
"What a terrifying move."

"Even if I am separated from the live broadcast room, I have a feeling of heart palpitations."

"We have such a powerful Valkyrie in our destiny."

"Why didn't grandpa in the first place..."

This feeling of palpitations.

The last time I felt it was when I faced Celine the Law of Voidness.

It was also the collapse of that time.

Teresa lost many, many things.

If it hadn.

Otto called Li Suxiang over as well.

Is it not....

Will the ending be different?

Teresa also understood that things had already happened.

Now if you go to the afterthought, it is useless.

But Teresa still fantasizes sometimes.

If he hadn't lost Cecilia in the first place.

Is everything going to be different now?

After thinking for a while, Teresa took a deep breath.

Calm your mind.

"Himeko, it seems that the Mandate of Heaven Headquarters really has many secrets that even I don't know."

"Grandpa, he really hides many, many things."

Himeko nodded: "Yes." "

"Kiana has become the Law of Emptiness, and Li Suxiang."

"It seems that Bishop Otto is really hiding a lot of things in secret."

Just now, Teresa and Himeko had already combed through when watching the live broadcast.

After the fall of the Law of Emptiness.

The battlefield cleaned by Destiny.

It is impossible for a lawyer to have two of the same.

But the core of the lawyer can always exist.

And the core of the Law of Emptiness.

Isn't it just being recycled by destiny?


"It seems that my choice to leave the Mandate of Heaven and come to the Far East Branch was the right one."

"You really..."

"I'm disappointed."

Teresa clenched her fists.

Himeko looked at Teresa and slowly spoke, "Then Headmaster, what are we going to do next?" "

Himeko's title for Teresa changed slightly.

It also shows her determination.

Will follow Teresa.

Follow St. Freya's Academy to advance and retreat.

Teresa also felt Himeko's determination.

In addition to being moved in my heart, I also remembered Himeko's future.

If the future shown in the game is real.

Then all this was caused by Otto.

At all costs!

I will never let such a future happen!

Teresa spoke, "Let's keep reading first." "

"Now the Far East Branch wants to collide with the Mandate of Heaven headquarters, it is to hit the stone with a pebble."


Teresa continued to look at the live broadcast: "We can find what we want here. "

"Answers about the future."

Himeko nodded: "Although it sounds very, it seems that this is the only way it can be done for now." "

The two continued to look at the light curtain.

In the Valkyrie dormitory at this time.

Except for Fuhua.

The three people of the Royal Three Family were also completely shocked by this move Tai Void Sword God.

My heart couldn't calm down for a long time.

And Fu Hua looked at this move and recognized Li Suxiang's strength.

It's a strange feeling.

It's like the elders recognize the younger ones.

"Could it be that I met Li Suxiang a long time ago?"

"But judging by her age, she shouldn't be much older than Kiana..."

Fu Hua looked at the Tai Void Sword God who wanted to rush out of the live broadcast room: "My lost memory..."

"How many are there?"

Kiana was the first to come to her senses: "This is too strong..."

Bud Yi: "Yes, this trick can't be followed even by a lawyer." "

Bronia: "The reloaded rabbit can't analyze the power of this trick at all. "

"Li Suxiang is really strong."

"More powerful than any Valkyrie we've seen so far."

Bud Yi nodded in agreement.

That's true.

What Li Suchang showed was.

Perhaps only those S-class Valkyries with the strongest Mandate can be compared.

Kiana clenched her fists: "One day I will become so strong too." "

Bronia looked at the live broadcast room.

First, Kiana becomes the Law of the Void and the future of Himeko's fall.

Then there's the little game hosted by that Hill.

Then came Li Suxiang....

And Lynn's familiarity with everyone in the live broadcast room.

Bronia, who has gradually made rationality, begin to believe in Lynn's identity.

"If that's really the case."

"Then Lynn must know where Ciel is now."

"I also know how to rescue Xi'er!"

Bronia's eyes.

There is a different look.

After thinking for a short while.

Bronia asked her question on the barrage.

In front of the computer.

Lynn's eyes were looking at the computer screen though.

But the attention is not in the live broadcast room.

Instead, look at the prompt that the system just pops up.

"The third live broadcast is over."

"Popularity Settlement: Interact with the audience and gain popularity value: 496"

"Play Li Suxiang 2nd Creation PV, gain popularity value: 374"

"Honkai World Li Suxiang shocked all audiences and gained popularity value: 1129"

"Total Popularity: 5400/5000"

"The popularity collection task is completed, and the reward is distributed!"

The corners of Lynn's mouth raised: "Not bad, not bad." "

"This second creation PV is really put right."

"Li Suxiang is too shocked by the Void Sword God to this group of people, and it is really powerful."

"I just don't know if Li Da Pillow's self-confidence was hit when he saw this scene."

When I think of the phoenix manifestation of Li Da's pillow.

Lynn couldn't help but laugh.

The person who knew the law on the barrage thought that Li Suxiang's phoenix manifestation was the same as his own.

The next moment, the system prompt in front of me changed.

New rewards are issued....

When seeing the reward in front of you.

Lynn's pupils shrank: "Good thing! "


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