【Kevin: But the taste of instant noodles is actually very good.】

【Alicia: Hehe, I discovered that people from the Kaslana family like to eat instant noodles.~】

【Dr. Mei: Yeah, I feel it.】

【Mebius: I still can’t figure it out】

【Cecilia: But as Aponia said, children still have to eat less, after all, it affects their health.】

【Kiana: Woohoo, but the side is really delicious! That is simply the most delicious food in the world】

【Bronya: Oh, just average】

【Gracie: Huh? Gracie wants to eat instant noodles too】

【Aponia: Gratio, that’s not possible. 】

After a discussion, everyone clearly realized how strong Mei Yi was in resisting Kiana's eating of instant noodles.

Perhaps Mei had already paid attention to this issue when she was at St. Freya Academy.

It's a pity that no matter how many things she has experienced, instant noodles are as precious as a treasure to Kiana.

If you don’t eat for a long time, you will feel uncomfortable all over!

So even if Raiden Meiyi tried her best to stop it, Kiana would still secretly find a way to purchase goods from certain channels.

The interior of the Fire Chaser in pre-civilization times.

Everyone sighed when they saw Kiana in the video who had not changed despite repeated admonitions.

I still can't figure out why Kiana is so obsessed with instant noodles.

For them, instant noodles taste just like that!

It's okay to eat it once in a while, but if you eat it often, no one can stand it.

But Kiana and Kevin were like possessed, eating instant noodles for 12 days a day without feeling uncomfortable.

Instead, I stocked up more and more instant noodles, with a variety of flavors.

After all, Kevin is also their fighting partner, so everyone knows his personality and hobbies very well.

Mebius said quietly:"Is this the tradition of the Kaslana family? Why do they all like to eat instant noodles?"

"I only eat instant noodles for a period of time when I am short of funds."

"I've long been tired of that smell.……"

Dr. Mei:"Personal preferences vary. Kevin even likes to stock up on instant noodles."

"Hehe, I do know this. Alicia raised her hands and said happily. After all, she had eaten some of the instant noodles that Kevin had hoarded before.

It tasted really good!

Back to the video. At this moment, the screen turned black and brightened.

The computer screen appeared in the screen, Then a mechanical voice came

"The game has entered a critical juncture. Please select the [non-player character] you want to put into the game."

As soon as the words fell, the lively atmosphere ended instantly.

At this moment, the four of them noticed that Heli and Coralie had already arrived at the door of the training room. Looking at the two figures, Kiana His eyes lit up, and the chance to get rid of Mei Yi was now here!

"Ahem, I, let’s get back to the topic first."Kiana's round eyes reflected Mei Yi's figure, and then she pretended to be serious and said:

"It seems that we should place a [non-player character played by ourselves] here to create an [accidental encounter before the formal teaching, right?"

Bronya nodded. She didn't expect that Kiana would pay attention to this.

"That's right. I will also create some glitches in the process to introduce more powerful enemies"

"With the personalities of Hurley and Coralie, they would probably help, and that would be the best time for us to get closer."

"Let me state in advance that as a game producer, I have to stay on the sidelines to ensure the normal operation of the game, so... is anyone willing to take the initiative to take over this job?"

As soon as the words fell, the room fell into silence.

Bronya looked around, but no one was willing to stand up at this moment. Everyone stood quietly.

Kiana stared at the computer screen with excitement, eager to Start the game immediately! Even Mei Yi, who is a teacher, couldn't help but look away.

Looking at the situation in front of her, Bronya still didn't understand anything. She shrugged her shoulders and sighed:"Okay, I knew it. It will be like this."

Then, she turned to activate the [artifact] Mei Yi had asked her to make - for a moment, the screen went blank.

But within a few seconds, Bronya's voice came

"……My turn, roll call!"

Outside the light curtain, listening to the conversation of several people, the audience became very interested in the game created by Bronya.

So, what kind of game is it that makes Mei Yi and the others so interested?

Is it shooting? A game, or a role-playing game!?

Unfortunately, the screen went blank and they couldn't see anything.

They could only complain wildly on the barrage with regret.

【Star Vault March 7: What kind of game is it? Damn it, I can't see anything】

【Kiana: I’m curious too, but since it’s a game made by Bronya, it must be interesting.】

【Bronya: Huh, Paramecium, you have some insight.】

【Raiden Meiyi: It should be a fighting type】

【Alicia: Oh~ I also want to play games with Mei~】

【Graciu: Graciu wants it too】

【Silver Wolf: I’m just curious about what type of game it is, as for the other……】

When the video ended, the viewers' eyes returned to the screen.

