Outside the light curtain, after seeing Ruan Mei handing something to Sister Xing.

The researchers from the three Honkai Worlds fell silent.

There may be something wrong with what the scientists handed over!

Especially genius scientists or biological researchers, they will always take a little bit of what they are given...

So on the barrage, the audience heatedly discussed

【Starry Sky March 7: Tsk! Ruan Mei took the initiative to give me something, I'm afraid……】

【Kiana: What’s the problem with this?】

【Mebius: There will indeed be some problems. After all, the other party seems to be a scientist.】

【Dr. Mei: Especially biological scientists, it’s best not to eat what is handed to them.】

【Alicia: Oops~ Star sister has already accepted the other party’s dessert! There shouldn't be any problem if you eat a little, right?】

【Dr. May: No! big problem】

【Mebius: Let’s see what happens next】

【Otto: You really need to be careful with the food that scientists hand over.】

【Teresa: Listening to what you are saying, it seems that Sister Xing is in serious danger.】

【Wuliangta Jizi: I hope, it’s just that we think too much】

【Kiana: Wow, I’m looking forward to the rest of the story more and more. 】

Looking at the content in front of"Zero One Seven", viewers from different worlds are full of expectations.

Outside the light curtain, in the dormitory of the Valkyrie of St. Freya Academy.

Based on the content on the barrage, everyone also roughly understood that there was a certain probability that the things handed over by the scientists would be mixed with other things.

Kiana's light blue pupils are as bright as gems

"Wow~ If it’s so dangerous, wouldn’t Sister Xing……"

Thinking about that scene, Kiana felt creepy.

I don’t know what kind of things were mixed in that pastry. Could it be poisonous?

Raiden Meiyi:"Don't think too much. This is just everyone's guess. You have to watch the video to determine the actual situation."

Bronya:"But since Mebius said that, the probability of adulteration is very high.."

Kiana hugged the pillow and rested her chin on the pillow,"I hope she's okay."

Raiden Meiyi said gently:"Well, look behind you."

The scene where everyone looked at her expectantly.

Return to the video and the screen continues to play.

Looking at the girl in front of her, the smile on Ruan Mei's face was gentler than before:"Sweet pastries always remind people of blooming flowers. Eat them one bite at a time, and the aroma will stay between your lips and teeth."

"Hope you like it too."

I glanced at the girl in front of me, then lowered my head at the pastry in my hand. Not to mention that it looked exquisite, but I didn't know how it tasted. After eating it in one bite, it was filled with the fragrance of flowers and even a hint of sweetness.

It tasted very good. Not bad! The sweetness is moderate, no wonder she carries it with her.

But when the audience saw this scene, their muscles tensed instantly, and their hearts were high.

Just eat it like this? No special reaction?

Ruan Mei asked gently :"Is it tasty? I can do more stains for you next time"

"When I go to visit Stephen Lloyd, I always bring some strawberry cake, otherwise he won’t show up."

Speaking of this, Ruan Mei seemed to have thought of some beautiful picture again, and her eyes became gentler than before.

"Mmm...excellent pastries. Ten grams of sugar cubes, one dried salted plum blossom"

"Baking and cooking are the same as cultivating the universe. You must control the heat, organize your thoughts, and do not panic when encountering any situation..."

"Unfortunately, there are still too many people on the space station, and the noisy sounds and snacks are not suitable enough, so……"

"Do you remember my [research?"

Hearing this, the audience outside the screen was full of doubts.

What did she mean? Why did she say it was all cakes?

Outside the light screen, looking at the situation in front of them, everyone couldn't figure out for a moment what Ruan Mei wanted to do. What.

But her evaluation of pastries is quite high, as if pastries are combined with the principles of life.

But what does she mean by saying this to Sister Xing?

On the barrage, the audience was discussing

【Xingqiong March 7: Hey~ What is she going to do?】

【Xingqiong Danheng: Is it paving the way for what’s to come?】

【Kiana: What she said always feels weird! ? What does it mean?】

【Mebius: It seems that she did put something】

【Dr. Mei: Well, after time passes, the effect of the medicine will take effect.】

【Otto: The story is getting more and more interesting.】

【Alicia: Oops~ What should I do if I have a bad stomach?】

【Graceu: Graceu hopes Sister Xing is okay】

【Kiana: I feel like Sister Xing is in trouble this time? I just don’t know what Ruan Mei put in the cake. Is it poison? But why did she want to harm Sister Xing?】

【Bronya: As she said before, isn’t Star Sister her most perfect sample?】

【Raiden Mei: Maybe in her eyes, Sister Xing is already her perfect experimental subject】

【Dr. May: What does she want to do?】

【Velvet: Wow, biological scientists are so scary!】

【Padofelis: Yeah. 】

At this moment, the audience fully realized the terror of the biologist.

