Watching Mei Raiden in the video, viewers from different worlds are filled with admiration.

After all, with this kind of thinking, even if they work hard, they may not be able to catch up.

This battle is not over yet, the future has been planned and even prepared in advance.

On the other side outside the light curtain, in the meeting room of Fire Chaser Moth from the pre-civilization era.

After hearing the conversation between the two, Zhong Yingjie who was sitting together was also particularly shocked.

I didn't expect that Leiden Meiyi's mind would be so open-minded.

Prepare in advance and plan the future before the collapse is over.

But this also shows that she firmly believes that humans can defeat Honkai!

Mebius crossed his arms and stared at the screen with cold eyes,"Very good, pioneering and enterprising, with better ideas than anyone else."

Dr. Mei:"Be prepared in advance. This is a very good move."

Ellie Shia's sweet voice came,"Hahaha, I knew Mei was very powerful~ Before Honkai was over, she had already thought about the future. With such smart children, Honkai would be eliminated sooner or later. Defeat."

The sweet voice was like cotton candy, making people feel very soft.

He even agreed with her point of view.

Listening to everyone's discussion, Graciu nodded seriously"613", and she said obediently:"Graciu, I will also learn from Sister Mei in the future." The weather was cold, and

Aponya covered her with a blanket. Gratitude's body, and then said gently:"Well, her thoughts are indeed worth learning."

Obviously, she also very much agreed with Mei Yi's approach.

Back to the video, the scene continues to play.

The moment the captain finished speaking, a blue-haired girl appeared.

He covered his forehead with his hand, but it still couldn't block the sun. The dazzling light made Einstein choose to squint his eyes."It seems to be very lively here. What happened?"

Raiden Meiyi said,"Dr. Einstein, this is yes……"

But before he finished speaking, the captain pointed at himself and said excitedly:"Doctor, I want to apply for an intern at ME Pan Entertainment Company."

Afraid that the other party would not recognize him, the captain hurriedly said his previous job work experience

"I served as the captain of the Hyperion in Destiny and was very experienced in cleaning the decks of battleships."

Already cleaned once a day, he is very familiar with the cleaning process.

So the captain excitedly told the benefits of applying for him,"If you apply for me, your company's toilets can always be kept in perfect clean condition!"

His slender fingers touched his chin, and his sharp eyes looked up and down at the captain."Well, that's an interesting self-introduction."

"However, ME Pan Entertainment’s toilets have always been automatically cleaned by robots."

Punching the back of her head, Einstein couldn't bear to let her bright eyes dim, but she still had to tell the actual situation.

"The most important thing is that our company has no plans to recruit interns recently."

Hearing this, the captain was a little confused,"Hey~ Then why did Mei Yi be admitted?"

Einstein said calmly:"Because it's cute."

But it was these words that instantly shattered the captain's solid self-confidence into glass shards.

Just because she is cute? So why did you recruit her into your company?

This... this simply hit the captain more than anything else. Self-confidence.

On the barrage outside the light screen.

After hearing Einstein’s conclusion, the audience from different worlds burst into laughter.

Such a result is really shocking!

I don’t know the captain. Can you withstand this heavy blow?

【Star March 7: Hahaha, I can imagine how embarrassed he was at that time】

【Sister Xing: Tsk, such an answer is really shocking.】

【Theresa: Yes, it simply crushed the captain’s self-confidence into glass shards.】

【Kiana: I’ve known for a long time that Mei is super cute and cute. It seems like everyone looks at me the same way.】

【Bronya: Cute?】

【Alicia: Hahaha, everyone’s appreciation level is about the same. After all, Mei is really cute.~】

【Graciu: Yeah, sister Mei is gentle and cute.】

【Qianjie: Heh, cute! ?】

【Cecilia: That kid is so cute no matter what expression he makes.】

【Wuliangta Jizi: This result is really shocking. It is almost a disguised form of telling the captain that he is not cute, so the company will not recruit him.】

【Xingqiong March 7: Yes, he settled for the next best thing and was willing to be a cleaner in the toilet, but the other party still didn’t want her. This, alas~]

At this moment, the audience can even imagine that the captain is hearing The expression after this result.

Sadly, it’s too long!

It's better not to tell him the real situation, at least to allow him to retain a trace of fantasy in his heart.

Rather than like now, just forget about the idea of ​​joining the company, and even your own appearance has been hit.

Outside the light curtain, in St. Freya Academy, in the Valkyrie's dormitory.

Kiana was lying on the bed and couldn't help but pat the quilt with her hands,"Hahaha, this reason is too ridiculous."

"The captain is so miserable!"

