By Xi'er's side.

One has a completely different temperament and wears a short black and red skirt.

He looks exactly like Xi'er.

But the feeling of slaughter.

It is the complete opposite of Xi'er's gentle breath.

Hei Xi'er looked at the picture on the live broadcast room.

There was also a hint of emotion in the cold eyes.

"It's really my sister."

"And my lord sister, this place is..."

"Quantum Sea!"

Hei Xi's face suddenly changed.

Bronia in the future.

It has also entered the quantum sea.

And Bronia in the live broadcast screen.

Why does it look like it's an injury.

"Who is it!"

"Who actually dares to do something to my sister!"

Heishi rose at once.

Xi'er nervously clasped her hands in front of her chest: "Sister Bronia..."

In the live broadcast screen.

As Lynn pressed the play button.

A short film of 'Angel Reconstruction' also began to be broadcast.

The beginning of the short film.

It was Bronia dragging her tired body.

It is moving forward in a white space.

Large and small scars on the body are clearly visible.

As Bronia hobbled forward holding her arm.

The space behind her began to appear with various memory pictures of Bronia.

And Bronia herself didn't pay attention to this.

Instead, he kept moving forward.


"Is it the Quantum Sea?"

The surface of the water beneath your feet ripples.

There are also pictures of memories on the surface of the water.

Bronia: "The heart of the Law of Reason..."

"Right here..."

"Ciel, Bronia..."

"Will definitely rescue you!"

Bronia moved on.

It looks very embarrassing.

[Xi'er: Sister Bronia, how did you become like this. 】

[Bronia: As long as she can rescue Xi'er, Bronia is not afraid of anything. 】

[Kiana: Damn, who hurt Bronia like this. 】

[Bud Yi: It seems that Bronia must have experienced a lot of battles when she entered the Quantum Sea. 】

[March 7: Is this Bronia, she looks so pitiful.] 】

[The Law of Knowledge: She is not pitiful at all, and then she will become the Law of Reason. 】

[Li Suxiang: The law of reason, is it also very powerful? 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Of course, I don't believe you ask the anchor, what is the power of the Law of Reason. 】

[Star: It seems that the power of the lawyer has something to do with naming. 】

[Walter: More precisely, the names directly named by people in the pre-civilizational era according to the power of the lawyers.] 】

[Danheng: In other words, the name represents the ability of the lawyer. 】

[March 7: So what kind of ability is 'theory'? 】

[Teresa: Indeed, the names of the lawyer are derived from some literature. 】

[Star Dome Himeko: The pre-civilization era really left you a batch of good treasures. 】


Lynn looked at the question on the barrage.

Strange how the law of knowledge did not explain this time.

Probably felt that no one asked her to take the initiative to explain it was very faceless.

But this is also good, greatly increasing the interaction between myself and the audience.

Lynn explained: "In the pre-civilization era, there was an organization against Collapse called the Moth of Fire. "

"After they confronted the lawyer, they all gave different names to the lawyer."

"The one who is the law of reason, 'reason' refers to the truth of all things."

"And the power of the law of reason is very domineering, as long as the user can understand the structure and composition of things."

"You can use the energy of the collapse to reconstruct the thing."

"In the simplest and simplest terms, 'create all things'!"

"Of course, these also require physical strength as a price, otherwise it will be really too buggy."

[March 7: Even if you say this, it's still too domineering, if I can get it, I will create a lot of superweapons and blast the last doomsday beast into slag. 】

[Star: This ability is obviously only available to smart people, obviously you are not suitable for March. 】

[Danheng: Yes, March, you are not suitable to be a lawyer. 】

[March 7: You! 】

[Li Sushang: So what does it mean? 】

[Kiana: I didn't expect that Bronia's ability would be so powerful in the future! ] 】

[Bud Yi: The power of the lawyer, sure enough, none of them are weak. 】

[Xi'er: Of course, Sister Bronia must be the most powerful. 】

[The law of knowledge: Cut, or the law of my knowledge is more powerful, I am the law of consciousness. 】

[Honkai Himeko: Is consciousness operable?] 】

[Star Dome Himeko: If you can manipulate others, it is indeed very powerful. 】

[Knower: Of course, I'm the most powerful lawyer, except for that person, of course. 】

[Teresa: Another lawyer will be born among the students of St. Freya's Academy...].


Star Dome World.

Kafka smiled and said, "Silver Wolf, I finally know why you and her have a feeling of sympathy." "

"It turns out that you two are isotopes."

Just now after Kafka saw Bronia's appearance.

I couldn't help but be stunned.

Isn't this the Silver Wolf?

If it weren't for the collapse of the world.

Kafka thought it was playing the story of Silver Wolf before he became a star core hunter.

The silver wolf looked at the embarrassed Bronia in the picture.

For a while, I was in a trance.

Then he spoke: "Obviously, there are some differences. "

"She looks younger than me."


Kafka agrees.

Bronia in the light curtain picture.

It does seem like a small point.

But Kafka's eyes narrowed: "What makes me more concerned is." "

"This little one's feet..."

Silver Wolf nodded: "Well, I also noticed it just now. "

"It's a mechanical prosthesis."

"Apparently her foot had been irreversibly injured."

"That's why it's like this."

Kafka: "What a shame..."

"Such a good child..."


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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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