Being exposed mercilessly by the Herrscher of Knowledge, Fu Hua remained silent for a long time.

"Sorry, I can't remember."

At the same time, the bus master also said hurriedly:"I am Luo Wei!"

Wiping the sweat from his head, he stared at Fu Hua with an innocent face. He never expected that the other party would forget him.

However, even if Fu Hua forgot who he was, the bus master was not discouraged.

Fu Hua:"Thank you for giving us a ride.……"

"But I'm sorry, I really can't remember when we met in Tianming."

I racked my brains to think about it, but there was no trace of him in my memory.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Herrscher of Knowledge also hurriedly explained:"That's what this old antique is like. He has a bad memory as he gets older. Please forgive me. ha."

The two people apologized so sincerely, and the bus master smiled and said:"It's okay, it's okay, after all, our work rarely overlaps."

"It's my honor to be able to help heroes."

Outside the light curtain, everyone burst into laughter listening to the content in front of them.

This Herrscher of Knowledge is really cute. He actually directly said that Fu Hua was old and even had a bad memory.

Looking at it from another perspective, it is indeed is a good excuse.

In the barrage, the audience expressed their opinions one after another

【Xingqiong March 7: Wow, would it be too much to just say that Fu Hua is old and has a bad memory?……】

【Sister Xing: Tsk! What a kid】

【Kiana: Don't worry, Fu Hua won't take such trivial matters to heart. Moreover, the Lawyer of Consciousness said this entirely because of Fu Hua. After all, the other party invited them to come together, but in the end, Fu Hua didn't even recognize the other party.】

【Bronya: Well, it’s really embarrassing. But...but I didn't expect that Paramecium would think of this】

【Kiana: Hum, I am an adult too, okay?】

【Teresa: No! You are still a child who has not grown up】

【Raiden Mei: The dean is right. 】240【Alicia: Oops~ The Herrscher of Knowledge can speak, and in the end the bus master also forgave them.】

【Mebius: The result was not bad, at least they got a ride smoothly.】

【Dr. Mei: Without a car, it would be difficult to move around in this city, let alone find the Book of Cangxuan.】

【Kiana: Hehe, I believe the squad leader will be able to find the Book of Cangxuan】

【Starry Sky March 7: Don’t speak too early】

【Sister Xing: Everything is not certain yet. Even if they caught a ride, they couldn't catch up with the RV from before. 】

Although Fu Hua and the Herrscher of Knowledge have successfully caught a ride, there are still people who are not optimistic about Fu Hua and the others.

Kiana, Bronya and the others firmly believed in Fu Hua.

In anticipation of the audience, the video continued to play.

Fu Hua was a little embarrassed by the compliment. She shook her head slowly,"We are not heroes. We just did what we should do. For that victory, your efforts are equally important.

" That said, without Fu Hua and the others, this world would have been destroyed long ago.

So the bus driver said slowly:"You are being too modest. Compared to you, we have only done some trivial work."

Seeing that the two of them were going to continue chatting, the Herrscher of Knowledge intervened.

"Hey, just forget about the polite words."

"Master Luo, what do you do (baaj)?"

The bus master smiled and said:

"As you can see, I'm shipping for destiny right now. This city is being rebuilt and requires a large amount of supplies. Without the goods in the trunk, the reconstruction work cannot proceed."

Fu Hua:"Indeed, the disasters caused by the three collapses have been almost eliminated. However, post-disaster reconstruction requires a lot of manpower and material resources"

"Rebuilding a prosperous and orderly city is not something that can be accomplished overnight"

"Ending the Great Collapse is just the beginning, and the next work requires everyone to work together."

Bus driver:"Yes, even if the collapse is over, the work has not decreased at all. Counting today, I have been working overtime for a month continuously. Look...this trip is my 170th shipment of supplies. The Herrscher of Knowledge widened his eyes in surprise,"Wow, then you really like to go to work.""

She was unwilling to work even if she was beaten to death for a month.

But she didn't expect that this driver could persist for so long!

It's amazing! He plays a key role in urban construction and is indeed considered a driver. A hero!

Stared by the Herrscher of Knowledge’s fiery eyes, the bus master said helplessly:"Of course I don’t like going to work, everything is required by destiny."

On the other side outside the light curtain, in St. Freya Academy, in Valkyrie's dormitory.

Kiana's eyes widened,"Working overtime for more than a month in a row, how tiring it must be!"

"And the master driver actually persisted."

Leiden Meiyi:"That sentence of destiny is really touching."

Kiana nodded seriously:"Yeah."

Bronya:"In this way, he became another kind of hero in the corner of the city."

