"The process by which Bronia became a lawyer of reason."

"This one seems to..."

"Oh~ I remembered!"

The Law of Knowledge recalled and said: "At that time, the 'corpse' of the old antique had been brought back to Heaven's Mandate by Otto. "

"That's when I woke up."

"Later, when I first clashed with Bronia, it was in her form of a lawyer."

"I also beat it into the river."

Remembering this.

Not only did the one who knew the law not have the slightest carelessness.

And a little bit of pride.

However, the verbal reluctance of the Knower to admit it.

But everyone knows.

The Wise Man had long regarded all the people of Saint Freya as his companions.

Especially the three people who have the best relationship with Fu Hua.

Kiana, Bronia, Bud Yi.

So the knower of the law also became curious.

At that time, how did Bronia become a lawyer of reason.

Suddenly, the Law of Knowledge saw the newcomer join the live broadcast room.


"Did Lynn pull her into the live broadcast room?"

"This guy's skills are really big!"

"I just don't know if this is Xi'er in that time period..."

It's not just the lawyers.

Audience in front of the screen.

After seeing Xi'er join the live broadcast room, it was natural to think that this was Lynn's doing.

After all, now the entire live broadcast room is Lynn's.

It's not who he did.

And Lynn who was in front of the computer at this time.

After seeing Xi'er join the live broadcast room.

Also stunned.

"It seems that the system is still very selective."

"It's not that just someone is pulling in."

"It's related to what I'm going to broadcast next."

"Or is it just a coincidence?"

Lynn couldn't be sure.

But since there are new people joining the live broadcast room.

Of course, Lynn has to explain it well.

"Hello Xi'er, welcome to my live broadcast room."

"First of all, I will introduce you to the situation here..."

At the time of Lynn's introduction.

Bronia couldn't wait.

[Bronia: Xi'er, is it really you, Xi'er? 】

[Ciel: Sister Bronia? Is it really Sister Bronia, Sister Bronia, where are you now? 】

[Kiana: I was just saying that I was going to find you, and then you appeared in the live broadcast room, and Lynn really has the ability. ] 】

[Nha Yi: Yes. 】

[Fu Hua: It seems that he can really invite people from many different places to join in the live broadcast room. 】

[Kafka: This kind of power, even the star god may not be able to do it, right? 】

[Walter: We still know too little about the power of Star God, we just don't know how much you Star Core Hunters know. 】

[Silver Wolf: We definitely know more than you do, but whether we can tell you is up to Elio. 】

[March 7: Cut, we'll find out for ourselves later.] 】

[Danheng: Could it be that Lynn is some star god? 】

[Star Dome Himeko: I haven't heard of Star God who can play live broadcasts. 】

[Teresa: In your world, is the star god the most powerful being? 】

[Honkai Himeko: Since they are all named after gods, they must be the most powerful existence. 】


Quantum Sea.

Barrage for others.

Xi'er didn't look at it at all.

Instead, he stared at the barrage sent by Bronia.

and listening to Lynn's introduction to the live broadcast room.

In Xi'er's body.

The other voice was also listening intently.

"Live room?"

"Across world and time."

"Being able to appear in the Quantum Sea proves his ability."

"Xi'er, but don't let your guard down."

"After all, even the technology of the pre-civilization era has no way to achieve this level."

Ciel: "But Sister Bronia asked me where I am now." "

"How am I going to answer her?"

"Tell you the truth."

"The Quantum Sea is not something that anyone can come to if they want to."

"Maybe we can get some help from this to get the two of us out of the quantum sea."

Xi'er nodded.

[Ciel: Sister Bronia, I'm stuck in the Quantum Sea. 】

[March 7: Quantum Sea? The place that Uncle Yang said just now. 】

[Bronia: I know Xi'er, I will definitely go and get you back, you must wait for me. 】

[Kiana: But isn't the Quantum Sea dangerous? 】

[Bud Yi: The intertwined place of all possibilities, the ocean quantum sea where the world converges, why Xi'er went to that place. ] 】

[Li Suxiang: The Quantum Sea? Is that the thing that Lynn just said will cause quantum entanglement? It seems to have been heard in the Academy Palace. 】

[Knower: I haven't been in that place yet, so I have time to go inside and play. 】

[Walter: In that kind of place, it's easy to get in and hard to get out. 】

[Teresa: At present, the research of Destiny on the quantum sea is still not deep, and it is a very dangerous place. 】


In front of the computer.

After explaining the role of the live broadcast room, Lynn saw the barrage of everyone.

"Bronia, when Ciel participated in the X-10 experiment."

"For some of its own reasons, coupled with the fact that Cocoly Asia Pacific is in a hurry, it has always wanted to study the correlation of collapse."

"This led to the quantization of Xi'er."

"After quantization, Xi'er directly entered the quantum sea."

"But don't worry, Xi'er won't be in any danger inside, and has been waiting for you to save her."

"Well, there won't be much nonsense."

"Now that the audience is here, let's watch the short film 'Angel Reconstruction'!"

Lynn's foreword to speaking.

The video has long been found.

Click once to play later.

A new picture appeared in front of all the audience....

Quantum Sea.

Xi'er saw the moment the picture lit up.

Finally saw the figure she thought about day and night.

"Sister Bronia."

"It's really Sister Bronia, and you can also come out to see the other one."

At Xi'er's side, a black-red phantom slowly appeared.

Look at the live broadcast room....


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