On the other side outside the light curtain, in the dormitory of the Valkyrie of St. Freya Academy.

Thinking of the bugs that appeared in the picture, Kiana felt a cold and touched the goosebumps on her body, trying to smooth them away!

"How could such a thing exist?"

"Magical and weird."

Just thinking about its appearance makes Kiana shiver in her heart. If she appeared in front of her, she would even turn into her own appearance. Just thinking about that scene is terrifying!

Bronya:"Real stingworm" ? This name is quite interesting?"

Bronya is also very interested in the content in front of her. After all, a bug can transform into another person's appearance, so why not make people curious?

But Raiden Meiyi, who is sitting next to her, is wrinkled. His brows and eyes were extremely sharp.

Fortunately, this thing did not appear in their world, otherwise, who knows how much trouble it would cause.

Just being able to copy the appearance of other people's bodies is disgusting enough.

Fu Hua calmly said Pushing up the frame of the mirror, he looked at the real sting bug with a bit more disgust.

Under the eyes of everyone, the video continued to play.

Recalling the bugs he encountered before, Willett sighed slightly, and then said in a deep voice:

"Uh... when Silver Branch found me in the cave, I was being chased and stung by a bunch of these bugs."

The more he talked, the sadder he became, and Willit's mood fell to the bottom.

He thought he had escaped from the shackles, but in the blink of an eye, those bugs had already chased the train.

What should we do now?

And Yin Zhi also said When it comes to the actual situation,"I thought I had driven them all away… But based on the current situation, it seems that the true stingworms are still chasing us."

At this point, he paused for a few seconds, and I just looked at Willett up and down.

"Could it be... Willit, you are contaminated with the Zerg pheromones?"

Willit slapped the back of his head, looking confused. What is it, pheromones?

He didn't even know what it was!

"ah? What the hell, pheromone? I, I don’t know……"

If he really got this kind of thing on his body, he would not hesitate even if it meant scraping off a layer of skin.

Seeing this situation, Dan Heng said slowly:"I have read information about true stinging insects in the think tank. When this kind of insect flaps its wings, it will shake off fiber debris, causing the person who inhales it to have hallucinations."

"The reason why I see another version of myself in the room in March, July and March is probably because I inhaled these wing powders."

"So, it's really just an illusion……"March 7's white teeth bit her red lips,"Hey...why are you still a little disappointed?"……"

Outside the light curtain, listening to the conversation of several people, the audience was inevitably a little disappointed.

This result was completely different from what they thought. They thought it was some kind of supernatural phenomenon, but it turned out that it was just because something on the real stingworm could cause them to hallucinate.

So, it’s not some supernatural event? It's not because it has the ability to become a human being.

So on the barrage, people from different worlds started a journey of discussion.

【Xingqiong March 7: Hey, it turned out to be just an illusion. It’s different from what I thought.】

【Sister Xing: Tsk, it’s just a simple hallucination.】

【Kiana: Ah! Disappointment, why is it just an illusion? Shouldn't that insect have the ability to become a human? Well, the damage caused by hallucinations is too small, right?】

【Bronya: Ahem, Paramecium, you can’t say this nonsense.】

【Raiden Mei: The power of illusion is far stronger than people imagine! In that illusion, people may engage in self-destructive behavior】

【Fu Hua: Don’t underestimate anything】

【Alicia: Oops, the final result is back to reality. At that time, I thought that the insect could really transform into a human.】

【Mebius: Just the fact that it looks exactly like me is enough to prove its research value. It’s a pity.……】

【Dr. Mei: It’s a pity】

【Kiana: Yes, the final result deviated too much from our imagination! It doesn't feel as exciting as before, and the sense of mystery has disappeared without a trace.】

【Theresa: Actually, this is good. At least it’s not a big crisis for them. As long as they take precautions and don’t inhale those things, they can quickly solve the problem.……】

【Wuliangta Jizi: It’s not a strange thing, it’s just a good thing】

【Kiana: Oh~ It seems like this is true】

【Starry Sky March 7: It’s not those strange things, it’s already a blessing among misfortunes】

【Xingqiong Danheng: It is still a bit difficult to solve it, and in this carriage……】

【Alicia: Hey, what?】

【Kiana: Yes, what about the carriage?】

【Gratius: Curious~】

【Xingqiong Danheng: Let’s watch the video. It should be explained clearly later. 】

But at this moment, Xingqiong Danheng just didn't tell the answer, which made the audience of Honkai Impact III particularly anxious.

Dan Heng was so good, why did he become the Riddler again?

