After seeing this part of the video, both the viewers of Star World and the Honkai Impact Three Worlds were silent.

This Ruan Mei is really determined to have her own way. Even if she hides it from Heita and the others, she will try her best to carry out this dangerous experiment.

And I also want to find a suitable [assistant] as soon as possible.

Such a dangerous experiment, and I don't know which unlucky guy will become her little assistant.

So on the barrage, the audience started discussing intensely -

【Starry March 7: Humph! I knew how could such a dangerous experiment be carried out openly.】

【Heita: Still want to hide it from me and conduct experiments secretly?】

【Xingqiong Danheng: This completely puts the space station in danger】

【Kiana: Wow, is she so crazy?】

【Fu Hua: There is only one step between genius and madman】

【Teresa: Her back seems to have appeared in previous videos, but I still don’t know her specific identity.~】

【Xingqiong March 7: Okay, let me answer this for you! Ruan Mei is an expert in the field of life sciences and member No. 81 of the Genius Club. His talent was astonishing, and he later attracted the attention of Bo Shizun. He was a first-rate genius scientist. But her character……】

【Kiana: Hey, how is your personality? Say it quickly?】

【Alicia: Ouch~ What you said is making me more and more curious.】

【Otto: More than these, I'm more curious about who the unlucky assistant could be?】

【Gracie: What happened to Sister Ruan Mei’s character?】

【Sister Xing: Let me answer this for you! She looks gentle on the outside, but in fact her personality is extremely paranoid and her values ​​are somewhat distorted. Everything we do is just to make the experiment go more smoothly】

【Kiana: Wow~ So he is such a person】

【Mei Raiden: So who will be the person she chooses to be her assistant? 】

Outside the light curtain, in the meeting room of the Fire Chaser Moth from the pre-civilization era.

From what they read plus the barrage, the Yingjies also got a rough idea of ​​Ruan Mei's background.

In order for the experiment to run normally, she chose to ignore the safety of others. Such a scientist is indeed crazy.

And after reading so many issues, they also clearly realized how terrifying the Star God was.

Especially for the Void Star God, destroying the universe is just a simple matter for him.

As for the Happy Star God, in order to find his so-called"fun", he bullied almost all the Star Gods.

Ruan Mei did not hesitate to provoke these terrifying and mysterious existences.

He bypassed the Star God and directly created the envoy. Just thinking about it makes this thing incredible.

Mebius:"Geniuses are always crazy."

Dr. Mei:"Did her final experiment succeed!?"

Alicia smiled happily,"If she succeeds, then do we also have the ability to become a genius?" Where is the opportunity to be an envoy?"

Listening to the conversation of several people, Graciu suddenly raised his right hand,"Gratio wants to be an envoy." As soon as he finished speaking, his head was rubbed again and again by Aponnia, and then he was I was forced to add a piece of clothing.

The reason is that she is afraid of being cold!

Alicia's eyes were as bright as the crescent moon,"I want to become a star god more than an envoy."~"

"It will definitely be interesting then~"

With full curiosity, several people continued to cast their eyes on the video.

The screen would darken and then light up, and the old video would be replaced by new content.

On the passage, people were coming and going!

If you were not careful, Someone bumped into Sister Xing. If Sister Xing hadn't escaped in time, she would have been knocked over by the boy.

Sister Xing patted her shoulder, looked at the back in front of her, and hurriedly walked over. She was just about to reach out and say hello. , but the other party came over first.

The cold hands touched the soft skin, and goosebumps appeared on Sister Xing's body instantly.

I don't quite understand, what is she going to do?

Why did she touch her face when they met ?!?

Just when Sister Xing was confused, the cold fingers began to move down slowly, from the cheek to the neck.

Sister Xing's eyes widened and she swallowed in disbelief.

Just when Sister Xing thought it was over At that time, she realized that it was not over yet.

The hands began to move in other positions, and finally slowly lifted her chin.

This posture made Sister Xing a little uncomfortable. What is the difference between this and selecting a maid? You still need to go up and down. Looking carefully?

When Ruan Mei let go of her hand, Sister Xing quickly took half a step back.

Staring at Ruan Mei with wary eyes, not quite understanding what she wanted to do?!

Looking at the other party's gentle look, the words stuck in her throat, and After swallowing it,

Ruan Mei took the initiative and said under Sister Xing's confused gaze:

"Hello, I hope I didn’t scare you.""This is my work habit. Opening up my senses through touch and allowing details about life to flow into my mind helps me understand your biology."

"This is the basis of structure and reshaping. Seeing the other party frowning slightly, Ruan Mei quickly explained,"Don't be nervous, you are healthy - you are a perfect experimental sample." I love a perfect experimental sample."

Outside the light curtain, the audience's eyes fell on Sister Xing.

What kind of situation is this! As soon as the two met, Ruan Mei touched her face? The action looked particularly weird.

