Kiana:"Hey, I can even imagine a bunch of scenes showing up on March 7th. I don't know how exciting that scene is."

Bronya:"We don't know the specific situation."

Kiana :"Don't worry, they are all here and they will definitely be able to solve this crisis."

"Although it is not clear how strong Yin Zhi and Wei Lit are, it is enough for Dan Heng that they are very strong."

Bronya:"You are full of confidence in them."

Kiana:"Hehe, I believe that if they work together, they will be able to overcome many difficulties."

Thunder Mei Yi:"The last video ended, I don't know which world it will be about this time."

Kiana:"Look forward to it~"

Back to the video, new content appeared.

Facing everyone's eyes, Kiana panicked instantly. She did not expect that the matter would be revealed so quickly.

The girl lowered her head in guilt. She kept her little head and didn't dare to raise her head and meet Mei Yi's eyes.

She knew that Mei Yi was doing it for her own good, but the instant noodles were really delicious! She really couldn't help it! She didn't eat for a while, and her whole body felt uncomfortable.

And now If you finish eating again, you will naturally have to return it again.

"You, don't stare at me like this. That is the result of artificial intelligence deduction."The voice of"130" was extremely low, without any confidence at all.

Her fingers were crossed, and the low-hanging feather fan was also trembling slightly. In order to increase the credibility of this sentence, Kiana continued to quibble. Said:"Don't take these too seriously... I really eat well!"

Kiana's every move has long been seen by everyone.

In addition, she is too familiar with Kiana, and Bronya knows very well what she will say next.

Bronya put her hands behind her back Behind him, he tilted his head and said calmly:

"Testify that this is a real event restored by the artificial intelligence system based on surveillance video""I just took advantage of the"error effect" in psychology, and even greatly beautified the"healthy food" that is actually in your cart, which has disappeared in the tide of the times in recent years."

After hearing this, Kiana fell silent. After all, what Bronya said was true.

But she just bought a snack! This is not a big crime.

Her white teeth bit her lower lip, Kiana didn't know how to refute Bronya for a moment.

She quietly glanced at Mei's serious face, Kiana sighed deeply, and finally chose to compromise.

"Klein doesn’t sell junk food anymore, so why not just buy it online secretly?"

"You have no idea how hard I worked to hide the snacks!"

She looked pitifully at the others, but no one was willing to stand on her side at this moment.

Her sister turned her head silently, while Bronya stared at her with a smile on her face, a bit gloating.

As for Not to mention Raiden Meiyi, her expression was even more serious than before.

Kiana actually felt a little guilty about secretly buying instant noodles online, but this guilt was nothing compared to not eating instant noodles..Hmph! Since Bronya insists on forcing her to this point, don’t blame her for biting back.

Kiana put her hands on her hips and her eyes widened,"Besides, I will try my best to finish the snacks I bought, you How many games do you have in your game library that you have played for half an hour and refused to refund?"

Obviously, Kiana is changing the subject! Or in other words, she is shifting the flames of war to Bronya.

Avoiding the important and focusing on the less important can make it appear that Bronya's matter is more serious than hers.

But unfortunately, her little move , how could Mei and the others not be aware of it?

The audience outside the light screen, listening to the ten-minute conversation, also shook their heads silently.

They also knew a little about Kiana's love for eating instant noodles, but they didn't expect it. She is so obsessed with it.

Moreover, Mei forbids her to eat instant noodles for her own good. After all, who’s body can bear to eat instant noodles as snacks for a long time?

Looking at the scene in front of them, the audience of Honkai Impact III She sighed in her heart, who doesn’t want Kiana to be healthy?

But Kiana never cared about everything Mei Yi did.

On the barrage, the audience was discussing

【Xingqiong March 7: Hahaha, were you caught buying instant noodles? And it was also dealt with openly……】

【Sister Xing: Poor】

【Kiana: Damn it! Even if I was caught eating instant noodles in real life, why would I be caught buying instant noodles even in the video?】

【Leiden Meiyi: How many times have I told you not to eat instant noodles? It’s not good for your health.】

【Kiana: But instant noodles are really delicious! That is simply the most delicious food in the world】

【Kevin: Yeah】

【Bronya: Just average】

【Alicia: Hehe, people from the Kaslana family really like eating instant noodles.~】

【Dr. Mei: Maybe this is their tradition】

【Mebius: All in all, eating too much is really bad for your health.】

【Cecilia: Children, it’s better to eat less instant noodles! Moreover, Meiyi stops you from buying instant noodles for the sake of your health. 】

On the other side outside the light curtain, in the dormitory of the Valkyrie of St. Freya Academy.