Outside the light curtain, in the pre-civilization era, in the meeting room of Fire Chaser Moth.

Combined with the content of the barrage, everyone became extremely anxious.

We have reached a critical moment, why doesn’t Dan Heng of this star world continue to talk? ?

But from the looks of it, the trouble doesn’t seem to be resolved?

Could it be that that insect has any other tricks up its sleeve? But hasn’t it been eliminated by everyone? And it didn’t appear in the room again!

Mebius's voice came slowly:"It seems that things are not that simple." (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Maybe there are other true stinging insects in this carriage."

Dr. Mei:"It's possible. After all, the man named Willett said that we should chase him from now on, so……"

Mebius:"It can create illusions. Maybe those bugs have appeared in certain places."

Alicia raised the tail of her eyes slightly, blinked her beautiful pupils, and said in disbelief:"And Are there other real stingworms in the carriage?"

Mebius rubbed his eyebrows,"This is just a guess."

Alicia sighed deeply, her slender fingers pressed together, and she closed her eyes and prayed devoutly. Said:"I hope this is not true, otherwise they will be in trouble on March 7th."

Eden leaned on the soft sofa and crossed his arms,"Yeah, no one wants someone who looks like him to be in front of them. Appear"

"That scene was nothing short of a horror movie."

The video continues to play.

Facing everyone's gaze, March 7 always feels that something is wrong.

"Wait a minute, but hallucinations... aren't they supposed to be illogical? So why do I see what I look like?"

And she was still smiling at herself.

March 7 shrugged her shoulders and took a breath of air. The scene is still vivid in her memory.

Asking for flowers []

Dan Heng asked gently:"Why, what did it do weirdly? Action?

March 7:"It told me that it understood my past...and then stopped."

Dan Heng shook his head:"I'm afraid we can't draw any conclusions based on these alone.""

Speaking of this, Dan Heng seemed to have thought of something again, and his expression became sharper than before.

"Compared with this, I am more worried that the train has been infiltrated by more true stingworms... These creatures are extremely concealed and may hide in the dark or wander around. They must be prevented from reproducing, otherwise……"

The voice was calm, but the describable facts made others frightened.

More real stingworms!!

What a scene that would be! Just one bug is enough to give people a headache. If there are a bunch more, then everyone will fall into an illusion if they are unprepared.

At that time, who else can save everything?

The most important thing is that those bugs can actually reproduce!

Breed! What kind of concept is that? It's endless. If you kill a bunch of them, another bunch will appear.

Thinking of that scene, March 7's expression dropped. He touched his shoulders and said flatly:

"Hey... I don't want a bunch of March 7's wandering around in the carriage!"

"Besides, it’s messy enough with me alone. Hearing these words

, Dan Heng looked at March Qi with a different eye,"Your self-awareness is worthy of praise.""

Hearing the content in front of them, the audience from different worlds were also very surprised.

But when I thought of what Dan Heng said before, I understood why Dan Heng said that before.

Yes, if they multiply like crazy, then the entire practice of driving Wouldn't it become its playground?

One true stingworm is troublesome enough, and a bunch of them will appear as a result.

【Starry March 7: That’s disgusting! It still needs to multiply. When there are a bunch of them, won’t I see countless March 7ths in front of me?】

【Sister Xing: Tsk, small problem】

【Kiana: That scene is simply unimaginable! I can't stand someone who looks exactly like me. He actually knew she was sleeping, but the situation was still no less than a horror movie】

【Raiden Mei: I don’t know if they can solve this crisis】

【Bronya: Things are quite troublesome. If there are really countless true stingworms hiding in the dark, it would be very difficult to search for them.】

【Otto: The story is more interesting than imagined】

【Theresa: I don’t know if they solved this dilemma in the end.】

【Kiana: Damn it! The video is gone at this critical moment. I still want to see the result.】

【Xingqiong March 7: Don’t worry, we are all here, so there will be no problem】

【Sister Xing: Tsk, solve them, it’s not a big deal. 】

Although the hallucinations caused by the real stingworms are terrifying, it does not mean that they will be afraid of March 7th.

After all, we have all gone through so many things together, so what does it mean to be a bug that can create illusions?

On the other side, in the Valkyrie dormitory of St. Freya Academy.

Kiana hugged the pillow and sat quietly on the edge of the bed,"Although those bugs can't turn into humans, the fact that they can create hallucinations is already amazing."

"And will there be any sequelae after hallucinations occur?"

Lei Dian Mei Yi:"No one knows about this."

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