Bronya:"We have been together for so long, and you still can't recognize the monitor's back." She raised her eyebrows and looked at Kiana. Faced with this situation, Kiana could only lower her head silently and said nothing.

After all, she really had no reason not to recognize Fu Hua.

Alas, the squad leader is probably quite disappointed with her too.

Mei Yi, Bronya and the others all recognized it, but she was the only one who was still making random guesses.

Fu Hua:"Don't think too much, it's actually nothing."

Leiden Meiyi:"Well, this situation is normal. It's like seeing a familiar person and suddenly forgetting her name."

Under everyone's comfort, The depression in Kiana's heart dissipated a little.

Now she turned her attention to the video again. The previous video had ended, and she didn't know who the next video would be about.

Immediately afterwards, Linn's deep voice came, and he introduced the content that was about to appear next.

【Those who do not intend to keep a contract will not find it difficult to make a contract.】

【Fools without true faith believe that everything is destined. 】

As this voice fell, the dark screen bloomed with a new light.

After a while, the screen went from black to bright.

A hand wrapped in armor holds a red rose.

He lowered his head and smelled the"three one three" fragrance of the rose, and the elegant voice slowly came:

"We, stop the bad reputation."

As his own voice appeared, the elegant piano sound slowly sounded.

He was like an ancient European noble, with golden armor wrapping his majestic body, and long red hair as gorgeous as the sunset.

Low and hoarse. The voice filled him with masculine charm.

On the crowded street, he chose to walk in the opposite direction.

"We spread the word."

Under the dazzling lights, beautiful rose petals slowly fell. He turned his back to the audience and continued:

"We are blind, eager, and pious."

Under the illumination of the light, he looked so elegant.

He opened his arms and enjoyed the bright light shining on him.

"The galaxy is so close!"

"[Pure beauty is everywhere!"

"[The knight's silver branch swears to you——"

He waved the spear in his hand, his red cloak fluttering in the wind.

His tall figure makes him look domineering and exposed

"[Pure beauty lasts forever!"

"Pure beauty knight! Is it awesome?"

Looking at the red-haired man in front of her, March Qi clenched her hands and stared at him eagerly.

Pam, Sister Xing, Ji Zi and others standing aside also stared at him silently.

But looking at his appearance, it felt like Very powerful.

But I don’t know what the strength is.


The lights went out and the house was shrouded in darkness.

When the lights came on again, the scene came to another place.

But the voice of the silver branch did not disappear."It is said that deep in the universe, there is something called [evil omen] lone beast."

And at this moment, Pam turned into the lone beast, running forward crazily under the attack of Silver Branch.

Silver Branch looked down at Pam's back coldly,"Its minions are sharper than before. magic weapon"

"Bang." Pam ran too fast and fell to the ground unsteadily.

Silver Branch:"But there was a knight's spear stuck in its corpse."

Suddenly, a red sharp blade was inserted in Pam's head.

It was only a few centimeters away from Pam's head. If it was a little off, Pam might... watching this performance, the audience outside the screen Everyone was sweating for Pam.

It was not easy for this rabbit. First he was treated as a lone beast, and then he was almost killed with a sword.

This unfortunate situation is really not something that ordinary people can bear.

Outside the light curtain , looking at the situation in front of them, the audience from different worlds sympathized with the long-eared rabbit. It was fluffy, soft, and looked easy to bully.

And when another person was performing, it was obviously drawn by lots. Instead of the lone beast character.

He ran forward pitifully, but after falling down, he was even almost sliced ​​off by a sharp red arrow.

On the barrage, the audience started a heated discussion.

【Kiana: Who is that rabbit? Quite cute】

【Gracie: Gracie wants a doll exactly like it】

【Alicia: Oh my, this is the first time I’ve seen such a cute bunny.】

【Mebius: What's the use of being cute? In the face of strength, everything is nothing.】

【Dr. Mei: This world of stars is really full of wonders.】

【Eden: Yes, this is the first time I’ve seen the character of Rabbit.】

【Padofelis: So cute, she’s almost catching up with the cat】

【Bronya: What about the pure knight?】

【Otto: I'm just curious about his real strength】

【Qianjie: Huh, I guess it’s just average.】

【Starry March 7: Damn it! Don't bully the train conductor!】

【Star Sister: In this video, Pam is really pitiful】

【Kiana: Train conductor? Is that the rabbit you're talking about?】

【Starry March 7: Yeah! Although the train conductor is mysophobic, whenever we need help, Pam will arrive in time.】

【Raiden Mei: A pure knight guarding the universe】

【Kiana: Oh~, but I still can’t see how strong he is.】

【Mebius: It lasted a long time, and most of the time he was singing a one-man show.】

【Starry March 7: Yes! This also caused me to not understand what he was here for.】

【Alicia: Oops~ We don’t need to know so clearly what he does. The knight who protects the beauty of the universe doesn’t look like a bad guy.~】

【Graciu: Yeah, Graciu doesn’t feel like a bad person.】

【Dr. Mei: Do bad people still have the word"bad guy" plastered on their faces?】

【Kiana: It seems not. 】

Watching the video, everyone started a series of operations regarding Yin Zhi’s identity.

