"This is Li Sushang?"

Fu Hua looked at the woman who appeared in the live broadcast screen.

There was some trance in his eyes.

Always felt like somewhere I've seen it.

But I haven't seen it before.

Anyway, that feeling is very strange

Bud Yi looked at Fu Hua's appearance and asked curiously, "Squad leader, do you know this person named Li Suxiang?" "

Fu Hua paused.

Then shook his head: "I haven't seen it." "

"I didn't have any impression at all."

"But there is a strange feeling."

Kiana: "But just now, the person who knew the law clearly said that you have a very close relationship with her. "

Fu Hua shook his head: "I want to know the meaning of the lawyer." "

"It should be in the future."

"At least now, I don't have any impression of this Ms. Li Suxiang."

That being said.

But Fu Hua has always had a strange feeling.

There is just no way to express it.

But fortunately, this feeling comes and goes quickly.

Fu Hua didn't think much about it.

But also under the influence of this feeling.

He paid more attention to Li Suxiang unconsciously.

I was curious about Li Suxiang's next performance.

Bronia spoke: "Honkai 3 is a game that is when the captain controls the Valkyrie to participate in our story. "

"Fight with the Honkai Beast too."

"Since it's a character PV."

"I think the next step should be to see Li Suxiang's strength display."

Kiana asked in surprise, "Bronia, how can you know this kind of thing." "

Bronia: "Because Bronia has played a lot of games. "

"The whole production process of the game and the subsequent sequel process are very clear."

"It's a must-have skill as a gaming enthusiast."

"Apparently stupid Kiana, there is no knowledge reserve in this area."

Kiana stomped her foot angrily.

But there is no way to refute it.

Watching the two of them argue, on such a trifle, they can also argue.

Bud Yi could only shake his head helplessly and look at Fu Hua: "Squad leader, are you okay?" "

Fu Hua nodded: "I'm fine. "

"It's basically fine, let's move on."

Bud Yi snorted.

Let's look at the live screen.

On the Star Dome train.

March Seven looked at Walter curiously: "Uncle Yang, you seem to be very familiar with this person named Li Suxiang." "

Walter pushed his glasses: "Familiarity is not counted, it should be considered knowing." "

March 7 suddenly became curious: "Talk? "

Walter did not hide it: "The S-class Valkyrie hidden by the Mandate of Heaven Organization is very powerful. "

"In terms of generation, Li Suxiang should be regarded as Fu Hua's apprentice."

"That's why those who know the law just now will say that their relationship is very good."


March 7 was shocked all of a sudden.

"But Fu Hua obviously looks younger than Li Suxiang."

"What's going on, Li Suxiang's master?"

"It doesn't look like it at all!"

"Uncle Yang, you won't be fooling us, will you?"

Star: "Uncle Yang should not joke about this kind of thing." "

Himeko: "Well, Mr. Walter is not the kind of person who likes to make such jokes. "

Danheng: "In March, let's hear what Mr. Walter has to say. "

Walter looked at March 7: "Young? "

"Don't be deceived by Fu Hua's appearance."

"The age of everyone on our train set added up, and they may not even reach a fraction of Fu Hua."

"Maybe even in our universe."

"Except for the Star God, I'm afraid no one has lived longer than her."

Walter put it this way.

Several others were shocked.

Is this still human?

Even if it is an immortal species of the Star Dome Universe.

It's not such an exaggeration.

Besides, it was still a world without the blessings of the star gods.

How could there be such a long-lived person?

March Seven still said a little disbelievingly: "So Uncle Yang, how old is Fu Hua." "

Walter slowly stretched out five fingers.

March Seven breathed a sigh of relief: "500 years old..."

Before she could slow down.

I saw Walter shake his head.

March Seven suddenly became nervous: "5.....5000? "

Walter shook his head again.

In an instant, the entire train crew gasped.

The temperature of the carriage dropped by itself by a few points.

March Seven said the final number in a trembling voice: "5555...55 long live??? "

Valt nodded.


The whole carriage fell silent.

It becomes audible.

The melodious sound of background music coming from the live broadcast.

It is similar to the background music of the previous Laws of Knowledge.

The audience in front of the live screen heard it.

This is also a Shenzhou electronic sound!

It's strange!


Lynn also loves the music that Mi Yu makes.

It's like what those players joked about in previous lives.

A music company and animation company that was delayed by the game.


If Mi Yu had seriously made those animations, there would really be nothing else to do.

At the same time, he also introduced to the audience: "Strictly speaking, this segment is a PV clip version of the official flow of the game. "

"It is the second creation of captains who love Honkai 3."

"The name is 'Chivalry and Destiny'."

"Let's enjoy it, Li Suxiang's chivalrous."

On the computer screen.

Li Suxiang's imperial sword flew, and the shadow of ten thousand swords behind him followed.

Just like immortals.

Endless power at your disposal.

Plus the sword, this weapon.

There is a symbol of a gentleman and lady in itself.

As long as you can play it.

All have a special sense of handsomeness and beauty.

Not to mention a genius like Li Suxiang who cultivates kendo.

Those swords reached her hand.

It's like coming to life.

Then the screen turns.

On a table was a sword with rice paper pressed under it.

A few pens on the rice paper walked the dragon snake, and the imposing brush words appeared.

"Three feet of water in the box, Wu Tan chops the dragon son!"

"Life is a sword, but it is also expensive and dangerous!"


Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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