Listening to the content in front of them, how could they not know what Kiana was thinking.

We have been together for such a long time, and everyone is watching Kiana's every move. Even if she rolls her eyes, Raiden Mei will know exactly what she wants to do.

The words just said were obviously meant to divert everyone's attention.

Kiana lowered her little head silently, almost burying her entire face in the quilt.

After all, the intention of myself in the video is too obvious.

I don’t know how I could act so calm and composed at that moment, as if I had everything under control.

Bronya said calmly:"It seems that Paramecium's character is really unchanged." (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"When something happens, either change the topic or……"

Kiana:"That...that is what will happen in the future and has nothing to do with me now."

Raiden Meiyi:"Kiana, please don't do this in the future."

Kiana's furry little head nodded again and again.

"I see."

The voice was extremely soft, but this was also a sign of Kiana's guilty conscience.

She didn't expect that she would be so brave in the future!

No! It can also be said to be thick-skinned.

Even if she knew she would be exposed, she would still do it.

In front of everyone With expectant eyes, the video continued.

After so many years together, how could Bronya not understand what Kiana was thinking.

Bronya put her hands behind her back and said in a cold voice:"Kiana, you are cheating concept. In the gaming industry, [market research is a very important part"

"If a game cannot attract players within half an hour, then it is not a qualified commercial work. As for not applying for a refund on the Boiling platform... that is also for future secondary research...."

As for the real situation, I’m afraid only Bronya herself knows[]

Listening to Bronya's words, Kiana turned her head away and said,"In the future, leaving it in the game library without playing for three years is also a kind of future."

The tone of her voice was weird!

Seeing that no one spoke, Kiana blinked her eyes and continued arrogantly,"Huh, I'm too lazy.……"

But before he finished speaking, his ears were hit hard.

"Ouch! Yayi, don't, don't pull my ears."

It's a pity that as soon as the words fell, Mei increased her strength.

Kiana wanted to escape from Mei's clutches, but how could she be Raiden Mei's opponent now?

The harder she struggled, the more intense the pain in her ears became.

In the end, Kiya With her little head lowered, Na could only give up struggling. Like a doll that could only rely on others, she stayed silently by Mei Yi's side. She no longer had the arrogant look before.

"Kiana, after today's test is over, I plan to go to your room to help clean it."Mei Yi relaxed her strength and said softly:"You don't mind, right?"

Although the words were calm, the threat was not weakened at all.

Kiana knew very well that if she refused, the consequences would be beyond her ability to bear.

Maybe all the hidden snacks would be confiscated by Mei.

Ah! Why is she like this? What a tragedy! It was just an online purchase of instant noodles, not a serious crime, but everyone caught him on the spot! His tightly pursed red lips and drooped eyelashes trembled slightly, making him look like a poor little person.

Things have become like this, But Kiana is still unwilling to give up. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, she also wants to fight for instant noodles.

And isn't she also there? Maybe there is a chance of survival.

Kiana reaches out to Hollander , the water mist gathering in the eyes seems to be flowing away in the next second

" me!"

Youlandel sighed,"You...does this count as seeking medical attention in a hurry?"

If she hadn't been so weird at first, maybe things wouldn't have turned out like this.

At least 3.5's ears didn't need to be pinched. Seeing the red ears, Youlandel frowned slightly, as if she could feel the pain..

But overall, it was indeed Kiana who was at fault first, and everything Mei did was for her own good.

As a sister, she naturally had no need to disturb Mei Yi’s education of Kiana.

Light screen Outside, the audience's eyes were fixed on the video, looking at Kiana's pitiful appearance in the picture, and somehow, there was a trace of gloating in their hearts.

Hahaha, Kiyako! But again Not pitiful!

After all, everything Mei Yi did was for the sake of her body

【Xingqiong March 7: Hahaha, it’s so miserable, your ears were pulled?】

【Sister Xing: Tsk! Pitiful】

【Kiana: Woohoo, I didn’t expect that I wouldn’t be able to escape such a fate in the future.】

【Leiden Meiyi: The reason why I stop you from eating instant noodles is for the sake of your health.】

【Fu Hua: That’s actually right.】

【Bronya: If they don’t care about you, who will care whether you eat instant noodles or not?】

【Alicia: Ouch~ Those red ears look painful.~】

【Aponia: So, it’s better not to eat instant noodles for children. After all, it affects their health.】

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