Kiana:"Rejecting directly is a better answer than this."

Bronya:"It means that Meiyi's appearance is good in disguise. Fu

Hua pondered for a while and said calmly:"This answer really hurts people's self-confidence.""

Kiana hugged the pillow tightly with both hands and continued to sigh:"I didn't even give him a chance to go to the toilet. I don't know how sad the captain was at that time."

With that picture in her mind, Kiana shook her head slowly, and she could even imagine how uncomfortable the captain's expression was at that time.

Sigh! After all, such a situation is really not acceptable to ordinary people.

Even she, I'm afraid I will be depressed for a long time.

Back to the video, the scene continues to play.

Being praised by Einstein like this, Raiden Mei felt a little embarrassed

"Doctor, this is very embarrassing."

But the captain understands Einstein's thoughts. After all, Raiden Mei is indeed a very cute existence in his eyes.

So this reason is also normal.

"I can't deny it. Mei, it's really cute..."

At this point, the captain's eyes lit up. He was still unwilling to give up what he was looking at. After all, the interviewer was in front of him. If he didn't grab it hard, he would be really useless.

Ship. Chang took a step forward and hurriedly continued the introduction:"But Dr. Einstein, look at me."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After saying that, he made a very cute expression,"Actually, I can also be very cute."

As soon as the words fell, the atmosphere in the entire venue became extremely awkward.

Raiden Meiyi and Einstein fell silent. For a moment, they didn't know how to refute this sentence. The other party was right, but it was also wrong.

Raiden Meiyi fell silent. After a while, he said tangledly:"Captain, do you know what you are talking about?"

But at this moment, Einstein's voice came...

"Can the captain sing? ?"

It looked like he was asking a question, but it was actually giving the captain a chance.

The captain nodded and said with a guilty conscience,"I guess... yes."

Actually, he wasn't sure. After all, he hadn't developed his singing voice for quite some time.

Einstein stared at the captain and continued to ask,"Can you dance?

Regarding this question, the captain of course nodded without hesitation and said in a loud voice:"Yes!" Then he took a step back and stood in an empty square. He waved his hands excitedly and said loudly:"Watch me perform an aerial split.""

Then, the captain jumped into the air, spread his legs in the air and tried to perform a big jump.……


"It hurts!"

A heartbreaking pain came from his crotch, and the captain seemed to be wearing a mask of pain.

Seeing this, Raiden Mei rushed forward and asked in a low voice:"Captain! Stop messing around."

If no one had stood firm at the moment of falling, their knees would have been broken.

Mei Yi looked at the captain up and down, for fear of revealing other wounds.

Faced with Mei Yi's serious eyes, the captain also felt a little guilty, after all, he had just There are indeed huge safety risks in taking the risk.

And he also understands that Mei Yi is so angry because she cares about him.

Hey! That's one of the top 500 companies in the world!

The opportunity is in front of him, if he If you don't catch it, you'd really be sorry for yourself.

But at this moment, a girl with red hair and twin tails suddenly appeared.

Tesla put one hand on his waist and pushed the frame of the mirror with his hand.

He stared at Dr. Einstein angrily.

"Jiwotou, why are you fishing here?"The Midsummer Music Festival is the most important part of our plan to conquer Canghai City."

The more he spoke, the angrier he became, and Tesla's eyes became sharper than before.

Hearing this sentence, the captain clasped the back of his head in confusion and whispered,"Conquer?"

Tesla continued to shout:"Have you finished your project?"

Facing the menacing Tesla, Love 5.8 Einstein’s expression is still as calm as before

"Just finished."

Looking at her calm and calm look, Tesla was very angry. She was working overtime in the company, but she sneaked out to play.

The more he thought about it, the angrier Tesla became..

He stretched out his right hand and said,"Then show me.""

Looking at this information, Tesla fell silent,"……The finale of the music festival, performed by Mei Raiden……"

Seeing this, Tesla's inner anger almost burst out.

"Jiwotou, are you serious? He actually let that little girl perform the finale."

Einstein nodded silently,"Yes, she is very cute."

This sentence completely ignited all Tesla's anger. Einstein pointed his finger and shouted loudly:

"you are wrong! The one in front of you is the cutest idol."

Outside the light curtain, the audience didn't know how to evaluate the situation in front of them.

The relationship between Tesla and Dr. Einstein did not seem to be as friendly as they imagined.

Moreover, Dr. Einstein's reasons seemed not to be as friendly as they thought. It's too exaggerated.

Just because she's cute, I let Raiden Mei intern at this company; because she's cute, I let Raiden Mei perform in the most important finale.

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