In front of the system prompt.

The latest reward prompt that pops up.

Lynn's breathing couldn't help but become a little rapid.

"Live Mission Completion Reward: God's Key, Domination Key (Full Body)"

"New Mission: Gain Popularity 8000"

"Current popularity value: 5400/8000"

"Key of Domination (Complete Body): The Key of the Tenth God, the Key of Domination, a divine key crafted from the core of the Thousand Laws, which has the ability to change appearance according to the user's ability."

"Hint: This Divine Key is the core of the complete Thousand Man Lawyer, and can burst out the full power of the Lawyer."

The key to domination!

Or complete body.

You know, there are a total of a thousand domination keys created by the pre-civilization era!

That's because there are a thousand in the core of the Thousand Lawyers.

This also leads to the energy that each dominance key can burst out.

Only one thousandth of the other God's Key.

But the dominance key of the system reward.?

Apparently there is no such drawback.

"The most complete key to domination, it can also resonate with the user."

"Change the shape."

"I don't know what it will become in my hands."

Lynn's heart was a little expectant.?

After all, in Crash 3, there are too many forms of dominance keys.

Of course, the most is still sword-shaped.

"Extract the key of domination."

The next moment, a golden ball of light appeared in Lynn's hand.?

Then Lynn seemed to feel something.

With a strong grip, he directly crushed the ball of light in his hand.?


The ball of light shattered, and countless fragments of light merged again in Lynn's hands.

Then a three-foot Qingfeng appeared in Lynn's hand.?

The fragment of the ball of light just held in his hand turned into the hilt of the sword, and the rest became the body of the sword.

"Take advantage of it."

Lynn said in surprise.?

It is obviously the first time to hold a sword, but there is a feeling of blessing.

I don't know if it's because I obtained the Tai Void Sword Technique.

Or because of the key of God.

In short, at the moment when the sword starts.

The feeling is as familiar as having swung a sword a thousand times.?

Lynn glanced at the three-foot Qingfeng in his hand.

Very simple, no extra patterns.

But there is a mysterious sense of heaviness.

Lynn nodded with satisfaction: "The other dominance keys also have their own names. "

"I have to choose a name for this sword."

Thought about it.

Lynn smiled slightly: "Immortal! "

With the Immortal Sword, plus the power of two powers.

His own strength can be raised to the next level.

The key of domination in his hand trembled slightly.

It's like accepting the name.

Then Lynn's mind moved, and the Immortal Sword turned into a bit of cyan golden light and fused into his hand.

It became a cyan-patterned glove.

"The Key of God is really convenient."

"It's nice that each god's key has its own portable form."

Lynn shook it, then continued to look at the computer screen.

The live broadcast on the computer screen continues.

Just now Lynn froze it.

So the audience in the live broadcast room did not see the process of Lynn getting the key to domination.

When Lynn looked back at the barrage in the live broadcast room.

I saw the barrage sent by Bronia.

It was also the first time Bronia asked him questions.

[Bronia: Mr. Lynn, I want to ask you, do you know where Xi'er is? 】

[Knower: I know too, you can ask me. 】

[March 7: Xi'er, is that the initiator of the guessing game? 】

[Kiana: Why haven't I heard Bronia mention this name before.] 】

[Bud Yi: It seems that it should be someone that Bronia cares about. ] 】

[Silver Wolf: Are you a game master with different concerns? ] 】

[Kafka: You two are really a bit alike. 】

[Star: That's a nice name. 】

[Danheng: This shouldn't be the point, right? 】

[Walter: Want to find Ciel through Lynn...].

[Teresa: Ciel, is it someone important to Bronia?] 】

[Bronia: Well, Sil is Bronia's sister, and Bronia must find Ci'er! ] 】

[March 7: Huh? Why do you like to call yourself by your first name! 】

[Star: Star thinks it's cute. 】

[March 7: You learn the machine! ] 】


Lynn looked at the barrage and replied, "Of course, but you can't go where Xi'er is now." "

"Even if I go, I can't save Xi'er."

"Bronia, I'll put a short PV of your characters, and you'll know where Xi'er is."

"The title of this short film is 'Angel Reconstruction.'"

"It's about how you became a lawyer, and because of this short film, you got the nickname 'Ghost Fire Girl' in the player group."

"Let me find out."

[Bronia: Ghost Fire Girl? 】

[Silver Wolf: This nickname sounds quite interesting. 】

[Kiana: Hahaha, I feel that this nickname is not very suitable for Bronia's appearance. 】

[Teresa: Did my student learn badly? 】

[Law of Knowledge: Haha, I know about that, although I haven't experienced it. 】

[March 7: Sounds like funny.] 】

[Star: Ghost Fire Girl? Does Bronia drag racing? 】

[Danheng: Star Drag Racers are a group of people that the company has always hated. 】

[Honkai Himeko: Bronia, if I'm not mistaken, you don't have a driver's license. 】

[Bronia: Although Bronia does not have a driver's license, there is no problem driving at all, after all, Bronia is not a stupid Kiana. 】

[Kiana: Bronia, you are too much! 】

[Nha Yi: You two...]

[Walter: That's what happened. 】


Star Dome train.

March Seven just looked at Walter with expectant eyes.

She didn't have to speak.

Walter knew what she wanted to do.

Walter shook his head helplessly: "You want to ask me, obviously I am the law of reason." "

"Why was it given to Bronia later?"

March Seven nodded excitedly.

Walter: "Okay, well, let me explain why." "


Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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