Kiana felt particularly depressed.

Mingming's back looked familiar, but she just couldn't remember the name, which led to the final result. And even the stupidest Herrscher of Knowledge laughed at him.

Damn it, Xi!.

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