Such a far-fetched reason, no matter where it is placed, is probably unacceptable.

It made the captain's mentality collapse before, but now it made Tesla furious.

So on the barrage, viewers from different worlds started a heated discussion

【Xingqiong March 7: Wow, appearance is justice!】

【Sister Xing: Tsk! The world of looking at faces】

【Kiana: Wow, I didn’t expect Mei’s eyes to be so popular, hahaha, Dr. Einstein’s vision is as unique as mine】

【Bronya: Because it’s cute, that’s fine………】

【Fu Hua: Raiden Mei is indeed cute in some aspects.】

【Alicia: Oops~ Maybe everyone has the same vision. Such a cute Mei Yi should perform in the finale~ I just don’t know what kind of performances Mei Yi will perform?】

【Teresa: Raiden Mei, the finale?】

【Wuliangta Jizi: I am somewhat looking forward to it】

【Graciu: Graciu is also looking forward to it very much.~】

【Kiana: Huh? I almost forgot about the finale performance. What show will Mei Yi perform? Could it be dancing?】

【Raiden Mei:...Impossible!】

【Otto: The story is getting more and more interesting. I’m also looking forward to the scene where Raiden Mei dances.】

【Cecilia: Does the child dance? It feels unlikely】

【Mebius: Raiden Mei dancing is a good stunt. 】

The audience is full of expectations for the follow-up of the story.

Whether it's Dr. Tesla's far-fetched reasons or Raiden Mei's finale performance, this is enough to watch.

On the other side, in the meeting room of Fire Chaser Moth from the pre-civilization era.

The moment she heard that Mei Raiden was about to perform the finale, Alicia instantly became energetic.

She sat upright suddenly, her pupils as bright as gems reflected the contents of the picture."Mei Yi, are you going to perform the finale?"

A white finger pressed against her plump lips,"Hmm~ Let me think about it, what kind of performances will Mei Yi perform?"

Thinking of the content on the barrage, Alicia rolled her eyes. , the result was soon obtained,"Can she sing?"

Mebius shook his head:"She, it's impossible?"

Graciu raised her right hand happily,"Can it be painting?"

Dr. Mei:"More Impossible."

Everyone's conjectures were all bizarre, and no one could come up with an answer at this moment.

So out of curiosity, all the heroes' eyes focused on the screen.

Under the blazing eyes, the video continued to play.

Looking at Tesla, Einstein commented:"Dr. Tesla, you are actually not good at singing."

Hearing this, Tesla became even more angry, crossed his arms, and said loudly:"Don't change the subject. , what we just discussed is who is cuter."

It's not about singing.

Seeing that the other party continued to mess around, Einstein sighed, then looked up at the girl in front of him,"What you said is cuter. You need to establish a frame of reference to make comparisons.""

"In my understanding, cuteness includes ten orthogonal parameter indicators"

"Singing is one of them."

But Tesla disagreed with this point.

In an instant, the two doctors started a heated argument.

Some physics terms were mixed in from time to time, and the captain could only understand half of it.

Such a simple question, How did it become so complicated?

The captain sighed. He just wanted to find a job as a toilet cleaner, why was it so difficult?

Raiden Meiyi, who was standing aside, said calmly:"According to past experience, these two doctors The debate could take up to a day"

"Even this place will be demolished by Dr. Tesla."

Hearing this situation, the captain suddenly felt bad.

"Well, let's leave quickly."

Lest innocent people be affected.

On the barrage

【Starry March 7: Huh? Is this a quarrel?】

【The Herrscher of Knowledge: A bunch of childish ghosts, cute? Cool is the way to go, okay?】

【Silver Wolf: It’s boring. Who cares about who is the cutest?】

【Bronya: Yeah, but in my eyes, Mei is the cutest】

【Kiana: Yeah, Mei is the cutest and most beautiful person in the world】

【Wuliangta Jizi: These two people look like two elementary school students quarreling.】

【Teresa: This Tesla seems to be more stubborn than the Herrscher of Consciousness.】

【Alicia: Oops~ It’s actually not hard to tell, everyone is so cute!】

【Eden: It’s a pity that they don’t understand this truth, and they will only argue about the views they agree with until the end.】

【Padofelis: This point feels a bit similar to the situation when Mebius was researching. 】

Regarding the situation at hand, both the viewers of the Star World and the viewers of the Honkai Impact Three Worlds have different ideas.

After all, Raiden Mei and Tesla are both cute, and they are girls with different styles, so how can they be compared?

