The audience of Honkai Impact Three Worlds stared at Kiana with curiosity.

I never thought that Kiana would become a teacher, but if she were to be a teacher, would she really be able to teach the children well?

Ever since St. Freya Academy, she has always been the focus of teachers' attention!

They are basically in a state of being educated, or about to be educated.

But suddenly, such a character wants to become a teacher. Will this mislead the students?

Thinking of this, the audience was particularly confused.

But from another perspective, I feel that Kiana seems to have grown a lot, her thoughts have become mature, and she has learned to think from others' perspective.

If Kiana knew this news now, I'm afraid she would be very excited. As for the issue of teaching people well, I'm afraid Kiana is not within the scope of consideration.

She would only find this matter interesting and challenging, not to mention"guilty" appearing in her mind.

So in the barrage, the discussions among viewers from different worlds became particularly intense.

【Star Vault March 7: Kiana is going to be a teacher?】

【Sister Xing: Tsk! Being a teacher is such a simple thing】

【Starfield Walter:……】

【Starry Sky Danheng:……】

【Xingqiong Jizi: Ahem, teacher is never an easy position. If you want to be a good teacher, you have to work very hard.】

【Kiana: Yes, and in the video, I felt guilty because of this incident.】

【Bronya: Because you don’t think you can be a good teacher】

【Raiden Meiyi: When you are about to take office, it is inevitable to feel guilty. It means you have grown up and become mature…】

【Teresa: Hehe, it’s rare that you feel guilty because of something that hasn’t happened.】

【Mebius: I'm just a teacher, what's there to feel guilty about?】

【Wuliangta Jizi: Maybe in the future, Kiana will really mature a lot, and the"guilt" is the product of your putting yourself in someone else's shoes. There are more things to consider, so it becomes...cowardly】

【Bronya: Since you have been asked to be the teacher, then go with peace of mind, it’s okay】

【Raiden Mei: Believe in yourself, Kiana will definitely be able to do it】

【Alicia: Wow~ I don’t know if I have a chance to see Kiana’s lecture.】

【Wuliangta Jizi: With Kiana’s knowledge, it might be a bit difficult to be a lecturer】

【Teresa: Maybe the PE teacher】

【Fu Hua: This suits her. ]

On the other side, in the dormitory of the Valkyrie of St. Freya College.

The moment she learned that she was about to become a teacher, Kiana was so shocked that she almost dropped her pillow.

Lying on the bed, with the reflection of her clear pupils, Kiana still couldn't figure out how she could become a teacher in the future?

With the knowledge stored in her mind, let alone becoming a teacher, she might even need tutoring in the future.

But it sounds like they mean that she really wants to be a teacher.

Kiana suddenly felt that the whole world had become strange.

It was obviously something that hadn't happened yet, and the video was separated, but for some reason, she started to get nervous.

Can she really become a teacher?

"I’m so nervous. Can I really be a teacher?

Bronya stared at the screen indifferently,"Paramecium, it should be okay.""

Leiden Meiyi," Believe in yourself and don't be afraid."

With just one glance, she knew exactly what Kiana was thinking.

The tension seemed to be pulled out of her eyes.

Fu Hua pushed the frame and comforted:"There is no need to worry about what has not happened yet. Things feel anxious."

After everyone comforted each other, Kiana was in a much better mood.

The video continued to play.

Kiana became nervous after being asked by Raiden Mei.


"You think, from the source, do I have no experience as a teacher at all?"

"When I was in St. Freya, I always belonged to the role that everyone taught me. Even if I reach the moon, it will still be the same."

A character who was taught by others suddenly turned into a character who taught others. It felt awkward no matter how you looked at it.

So Kiana continued:"Now I have to be pulled by the doctors every day to make up for the culture that has been lost in the past few years. knowledge, and face various exams every weekend and at the end of the month... Even the exploration of the final power is almost always carried out with the help of everyone."

"Moreover, there are more than 100 people who have traveled back and forth between the moon and the earth over the years. I am so familiar with them that I even know what grade their children are in."

"So, when it comes to new faces...unlike you two, I haven't seen them in a long time."

"Mei is one of the examiners of the [Mars Exploration Selection Competition] and has already dealt with Helia and Coralie; Bronya also asked Coralie to outsource part of the development content of Alahato."

"As for me, I am a complete stranger to them now."

Bronya:"I never imagined that these words would come out of your mouth one day."

