The Herrscher of Knowledge held her hands on the wall and gasped for air. After all, the car was totaled and they could only run on their feet.

No matter how slow the RV is, how can a person run faster than the RV?

"Ha ha! …There’s no way to catch up!"

"These four-wheeled things just run faster than two wheels!"

Running too fast, the Herrscher of Knowledge gasped for air.

But Fu Hua looked at the RV gradually going away, and he did get another question.

"It turns out that the RV can also explode at such extreme speeds"

"Herrscher of Knowledge, I admit that I drove too slowly before."

The Herrscher of Knowledge:... stared at Fu Hua helplessly, how long has it been, and she is still thinking about this?

"Wow, you really know your mistakes and can correct them. Should I praise you? Fu Hua:"

That's not necessary.""

The tone of the answer was extremely serious.

The Herrscher of Knowledge was even more speechless,"You - you are such a wooden head! Think of a way to catch up with them? Fu

Hua shook his head,"There's nothing you can do if you're anxious. The tire of the bicycle is already worn out." We can't keep riding it."

The Herrscher of Knowledge put his hands on his hips and sighed helplessly,"I didn't expect this thing to be able to catch up with them."

I took a look at the bicycle that Fu Hua was responsible for. What's the difference between this and a rag?

I can imagine that the Book of Cangxuan and the RV were robbed. The Herrscher of Knowledge was so angry! No wonder it looked familiar. It turned out to be that Their RV.

Stomping their feet angrily, as if they thought the other side was the thieves, stomping hard

"Damn it, those two daring guys actually drove away from the RV while we were out shopping for groceries."

But the thief had already run away, and she had no way to vent her anger. The Herrscher of Knowledge turned to look at Fu Hua and muttered with great dissatisfaction:

"Old antique, it’s all your fault for riding too slowly! If we could go back sooner, this wouldn't happen."

Obviously, the Herrscher of Knowledge vented his anger on Fu Hua.

Fu Hua blinked his eyes and looked innocent,"But because you said you wanted to eat Chunfengyuan's cold cake, we had to go around. long way……"

Hearing this, the Herrscher of Knowledge was speechless for a moment, and it turned out that the culprit was herself.

Because she wanted to eat rice cakes, Fu Hua chose to take her on a detour. If they had gone back earlier, maybe this wouldn't have happened.

The Herrscher of Consciousness couldn't find a place to vent, and he was holding a lot of anger in his heart.

Outside the light curtain, it is impossible for the audience to fail to see that the Herrscher of Consciousness wants to shirk responsibility, or vent the anger in his heart.

By putting the blame on Fu Hua, she can get away with it.

But overall, what does this matter have to do with Fu Hua?

She just wanted to take Herrscher of Knowledge to buy the rice cakes she wanted to eat, and she didn't know that the RV would be stolen.

On the barrage, the content is updated crazily

【Xingqiong March 7: do I feel that she is trying to shirk responsibility?】

【Sister Xing: Tsk! villain】

【Star Walter: If she does this, people will look down on her】

【Kiana: No, no, the Herrscher of Knowledge is not such a person. She just wants to vent her anger.】

【Raiden Mei: After all, it’s a newborn child. It’s normal to be unable to control emotions.】

【Bronya: As the youngest person here, one of her character traits is that she can’t control her emotions.】

【Teresa: However, there is also a certain suspicion that she is really blaming Fu Hua, thinking that her slow driving caused the current situation! Maybe they're still thinking that if they had gone back earlier, this wouldn't have happened.】

【Wuliangta Jizi: It is possible】

【Kiana: Treasure recognition, it shouldn’t be like this, right?】

【Raiden Mei: What the dean said makes sense. 】

Beyond the light curtain, in the dormitory of the Valkyrie of St. Freya Academy.

Kiana:"Oh, why is the Herrscher of Knowledge's character still like that of a child?""

"This matter obviously had nothing to do with Fu Hua, but she had to blame Fu Hua."

After seeing the scene where the Herrscher of Knowledge blamed Fu Hua, Kiana frowned slightly.

She really couldn't figure out what this matter had to do with Fu Hua?

Bronya:"I don't want to The problem lies with herself"

"If she hadn't wanted to eat cold cakes, maybe they would have gone back long ago."

Leiden Meiyi:"So if something happens, don't think about putting the responsibility on others, but think about your own problems first."

"It was for her sake that Fu Hua chose to take a detour to buy rice cakes."

Kiana:"Hey, the problem is with me. Now I am embarrassed to recognize treasures."

Bronya:"Whether she will admit it or not is another question."

Kiana:"Hiss...that makes sense.""

"She is just a naughty child, and it seems unlikely that she will admit it."

Bronya:"You two have children's personalities."

Kiana crossed her arms, sat high up, and looked down at Bronya,"Humph, I'm not one of them. Leiden

Meiyi said gently:"Continue watching the video. I want to know if they caught up with the car in the end.""

