In the Star Dome train.

Walter concluded: "In order to prevent the snake from descending on the native world. "

"I stayed in the Sea of Quantum, hiding the core of the Law of Reason somewhere in the Sea of Quantum."

"I have been waiting for a qualified person, the core of the inheritor of the law of reason."

"Just as back then, the First Agent Law chose me."

Star: "So you chose Bronia?" "

Valt nodded: "Yes, Bronia passed all my tests. "

"In my past, I made a different choice than me."

"So I believed at the time that Bronia would become a law of reason beyond me and Walter Joyce in the future."

"And the final facts also proved that my choice was not wrong."

Danheng: "Later, Bronia became a very powerful lawyer? "

Walter said gratifyingly: "Yes, not only the powerful Rational Lawyer. "

"Or a qualified leader with reverse entropy."

"He is one of the heroes of the whole world."

"She's reaching heights that none of us can reach."

March 7: "Uncle Yang, listen to what you say." "

"Bronia is also a very powerful person."

"Well, it's powerful."

"It's stronger than ever."

March 7: "I suddenly wanted to see this little ghost head who would call himself by his own name." "

"What does it look like?"

Walter: "It's just now, and then she changed it. "

Star: "Star thinks it's good to call yourself like this." "

March 7: "You're such a learning machine!" "

Danheng: "You still don't want to learn Bronia to talk like this, it feels very awkward." "

Himeko: "So Mr. Walter, I am very satisfied with my original choice." "

Walter: "yes, whatever. "

"That's the best decision I've ever made in my life."

See Walter's identification with Bronia.

Several people present.

His eyes were also suddenly full of curiosity about Bronia.

To be recognized by Walter in this way.

This girl is called Bronia.

It's certainly not simple.

Another part of the Star Dome universe.

The silver wolf looked at the Bronia barrage in the live broadcast room, and his eyes flickered.

I don't know what I'm thinking.

At this time, Kafka spoke: "Why, you seem to be very interested in this girl named Bronia." "

Silver Wolf replied, "Maybe it's because I like to play games." "

Kafka: "I think this kid is quite similar to you." "

Silver Wolf: "Is there any..."

Kafka: "My instincts are accurate, and I don't care much about other people. "

"This girl named Bronia."

"I'm still interested."

Silver Wolf glanced at Kafka: "It's the first time you're so interested in a person." "

"That's interesting."

Kafka smiled and replied, "It's not because this kid is so similar to you." "

Silver Wolf did not answer.

Continue to look at the live room.

Kafka knows.

Silver Wolf must also be curious.

At the same time.

In the Valkyrie dormitory.

After Bronia's explanation.

The three also knew who Xi'er was.

Kiana patted Bronia's shoulder: "Don't worry, Bronia." "

"In the future, me and Bud Yi, and the squad leader!"

"Will help you find Xi'er together."

"I'm sure Xi'er must be waiting for you somewhere."

This time Bronia didn't talk to Kiana.

Instead, he nodded, "Thank you, Kiana." "

Kiana touched her head and smiled embarrassedly: "Bronia, I'm really a little unaccustomed to you suddenly doing this." "

Bud Yi said calmly: "It is imperative now. "

"What should be understood is where Xi'er went."

"The answer should be in this PV short that Lynn said next."

"A short film of Bronia becoming the Law of Reason."

Kiana: "I don't know Bronia's Law of Reason and my Law of Emptiness." "

"Who is a little more handsome."

Bronia: "Do you still need to say this?" "

"It must be Bronia's more handsome."

Fu Hua: "Different lawyers, have different powers. "

"The posture shown is also different, which should not be comparable."

In this regard, Fu Hua always needs to train his emotional intelligence well.

Bud Yi smiled and said, "Squad leader, don't you know the two of them yet?" "


At the same time.

Quantum Sea.

A delicate girl is wandering aimlessly.

The whole person is very godless.

"Sister Bronia, where are you."

"Xi'er, I've been looking for you."

Yes, this short-haired girl.

It is the Xi'er that Bronia has been looking for.

At this time, another voice sounded in Xi'er's mind.

"Well, you can't find the exit to the Quantum Sea like this."

"Why don't you sit down and see if you can find any world bubbles."

"Find a world to soak in for a while, and I'll be bored to death by you if it goes on like this."

Ciel heard the voice.

There is nothing strange about it.

Instead, he started a conversation with her.

"Xi'er doesn't want to find any world bubble, Xi'er just wants to find Sister Bronia."

The voice continued, "Hmph, if my sister also comes into the Quantum Sea and is found by you." "

"The three of us will be trapped here together for the rest of our lives!"

"This is the Sea of Quantum!"

Just as Xi'er was about to respond to the voice in her head.

On the calm and waveless sea in front of you.

Suddenly, a huge white light curtain appeared.

And Xi'er's name also appeared in the live broadcast room.

[Ciel Fleur joins the live broadcast room! ] 】

The moment the name appears.

Many viewers in the live broadcast room suddenly became calm...


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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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