After a while, new content appeared.

The person who appeared in the picture was none other than Helia.

Looking at the virtual monster in front of her, Helia clenched her fists with both hands and stared straight ahead.

She did not fight rashly, but carefully analyzed her own and the opponent's data, thinking about the optimal attack plan.

What kind of moves can you use to quickly defeat the opponent?

Time passed by one minute and one second, and the next moment Helia's figure appeared on the stage.

She rushed towards the virtual monster as fast as she could, and before the opponent launched an attack, she quickly stepped back and dodged the attack perfectly.

Then find the right opportunity and quickly give the virtual monster a blow


Under this attack, the virtual monster lost the ability to continue fighting and fell to the ground with a"clang".

Looking at the scene in front of her, Bronya was also quite emotional.

Recalling that back then, they were still B-level women. Martial God, I didn’t expect that I would be able to train A Valkyrie now. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The memory was interrupted, and her eyes fell on Helia again. Bronya commented calmly,"A crisp attack. Not only that, she is also quite familiar with the weaknesses of simulated monsters."

Raiden Meiyi:"She is the destined A Valkyrie after all."

Finding the weaknesses of familiar monsters is the most basic knowledge in itself.

If she can't even do this, she will be an A-level Valkyrie in vain.

After Helia left the scene, Coralie's figure appeared on the screen after a while..

Staring at the virtual monster in front of her, Coralie did not launch an attack quickly. Like Helia, she first observed and looked for the weakness of the virtual monster.

What was different was that Coralie did not choose to do it herself.

Instead, a bunch of robots were summoned. Compared with the white virtual monster, the red machine directly crushed each other in terms of momentum.

When the virtual monster approached, the red robot quickly aimed its muzzle at the opponent.

Next Second


One attack was not enough, and a second bombing was carried out.

Under this intensive artillery fire, how could the virtual monster be the opponent of the pair of red robots.

In the blink of an eye, they fell inside.

And Cora, who was standing in the distance Li, crossed her arms, staring at everything indifferently[]

Outside the light curtain, the moment Helia appeared, the audience was already full of curiosity about what would happen next.

I originally thought it was just a simple battle video, but I didn't expect Bronya and Raiden Mei to appear.

And they were like instructors, commenting on Helia's battle.

So on the barrage, viewers from different worlds started discussions one after another.

【Star Vault March 7: This person named Helia has good fighting ability! He found the opponent's weakness so quickly and even killed him with one move.】

【Sister Xing: The speed is so fast that it is even difficult to detect】

【Raiden Mei: If you can't reach this speed in Tianming, then you can't be called an A-level Valkyrie.】

【Kiana: The strength she showed is indeed very strong 047! Even I might not be able to resist that move just now.……】

【Bronya: Well, that’s just you】

【Star Vault March 7: However, Helia and Coralie seem to have different fighting styles. Helia attacks with her body and takes care of the enemy as quickly as possible, while Coralie can reap the results without even moving her hands.】

【Sister Xing: Oh, just average】

【Kiana:...How should I put it, Coralie in the video looks similar to Bronya. Bronya used the Heavy Rabbit as a tool and was lazy in the battle. And this Coralie is actually almost the same as Bronya.】

【Raiden Meiyi: It should be said that they are exactly the same. They all rely on other machines. But in this way, the disadvantages are also obvious. Even if they strengthen training, their own abilities will not be greatly improved.】

【Fu Hua: It’s not okay to continue like this.】

【Bronya: Don’t you think this saves time and effort in fighting? No need to fight yourself, just reap the results】

【Alicia: Well~ I think Mei is right. If your own strength cannot be improved, that is always a problem.~】

【Youlandel: No matter what, being realistic, only by improving your abilities can you solve problems encountered in battle. Over-reliance on machines will only make you……】

【Theresa: That makes sense. You really can’t rely on machines! Training! That is of course training one's own strength.】

【Wuliangta Jizi: It all makes sense. The heavy-armed bunny can only be used as a support. It is true that its own strength is strong.……】

【Bronya:...Okay. 】

Bronya never expected that after watching the video, Kiana could actually think of herself.

But to be honest, Coralie's fighting style in the video does look very similar to hers.

In the dormitory of the Valkyrie of St. Freya Academy.

Everyone is discussing this too!

Everyone has different opinions on Coralie's fighting style.

Leiden Meiyi:"I can only say that there are advantages and disadvantages, and the disadvantages outweigh the advantages."

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