"The Quantum Sea..."

"It seems to have heard it when I was studying the palace."

"Quantum entanglement..."

Li Da Pillow thought for a while, and then nodded slowly: "It sounds like it makes sense." "

"It's just magical entanglement."

Li Suxiang hammered his palm.

A look of sudden realization.

It's like realization.

The eyes revealed clear stupidity.

Continue looking at the light curtain.

These boring things.

I didn't think about it anymore.

Because even if you want to go on.

She couldn't think of a reason.

And Li Suxiang himself is also a person with a big heart.

Can't think of it.

Just leave it alone.

That's her credo.

But while continuing to watch the live screen.

Li Suxiang's eyes still had a look of envy.

"It's the same Li Suxiang, why is the gap so big."

The same cultivation is the Tai Void Sword Technique.

Although Li Suxiang is a bit civilized and martial.

But it can also be seen that Li Suxiang has broken the world.

The realm of sword intent has reached a very high level.

Maybe only her mother can compare with her.

And himself....

Li Suxiang glanced at the golden long sword that he had placed in the corner.

I struggled to even lift this sword!

Li Suxiang wanted to cry without tears in her heart.

Your own strongest move.

It's 'Too Void Shen Yun Phoenix Manifestation'!

And this Li Suxiang is obviously casual in his moves.

It's already surpassing its own big moves.

What a flat A forced big move.

Li Suxiang: "No, I can't lose to me in another world." "

"I also have to hurry up and take my Tai Void Sword Technique to the next level."

I made up my mind.

Li Suxiang continued to look at the live broadcast screen.

Reasons and goals began to emerge in my mind to become stronger.

"I don't know, this Li Suxiang."

"Whether you have cultivated to the step of the Tai Void Sword God."

"If so, then isn't she the same as the marshal?"

Li Suxiang was surprised in her heart at the same time.

I also vaguely looked forward to it.

If this Li Suxiang can reach that realm.

Isn't that also illustrating.

Can you do it yourself?

On the Star Dome train.

After Walter's long story short introduction.

Several people's mouths were so shocked that they could stuff an egg.

March Seven took a while to come back to his senses: "It turns out that Fu Hua and the Law of Knowledge have such a relationship. "

Valte nodded: "As a hero of the pre-civilization era." "

"Fu Hua is not only the pioneer of this era of civilization, but also one of the heroes of mankind's last moment."

"In short, her life is long."

"Now she just lost some memories because of some things."

"She'll be able to get it back soon."

Danheng: "Even Li Suxiang is so powerful. "

"That Fu Hua, who is the ancestor of the master, how powerful was in his heyday."

Walter thought for a moment: "Collapse the world, people who can defeat the heyday." "

"No more than three."

Such a comparison.

A few people immediately had a sense of picture.

In short, it is.

Fu Hua's true strength.

Very strong.

Or which one is strong against the sky.

In the Valkyrie dormitory at this time.

After seeing the law of knowledge, Fu Hua lost his memory.

Several people looked at Fu Hua.

Fu Hua shook his head: "I don't know why." "

"I don't think there's anything about this kind of thing."

"Maybe it's because of the past, there is nothing to remember."

Bronia: "Squad leader, remembering this kind of thing can sometimes be painful. "

"But anyway, it's a testament to who we are."

"So Bronia is willing to help the squad leader and retrieve the squad leader's memory within her ability."

Kiana: "Squad leader, it doesn't matter if you can't get it back." "

"We will create new memories with you."

Bud Yi: "Yes, squad leader." "

"Everyone's memory is unique."

"If you can get it back, you must find it back."

"Even if you can't get it back, you must cherish every memory now."

Fu Hua looked at the three people in front of him.

Not sure why.

A smile unconsciously leaked from his mouth.

Hands that have been wrapped around your chest.

It also presents a relaxed posture at this moment.

Hung down.

Then Fu Hua explained: "Li Suxiang's strength is very strong. "

"Her Tai Void Sword Art realm has reached a very high level."

"If I'm not mistaken, she should be able to unleash the most powerful move in the Tai Void Sword Technique!"

Kiana heard two powerful words.

Immediately, his eyes lit up: "What is it?" "

Fu Hua's eyes became slightly solemn: "Too Void Sword God!" "

Bronia: "What a domineering name." "

Bud Yi: "Just hearing the name is already shocking. "

Kiana: "This trick sounds very powerful..."

The three of them also looked at the live broadcast screen expectantly.

In the live broadcast screen.

Li Suxiang released different moves one after another.

Killed a lot of dead soldiers and Honkai beasts.

Finally she stood on the top of a mountain.

"It's time to show your true skills!"

The tip of the sword in his hand flashed a golden light.

The picture also becomes a bottom-up looking up picture at this moment.

In the sky behind Li Suxiang, the clouds rolled up.

"Three feet of water, can cut the clouds!"

"Take the heart as a sheath to raise the sword!"

"Too Void Sword Qi Shen Yun!"

"Too Void Sword God!"

Suddenly, a golden light appeared among the clouds above Li Suxiang's head.

Then the clouds seemed to have been poked apart by something.

A huge tip of the sword.

From the clouds carries the power that seems to open up the world.

Fall from heaven.

At this time, Li Suxiang was like the only sword body god in the heavens and on earth.


Finally, the picture rests on the tip of a huge golden sword.

The tip of the sword shines coldly.

Exude this chill


Viewers in front of the live broadcast room.

At this moment, he seemed to feel a sense of panic.

It's the same to go through the light curtain.

Straight to the heart.

[March 7: What a terrible move, if this move falls directly, even the doomsday beast can't withstand it, right? ] 】

[Star: Can top, but will die. 】

[Danheng: You have a great sense of humor. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: What's great, my phoenix manifestation is much more powerful than this. 】

[Li Suchang: You will also manifest the phoenix? 】

[Teresa: This is Li Suxiang's real strength...].


There will be an update later, readers do not walk away, tomorrow rest.

It's about popping !!

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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