If you give any pastry, something will be put in it.

I don’t know how many people she has used this method on.

On the other side outside the light curtain, in the pre-civilization era, in the meeting room of Fire Chaser Moth.

Everyone swallowed their saliva as they watched Sister Xing eat what Ruan Mei gave her.

This is how to do!

Across the screen, they couldn't remind Sister Xing.

Ouch! I don’t know what Ruan Meizai put in the cake. If it was poison or something harmful to the body, then Sister Xing would have no way to resist.

And Ruan Mei’s last question was even more terrifying. (If you want to read violent novels, go hereLu Novel Network! )

Is she reminding Sister Xing of what she is about to do?

Biological-related research, hiss... you don't want to study Sister Xing's body, right?

Thinking again about what she said before, about the structure of living organisms... Goosebumps appeared on everyone's bodies again.

Dr. Mei:"I knew it would be like this. As a researcher oriented towards biology, and Sister Xing is the most perfect experimental sample in her eyes, it is impossible for her not to do something about Sister Xing."

Mebius:" Um"

"But I'm also curious, did she find the assistant she wanted?"

"Remember in the last video, wasn't she still studying how to create orders?……"

Dr. Mei:"Maybe it's because the previous research didn't go well, so I changed the research direction."

While the two were discussing, others turned their attention to the video.

Back to the video, the scene continues to play.

Listening to Ruan Mei's question, Sister Xing clasped the back of her head with her hands....

"Just remember it has to do with living things."

That's what I thought in my head, but the words that came out of my mouth were completely different.

"I don’t remember, I just like to study little stories about toilets"[]

As soon as these words came out, Sister Xing froze on the spot.

What the hell is going on... What am I... talking about?

This...is this what she wants to say? what happened? How come she didn't mean what she said? What she thought was completely different from what she said, or was there something wrong with her brain?

Just when Sister Xing was confused, Ruan Mei's eyes brightened after hearing these words.

It seems that her experiment worked.

"That's it, it's a very cute hobby."

So Ruan Mei crossed her arms and stared at Sister Xing with a smile. She continued to ask:"Let's do it again. Now, what else do you want to ask?"

Looking at the girl in front of her who was half a head shorter than her, Sister Xing was silent.

What she still doesn't understand is what she still doesn't understand! It's obvious that she will become like this because she must have done something.

Sister Xing just I wanted to shout angrily: What did you do to me...

But what came out of his mouth was:"The snacks are delicious, I want to eat some more.""

Sister Xing:...

I have no love left.

Outside the light curtain.

When they saw Sister Xing saying the completely opposite of what they thought, the audience was stunned.

This... is really like Dr. Mei. They said the same thing.

The thing that the biologist handed over on his own initiative was probably adulterated with something.

After hearing these words, most people still maintained a skeptical attitude, but the picture that finally appeared was better than theirs. It 's even more terrifying than imagined.

What should I do if I don't mean what I said? Or is this just a precursor to the symptoms, and the most serious situation has not happened yet.

Thinking of this, the audience's hearts are also high. On the barrage, a group of people were discussing wildly

【Starry March 7: Humph! I knew there was something wrong with the food Ruan Mei handed over.】

【Kiana: How terrifying~ How many people has she used this method on? ?】

【Star Vault March 7: I don’t know, but Sister Xing shouldn’t be the first victim. ]

4.5 [Thunder and Lightning Mei: We are in a different world, and we don’t know much about her either.】

【Bronya: What kind of person is she?】

【Kiana: Yes! yes! Obviously as a scientist, shouldn’t it be to benefit mankind? But why……】

【Starry Sky March 7: Ouch! Her character is not as gentle and harmless as she appears. On the contrary, as long as it is about experimental research, she will be very persistent, and she will even do whatever it takes to make the experiment go smoothly.……】

【Alicia: Oops~ This persistent character is really similar to Dr. Mei and others. Maybe all outstanding scientists are the same.】

【Velvet: Hehe, is that person named Sister Xing okay in the end? ]

Seeing this, the audience also had a deeper understanding of the scientists.

From now on, any food sent by scientists will have to be carefully considered before eating.

Back to video, video continues.

Ruan Mei put her hands on her hips and stared at Sister Xing tenderly.

It's like she really doesn't know anything

"He is a greedy child""Okay, I'll tell you the recipe."

Hearing Ruan Mei's words, Sister Xing frowned even more tightly.

What does she mean by this? Do you want to continue to pretend not to know?.

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