But looking at Tesla's appearance in the video, it seems that she wants to fight to the end. She is the cutest idol. As for Raiden Meiyi, it is impossible to be cuter than her.

On the other side outside the light curtain, in the pre-civilization era, in the meeting room of Fire Chaser Moth.

The heroes watched the video quietly, but after watching the video, they also had different ideas.

How should I put it? Just like what was said on the barrage, Dr. Tesla and Dr. Einstein are no different from children.

Even the point of quarrel was inexplicable.

Only children would quarrel over such trivial matters. How could a more mature person care about this?

However, after thinking about Dr. Einstein’s weird reasons for recruiting people, I feel that it is particularly reasonable.

It seems that in Dr. Einstein's eyes, rules are meant to be broken.

But the points Dr. Tesla argued were also puzzling.

How can it be compared to being cute like Raiden Mei?

One twintail is cute and cute, and the other is elegant and beautiful. These are completely different types and cannot be compared at all.

But now she insists on competing to make Dr. Tesla admit that she is the cutest one.

Just thinking about that scene gives me a headache. If I put myself in Dr. Einstein's position, it would be even more despairing.

Mebius crossed her arms and stared at the screen with cold eyes, and the words she spoke were like ice. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Tsk, childish.

Dr. Mei:"Well, those two people are indeed very naive.""

"As two great doctors, they would argue for a long time over this small issue."

Gratius tilted her head and said obediently:"Actually, I feel that they are quite similar to Dr. May and Mebius. Mebius frowned, and Dr. Mei stared at Gratius curiously, and quickly asked:"Is it similar?" Where does it look like?"

She doesn't feel that she is similar to those childish ghosts.

Could it be that they look similar in appearance?

But if you look closely, they don't look alike, let alone in spirit.

In the expectant eyes of everyone, Gracie He whispered:"The way of arguing is very similar! Doctors will argue over and over again based on a small piece of research data."

After hearing this, Dr. Mei and Mebius reacted.

This fact seems to be true, but the concepts of the two things are different. Except for things in the research room, they will not do it because of one thing. They had been arguing about small things for a long time.

At this moment, Alicia's sweet voice came slowly,"Oh, the video is over, we might as well look forward to the next content."

Back on the light screen, new content replaced everything.

Against the black background, a line of white text appeared on the screen[]

Kiana:"Oh, why is there only this little time left?……"

Then the screen went black and bright.

In the glass room, flowers were blooming everywhere, and the gorgeous colors seemed to make people feel more sunny.

Exquisite tablecloths, exquisite presentation.

Bronya sat opposite Kiana, eating the cake elegantly.

The person sitting next to her was Raiden Meiyi.

Kiana raised her head and glanced at the two of them, then lay down nervously.

It feels like 727 is a little inappropriate to do this. After all, the table is full of cakes. If you accidentally touch them, your clothes will be stained! ?

Therefore, Kiana finally chose to hold her face with her hands, but her expression was very depressed.

"Everyone has to inform me at least one month in advance... No, give me half a year's notice in advance."

"How can there be a saying that [I will start work next week and just do the research today."

Suddenly being informed that she wanted to be a teacher, Kiana couldn't accept it.

It could also be said that she couldn't change her role. She herself was a role that was often taught by others. If she was asked to be a teacher, then Isn’t this misleading?!

Raiden Meiyi naturally saw Kiana’s frustrated expression.

Looking at her, Raiden Meiyi didn’t know for a momentHow to comfort her.

Those worried eyes met each other, and Kiana sighed deeply. She naturally understood Mei's worries.

"I'm fine, Mei. I'm really happy to be Helia's teacher. I'm just...a little guilty."

The more she spoke, the softer her voice became, because Kiana was really lucky, and she was not sure whether she could be a good teacher.

And Bronya also noticed Kiana's mood, so she joked in a low voice:

"oh? We [Zhaoyuehaiyuyucat] also have moments of guilty conscience?"

She couldn't say anything to comfort her, so she could only use this method to encourage her.

But she didn't know that after hearing these words, Kiana's hair suddenly exploded, and her big round eyes stared at Bloo. Nia, as if I want to eat her alive

"Bronya!! How many times do you have to recite it before you feel satisfied?"

"That's obviously because the guidance of the Alahato beta version is not perfect enough. If you had said earlier that you could only change your name once a month, I would definitely consider it!"

The two were about to quarrel, and Mei quickly changed the subject:"So, what is Kiana guilty of?"

After hearing this question, Kiana was silent.

Outside the light screen, watching Kiana in a depressed mood in the video, the audience found it very interesting.

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