It was like She was looking at a product, and Ruan Mei's last words, perfect experimental sample, what does this mean? Could it be that she wanted to use Sister Xing's body for experiments?

But didn't she want to study the messenger before?

Why ? In the blink of an eye, there was a new goal?

After watching the content of the story, the audience was entangled in their hearts and wanted to figure out the situation here, but they knew too little information, so they could not come up with an answer.

So in the barrage , everyone was discussing

【Starry Sky March 7: Tsk! She touches her face as soon as she meets her, she is indeed Ruan Mei】

【Sister Xing: Ahem!】

【Kiana: Wow~ I’m so excited! So what is Ruan Mei planning to do this time? Isn't she a biological scientist? Doesn't she want to experiment on Sister Xing?】

【Raiden Meiyi: It shouldn’t be possible. After all, they are all from the space station.】

【Starry March 7: No! In order for the research to proceed smoothly, she will do whatever it takes…】

【Mebius: Describing a person as a perfect experimental sample fully demonstrates that Star Sister is within the scope of her experiment.】

【Dr. Mei: Sister Xing is in danger】

【Kiana: Ah! ? Is it so scary? Then...the two of them have met, and Ruan Mei shouldn't do anything in public!】

【Bronya: Genius’s ideas are always so unique】

【Raiden Meiyi: I hope Sister Xing is safe. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Fu Hua: Nothing is more important than safety】

【Teresa: Hey~ Thinking about Ruan Mei’s crazy idea, I feel like she might really attack Sister Xing. 】

Ask for flowers

【Kiana: Woo hoo hoo, isn’t that Sister Xing a very dangerous person?】

【Bronya: Paramecium, this is just everyone’s guess.】

【Leiden Meiyi: Well, after all, Ruan Mei didn’t do anything right now. The two of them just met and said hello.】

【Kiana: I think it’s like in detective novels. The more normal people think, the more they think there’s something wrong.】

【Bronya: I didn’t expect you to read these】

【Xingqiong March 7: I always feel like something is wrong, um... I seem to have forgotten something?】

【Alicia: Oops~ The story is getting more and more interesting. Star Sister is her perfect experimental sample, will she finally take action?】

【Otto: I only care about who Ruan Mei found the assistant. ]

Otto’s words instantly awakened everyone’s consciousness. yes! How could they forget this?

Doesn't Ruan Mei want to find an assistant? So did she find it? Who is the unlucky guy?

As for Sister Xing in front of them, she is not within the scope of most people's consideration. After all, Ruan Mei calls Sister Xing a perfect experimental sample. As an experimental question, it should have little to do with the assistant.[]

With full curiosity, everyone's eyes continued to turn to the video.

The screen continues to play.

Hearing Ruan Mei's words, Sister Xing also had some differences. After all, no one likes to be described as an experimental sample by others.

But Ruan Mei looked so sincere that Sister Xing didn't think much about it.

After all, he is a scientist! That's always a bit weird...

Gradually, Sister Xing's eyes fell on Ruan Mei's pink lips.

He stared at her for a long time, and even Ruan Mei, who had always been calm, felt a little uncomfortable.

Sister Xing said honestly:"You have some pastry stains on the corners of your mouth.……"

Ruan Mei's pupils tightened,"Ah, is it true?"

If that's the case, then she would be too embarrassed. No wonder the eyes of the previous group fell on her.

It turns out that everything happened for a reason, and there was cake on the corner of the mouth, which was difficult to ignore.

Just when the atmosphere was awkward, Ruan Mei turned and looked to the other side, and time passed like this.

Outside the glass screen is the blue planet.

And at this moment, a cold light flashed across the bottom of those light-colored eyes. Ruan Mei looked back at Sister Xing and said softly:

"Sorry, I was enjoying the scenery and got a little distracted. She walked slowly forward,"I don't often go in and out of the space station. I just discovered this place today. It has a broad view and is soothing.""

"Suitable to be paired with a little lotus leaf, plum blossom, glutinous rice, and the fragrance of sugar frosting"

"Come here and see the blue planet at our feet, so full of life"

"Come here." Ruan Mei waved to Sister Xing, and Sister Xing quickly walked up and walked side by side with her.

The planet Ruan Mei pointed at,"Look, the blue planet is under our feet, it is so full of vitality. After speaking

, he took out a package of exquisitely packaged snacks from his pocket and said,"This dessert is also delicious, I'll give you half of it.""

After all, the other party was a head shorter than her. When she raised her head and looked at her, Sister Xing felt a little awkward.

After all, there was no reason for her not to accept the other party's hands.

And those eyes were so gentle, which made her feel uncomfortable. It was even harder for Sister Xing to refuse.

After thinking about it, Sister Xing decided to eat some. After all, the cake looked good, but I didn’t know how it tasted.

"Me, taste a little begging"

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