"If it were you before, I probably wouldn't have had these worries at all. When you saw someone, you would have been laughing and joking."

The audience outside the light screen listened to the conversation of several people, and their views on Kiana changed a little.

Especially the audience of Honkai Impact 3 looked at Kiana with a little more joy..

I didn’t expect that Kiana would grow so much in the future.

She felt guilty because she cared about this matter and was afraid that she could not teach her students well, so she felt guilty.

Compared to Kiana before, Is it Ma Daha's existence? Being a teacher? Maybe for her, it is just a simple thing. She will not think about whether she can be a good teacher or whether she can shoulder this responsibility!

【Star Vault March 7: Hahaha, it turns out that Kiana has really always been the character being taught.】

【Sister Xing: Does that mean I can also be a teacher?】

【Kafka: I’m afraid not】

【Xingqiong Jizi: I'm afraid you'll teach the children bad things】

【Starry March 7: Hahaha!】

【Mei Raiden: I believe Kiana can be a perfect teacher】

【Bronya: What’s so confusing about this?】

【Fu Hua: Kiana believes in herself】

【Alicia: Oh my! What an interesting experience it is to be a teacher】

【Gracie: Gracie also wants to be a teacher】

【Aponia: Well, of course Gratio can】

【Kiana: I never thought that I would become a teacher in the future. But from what Mei Yi meant, it seemed that he informed me to become a teacher when I was not prepared.】

【Xingqiong March 7: It’s a pity that the video has ended, otherwise I would still like to see you as a teacher】

【Raiden Meiyi: I want to see it. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Bronya: Paramecium becomes a teacher……】

【Alicia: Yes~ I want to watch it too~]

Because the video has ended, everyone can only bury this wish deep in their hearts.

In the future, they will definitely be able to see Kiana becoming a teacher.

The screen changed and a new content appeared.

Under the bright light, March 7 stared ahead in disbelief.

Feeling that she was hallucinating, she quickly shook her head and opened her eyes again to look forward.

But when he saw it, it was a face that was exactly the same as his own.

March 7's face was pale, and a bunch of goose bumps appeared on his arms.

The camera turned, and directly in front of March 7th, a girl who looked the same as her appeared on the screen.

The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and her expression seemed to be somewhat different from March 7.

After all, the current March 7 is not laughable. To her, the girl in front of her is no different from the sudden appearance of".thing" in a horror movie.

Her feet felt as heavy as lead, and the emotions of fear and curiosity took over her body, making her not sure how to deal with everything in front of her.

March 7th rubbed his neck and clenched his hands,"This is……"[]

"Why is there another me here?"

"She seems to be talking to me……"

Outside the light curtain, in the dormitory of the Valkyrie of St. Freya Academy.

When they saw another March 7 appear, they were also dumbfounded.

Kiana rubbed her eyes, but when she opened them again, she still saw the same face as March 7th.

So it wasn't that she was hallucinating, but that there were really two March Sevens in the video.

If it weren't for God's perspective, she might not be able to identify which one is the real March 7th.

"This is too scary! How come there are two March 7ths?"

"Who plays the other March Seven? How come they look exactly the same? Every detail on the body is similar.

Bronya:"Strange?" who is she?"

Thunder and Lightning Mei Yi:"This situation is really curious."

Kiana gasped,"Don't you think this is no different from a horror movie?"

(You have to do well)"Open the door, only to find another one of you standing behind the door, and the other person also raised the corners of his mouth and made a different expression from his own."

Bronya:"Paramecium, you are quite good at telling horror movies."

Kia Na:"No, what I said is the truth! She suddenly appeared. For March 7th, it was no different from a horror movie."

"I think the way she smiles is even more creepy."

Kiana touched the goosebumps on her body, but nothing could smooth them away.

Fu Hua pushed the frame of the mirror with his slender fingers,"So who is she again? Could it be that March 7 is actually the same as Xi'er?"

Kiana:"No way?"

Under the expectant eyes of a pair of people, the content continued.

Another March 7 (?) said with a smile:"I understand your past. What you want to see, touch, and know……"

"Your hometown, relatives, friends, feelings, love and hate……"

March 7:? ? ?


She took a few steps back warily. The more she heard this, the more terrifying it became.

How could she know this? Who is she?

Did she encounter a supernatural event?

Just when March 7th was entangled, then The man continued:

"I am the complete March Seven, with all the memories you have forgotten...Father"

March Seven:...

If she is the complete March Seven, then who am I?.

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