Kiana:"I'm curious, I think I should have caught up.

The video continues to play.

Hearing Fu Hua's words, the Herrscher of Knowledge fell silent. Yes, the culprit was herself!

"I, that's what I said!"

I didn't expect Fu Huahui to take this matter seriously.

Fu Hua shook his head slowly,"But you have been saying this for several days.……"

The Herrscher of Knowledge quickly waved his hand, trying to fool this matter away.

"Oops, forget it, forget it, don’t explain, I forgive you."

"Let's think about what we should do now."

The Book of Cangxuan was taken away, and the bicycle could not be used. It can be said that it was isolated and helpless.

Fu Hua rubbed his chin,"……You are right, but...the bicycle is broken, so we have to find a new means of transportation."

"This is not Tianming’s service area, and there is no one I know around. Where should we look?"

Looking around, Fu Hua was a little confused.

Fu Hua watched the cars speeding by on the road - obviously, after the collapse, the city began to gradually regain its vitality.

Fu Hua sighed deeply, the situation is really troublesome

"Forget it, let's try and see if we can catch a ride."

There are always more solutions than difficulties. As soon as he finished speaking, a bus stopped next to them.

Fu Hua:"Huh?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge also looked over with curiosity.

Just when he was about to ask for a car, didn't it come?

Suddenly, the man opened the car window and stared at the back in front of him in disbelief. (Watch the exposure For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Fu Fu Fu, Ms. Fu Hua? Fu

Hua also stared curiously at the bus that suddenly stopped,"It's Tianming's freight truck, and the person sitting in the driver's seat is……"

Fu Hua took the initiative to step forward with the Herrscher of Knowledge and asked politely:"Master, how are you...?"

After all, the opportunity was placed in front of them, so there was no reason for them to refuse.

When the two of them got closer, the bus driver could see Fu Hua's current appearance clearly.

After all, she is wearing red now, which is really different from before! If you don't look carefully, it's really hard to tell. This is Fu Hua.

The bus driver clasped the back of his head with an excited expression,"That's great. Although you are dressed very... festively now, fortunately I didn't admit my mistake."

"What a coincidence that I met you here."

The Herrscher of Knowledge's eyes moved back and forth between Fu Hua and the bus master.

"'Do you know him?"

Fu Hua:"I……"

Oops, I have no impression at all.

Fu Hua was silent. Although the other party was very enthusiastic, she really didn't know who he was.

In my memory, this face has never appeared.

So, who is he?

On the barrage outside the light curtain

【Stardome March: So, who is he?】

【Star Sister: Curious】

【Kiana: Uh...I don't know him either. I just think his face is familiar. I think I've seen it somewhere?】[]

【Raiden Meiyi: It does give people a familiar feeling, but I can’t even remember who he is.】

【Fu Hua: He knows me, but I have forgotten him. There is no memory in my mind】

【Lawyer of Knowledge: Damn it! Opportunities came to our door, but we pushed them away.】

【Starry Sky March 7: Isn’t Teresa the Bishop of Destiny? Who is he?】

【Theresa: Sigh~ There are so many people working at the Destiny Base that I can’t even remember them.】

【Kiana: I really don’t know who he is?】

【Youlandel: I really have no impression】

【Sister Xing: Aren't you... the people destined by fate?】

【Xingqiong March 7: Hum, this is really troublesome. He is so familiar with Fu Hua, but Fu Hua doesn't know him. The ride he's been waiting for is about to go~]

Looking at the content of the video, the viewers of Honkai Impact III were also confused.

They really didn't know who the bus driver was in front of them. (Mo Qian Zhao) Some people feel familiar, while others feel he is so strange.

So...who is he?

Under the expectant eyes of both pairs, the video content continued to play.

When Fu Hua was struggling, the other party took the initiative to break the deadlock and introduced enthusiastically:"We met at the Tianming Base before! I even opened the door for you!"

Fu Hua:"Hmm.……"

I lowered my eyes and thought, but still couldn't remember.

Being stared at by those blazing eyes, Fu Hua felt particularly anxious, and finally asked in a low voice:"Are you that... outstanding employee that Theresa often praised?" The bus master frowned slightly and thought again and again. , is this him?

I didn’t expect that I would be praised by the bishop. Is he so famous now?

But something felt wrong. The bus driver stared at Fu Hua with some doubts and whispered,"Is it me...?"

But he felt that Fu Hua could not lie, so the doubts in the man's expression were replaced by a bright smile. ,"So the bishop thinks so highly of me?"

But he didn't expect that Fu Hua could clearly hear what he just muttered.

At this time, Fu Hua was completely confused.

Could it be that I guessed the wrong word?

Feeling the awkward atmosphere, the Herrscher of Knowledge looked back and forth between the two of them curiously, and finally came to his own conclusion.

"Do you know each other?"

The bus master:……!?

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