After all, the background information provided by the other party is too little, and we can only get a general idea from some details.

Outside the light curtain, in St. Freya Academy, in the Valkyrie's dormitory.

Combining the content of the barrage, Kiana also understood that March 7th was exactly the same as her, and she didn't even understand what the silver branch was for.

After all, he performed for half a day, mostly speaking.

Kiana fell asleep after listening to it. Although it was a performance, Kiana still felt that his slow words were even more hypnotic than the math teacher's lecture.

Fortunately, the situation on March 7 was exactly the same as hers, otherwise she would be the only one confused and would have to be laughed at by Bronya.

"Alas, although I don’t know what his real strength is, I feel that he will be very powerful."

Bronya glanced at the screen coldly,"Maybe."

Thunder Mei Yi:"From his eyes that are not afraid of danger, you can feel that he should be a brave and good fighter.……"

Fu Hua:"I don't understand, so I won't comment. As Dr. Mei said, bad people don't carve the word"bad" on their faces, so guessing may not be accurate."

Leiden Meiyi:"Yeah.........."

Kiana nodded:"I understand, monitor."

The next video ended and the screen fell into darkness.

After a while, Lin En's deep voice came again:"Mediocrity and genius, humanity and divinity. In the golden age, I realized that life's struggles are all absurd moments." The audience fell silent, not quite understanding this sentence. the meaning of.

In the end, they can only hope for the video. Maybe they can understand this sentence through the video.mean.

So in the eyes of everyone's expectations, the new content was officially broadcast.

But under everyone's attention, what appeared was a white puppy.

It stuck out its tongue and shook its short, furry tail.

March 7th’s voice introduced:"I thought that the 4 polka cards would almost wipe out all the club members."

"Not holding out much hope," the puppy ran forward crazily, passed by Ji Zi, and ran towards Sister Xing.

When the camera turned, Heita's figure appeared, and she waved her right hand, and the camera moved accordingly. (Read Baoshuang novels, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The cute puppy appeared again, carrying a small schoolbag and running forward quickly.

March 7 put his hands together, and his beautiful eyes looked ahead through the gap.

"Oh~ look who is here."

Behind the white puppy, there were two jelly-like dolls.

They circled happily around March 7, but after a while, countless more appeared.

Suddenly, a mechanical sound came from


"Ms. Black Tower!"

"Open cabin"


The door opened and the stairs continued to slide down.

Seeing March 7 walking in, the white puppy hurriedly followed.

After an unknown period of time, the elevator reached the bottom.

Then the mechanical sound came again:"Level 1 Confidential area, authorized to: [Ms. Ruan Mei."

The camera turned, and in a quiet space, Ruan Mei turned her back to the camera, holding the strings in her hand.[]

"The space station has more secrets than you think"

"Hide your expression until you figure out what's going on"


"It will be full of flaws."

5.4 The voice is as gentle as water, especially pleasant to the ears, but if you listen carefully, you can feel a similar threat.

The camera changes again, and the man uses a strange plaster head sculpture to cover his face, but his voice is particularly magnetic, rich and pleasant.

Look. At this point, people in the Star Vault have already guessed who he is. Who else could he be besides Dr. Truth?

Sure enough, as expected, the strange plaster head sculpture disappeared, and Dr. Truth revealed his handsome face.

He knocked on it with a book He hit the enemy on the head and said softly:"What's wrong? Looking troubled"

"In this case, you can figure it out yourself."

Facing the monster in front of him, Dr. Truth dealt with it calmly.

It was as if he didn't take the enemy seriously in the first place.

"Gods among the stars depart from this world"

"I have a benefactor who is responsible for my creation, and I am able to bathe all worlds in the fire of destruction."

Esta frowned, looking extremely nervous.

The next moment, blue flames burst out from her body.

Surrounded by this flame, Esta's pupils were shaking, and she looked at all this with fear.

Seeing that something was wrong, Xing My sister also hurriedly rushed forward.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

The moment she stretched out her hand, Esta's figure disappeared.

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