"Cut, what's so great about that."

"I can write it too!"

After seeing these words.

With a face full of disdain.

But I have to admit it.

Li Suxiang's talent is indeed powerful.

Even if it has been frozen by Otto for more than five hundred years.

After waking up, the strength has risen to a higher level.

Even Fu Hua...

"Old antiques were left behind."

"Let her fight with all her strength just don't listen!"

Those who know the law still think.

It should be that Fu Hua's strength is even stronger.

After all, Fu Hua also showed that posture in the end.

Go and face off against the man who is with her.

Of course.

Those who know the law are still biased towards Fu Hua's side in their hearts.


He won't quarrel with Fu Hua just after that, so he will stay here and wait for her to find herself.

If only it was someone else.

If you dare to quarrel with her.

Directly greeted the Tai Void Grip.

"I don't know that Kiana is bored on the moon now."

"If only she could see this live room."

"You can talk to your past self, it should be interesting, right?"

The Law of Knowledge thinks so.

But it didn't go into practice.

Because with the current situation, she has no way to contact Kiana.

Only the device of Destiny will do.

And she didn't bring this device ....

Fu Hua didn't bring it either.

Thinking of this, the person who knows the law can only sigh helplessly.

"All of a sudden, the fun is gone."

"Forget it."

"Continue to see what other captains can edit Li Suxiang's PV into."

The Law of Knowledge continued to watch.

After all, it is Li Suxiang who can fight Fu Hua.

Therefore, those who know the law should also look a little more seriously.

In the live broadcast screen.

With the disappearance of that piece of ink text.

The picture turns to a square in the mountains.

Li Suxiang waved his sword in his hand, and a huge sword gang was cut out from in front of him.

Under her was the shadow of the black and white ink sword.

It seems very opinionated.

In one move, several insiders can also see it.

This Li Suxiang's sword intent had reached an extremely profound level.

This was followed by the display of Li Suxiang's various moves.

The figure moved.

Countless sword qi rained down.

She stood in the air, like a powerful sword immortal who came to the mortal world to slay demons and remove demons.

Then an aqua-blue long sword appeared in Li Suxiang's hand.

The sword seemed to come to life in her hand.

Between sword moves.

The sword qi cuts through the space.

Leave traces in mid-air.

The body technique and sword technique were perfectly interpreted at this moment.

Viewers watching the live broadcast.

Whether you understand the sword or not.

They were all shocked at this moment.

Fiercely recognized Li Suxiang's strength.

Except for the Law of Knowledge.

She belongs to the kind of person who is not convinced and unconvinced.

After a set of sword moves.

Li Suchang waved the aqua-blue long sword in his hand, and stood in front of him with a sword finger: "Supreme Freedom Sect Great Disciple Li Suchang." "

"Please enlighten you..."

When the last note fell.

Behind Li Suxiang, thousands of ink sword qi were condensed again.

The same as a long sword in his hand.

"Ten thousand swords return to the sect!"

"Please teach the power of Tai Vain!"

The sword is like a long river crumbling.

Washed by.

[March 7: This is also too handsome! ] 】

[Walter: Is this the real strength of Li Suxiang? No wonder it can be with ...].

[Bronia: So powerful, is she also a Valkyrie of Destiny? 】

[Teresa: Didn't Walter say that just now? Tricked by my grandfather Otto. 】

[Honkai Himeko: Such strength should surpass the lawyer, right? 】

[Star: At least the Void Lawyer is obviously not enough to see in front of her. 】

[Bud Yi: So powerful...].

[Danheng: Why do I think this sword move is a little familiar. 】

[Li Suxiang: Why would I also be too illusory sword technique...]

[The Law of Knowledge: Yes??? You mean you'll also be too illusory? How is this possible, this is the old antique self-created. 】

[Fu Hua: I created it? I only remember that I knew these moves, I don't remember who created them. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Oh, your amnesia is normal now. 】

[Teresa: Fu Hua has amnesia? 】

[Li Suxiang: However, my Tai Void Sword Method was taught to me by my mother. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: ??? This Li Suxiang was also taught by her mother...].

[Star: You two should not be the same person. 】

[Danheng: Too empty... Sword technique, isn't this the profound martial arts of the Immortal Boat Alliance? 】

[Kafka: Too empty? I'm going to say it's going to be more and more interesting. 】

[Silver Wolf: Kafka, if you talk too much on the barrage, you will be discovered by the train crew. 】

[March 7: Hey hey, it's easier for you to be exposed when you say this].


In front of the computer.

Lynn watched Li Suxiang display the exquisite Tai Void Sword Technique.

"It's really interesting."

"Everyone's Tai Void Sword Technique is very different."

"After seeing Li Suxiang's Tai Void Sword Technique, I also have a different understanding of my own Tai Void Sword Technique."

Lynn looked on with satisfaction.

He has the Tai Void Sword Method that is systematically rewarded, and it is still the kind of great consummation.

Theoretically, it is stronger than Li Suxiang.

But Li Suxiang's Tai Void Sword Method is different from his.

So after watching Li Suchang's interpretation.

There is also a new understanding.

After retracting his thoughts, Lynn said with satisfaction: "It's really an unexpected gain." "

Then he saw it.

The discussion of the Tai Void Sword Method on the barrage.

Go without saying.

It must have been caused by the Law of Knowledge.

Seeing that everyone did not discuss it, it was true.

Lynn spoke: "When the isotopes of the two worlds reach a certain number. "

"At the quantum level, it will have a quantum entanglement effect on the two worlds."

"It will bring the isotopes of the two worlds closer to the same."

"So the experiences of the two Li Suxiang are similar, and everyone doesn't have to be very strange."

What quantum entanglement such a thing.

Let's be honest.

Lynn didn't understand.

But in both worlds there is a common quantum sea and imaginary space.

This is something that everyone knows.

So Lynn applied a very classic statement from crash scientists.

Undecided, quantum mechanics!

Then 99 percent of the doubts can be solved.

This is not after Lynn has finished explaining.

Let's not discuss this topic.

What is a crash scientist?

Reclining .jpg


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