Kiana:"He is really awesome! After working overtime for more than a month, who can persevere!"

Leiden Meiyi:"And he just persevered.

Fu Hua:"Because the city needs it, he perseveres hard. This kind of spirit is worth learning from.""(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kiana nodded vigorously,"Yeah."

Back to the video, the scene continued.

Fu Hua looked at the bus driver in front of him and said in a deep voice:"The manpower of Tianming should be quite sufficient recently, you can apply for leave."

The bus master shook his head and sighed deeply:"Oh, don't mention it. I feel sad when I talk about it.……"

"Alas~ I had already finished itWork hours due in a year and prepare to start taking annual leave"

"But I don’t know what happened, but the person who was supposed to hand over the work never responded to the message, so I can only wait here and continue to work overtime."

Hearing this, the Herrscher of Knowledge widened his eyes and said without hesitation:"Then just skip work.……"

Fu Hua:...

It is indeed what the Lawyer of Consciousness would think of.

Being stared at by Fu Hua, the Herrscher of Knowledge coughed twice. She naturally knew that this method would not work at all.

"Tsk. Maybe something went wrong during the handover?"

Otherwise, how could that guy not reply to the message?

The bus driver also understood what the two of them meant, but this kind of thing didn't make sense. He waved his hand and sighed:

"Forget it, there's nothing to do during the holiday anyway, so why not stay here? At least you can find someone to chat with and earn some overtime pay."

But the Herrscher of Knowledge doesn't agree with his idea.

"I can't rest even though I can. I see, you are a workaholic!"

This sentence really wronged the bus driver,"I...sigh……"He wanted to tell the truth, but he didn't know how to explain it, so he lowered his head

"Maybe you're right, don't talk about me yet, what about you? Why are you looking so sad on the side of the road?"

The Herrscher of Consciousness clasped the back of his head:"Oh, don't mention it. We were originally traveling, but……"[]

She didn't even know how to explain the situation just now. After all, it was so embarrassing to watch the RV being stolen and they were helpless.

Fu Hua said in a deep voice:"Just now, our car was stolen."

The bus driver's eyes widened:"Huh?"

He also knew how powerful the Herrscher of Knowledge and Fu Hua were, in such a situation In front of a strong man, there are still people who dare to steal.

Seeing the disbelief on the other party's face, Fu Hua could only explain slowly.

"………That's the way it is."

Bus driver:"The RV was stolen by two big fat birds.……"

"Unbelievable, right? But reality is so magical."The Herrscher of Knowledge shrugged his shoulders.

Looking at the content in front of them outside the light screen, the audience suddenly felt that the bus master was a little pitiful.

Because the person who handed over the work could not be contacted, he could only continue to work overtime. This time Overtime work lasts for more than a month.

Who can stand a situation like this?

I'm afraid he ran away the moment he learned about overtime work!

But this bus driver chose to stay without hesitation, and through him In the conversation with the Herrscher of Knowledge, you can feel that there is a force in his heart supporting him. He can even joke from time to time.

On the barrage, the content has undergone earth-shaking changes.

【Star Vault March 7: It turns out. He is such a bus driver!】

【Sister Xing: I admire you!】

【Mebius: In this laboratory, working overtime is a normal thing, just like eating regular meals.】

【Kiana: Anyway, the attitude of the bus driver is really good! Of course, when he learned that he couldn't contact his coworkers, he didn't give up, but chose to continue working seriously.】

【Leiden Meiyi: City construction is inseparable from them. Without them transporting goods day and night, these buildings would not be able to recover so quickly. They are the heroes hidden in the darkness】

【Theresa: Yes~City construction is indeed inseparable from them】

【Alicia: Hehe, just like Kiana said, this bus driver’s mentality is really good.~】

【Starry Sky March 7: I’m envious. 】

With the expectations of the audience, the video continues to play.

Fu Hua:"According to the position displayed on the RV locator, they went in the direction of the cross-sea bridge."

Luo Wei:"Let me see...oh, that direction leads to the [Academy] just established with the help of Tianming City, if you want to catch up with them, you can go to the ferry and take a boat, which will be much faster."

Herrscher of Knowledge:"Looking at the position, they have already run far away, and there is no rush for this moment. The problem now is, How are we going to get to the ferry?"

The bus master smiled honestly and said:"I can take you there."

Fu Hua:"But, don't you still have a job?"

The bus master shook his head:"It doesn't matter, we are just on our way."

Yes. After getting a ride, Herrscher of Knowledge and Fu Hua also relaxed a little, at least not as anxious as before..

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