The video continues to play.

Hearing Tesla's words, Joyce nodded quickly:

"Uh-huh, I won't imitate him!"

Seeing Joyce say this, Tesla's hanging heart was relieved.

"good. So let’s get back to the topic now, who is the person in charge of our selection competition?"

After a few seconds, Walter replied:"Yeah."

"According to the reports submitted by the examiners and everyone’s previous discussions, the two winners of this [Mars Exploration Selection Competition are determined to be [Erdesh Helia and [Coralie 6626 Planck]"

"The day after tomorrow, they will board a special spacecraft and set off for the moon for two months of training. At the end of the training, they will embark on a journey to explore Mars on behalf of mankind."

Speaking of this, Walter paused for a few seconds and said happily:"……This day is finally coming"

"From coming up with the idea to actual took us four years in total. Without the various supports provided by Bishop Teresa, I am afraid that the project would not have been able to advance to the present level."

Tesla put her hands on her hips, and she thought of another group of damn guys:"If you ask me, procedural problems are nothing to worry about."

"The most disgusting thing is that there are some congressmen who come from who knows which board of directors and say weird things behind the back of"500"!"

The more I think about it, the angrier I get. Those guys are trying to stop this matter in every possible way!

If it weren't for them, maybe it would have been done long ago."

"What to say:"The goal of repairing the earth has not been completed, and it is too early for us to explore deep space... Bah!" They are all kings of a group of zombies.——"

Realizing that his words had gone too far, Tesla quickly coughed twice to ease the awkward atmosphere.

"I mean, those two things don't conflict at all. No matter which one is promoted, it will have a positive impact on the other"

"Moreover, they are also an indispensable part of welcoming the final stage."

After hearing this, Einstein also stood up and said in a deep voice:

"According to the thinking mode of these people, in the next few years, they will probably make the moon gradually turn red and all the ordinary personnel stationed on the moon return to the earth in batches, rendering it as"the end of the world is near.""

Tesla put his hands on his hips, and there seemed to be a fire hidden in his eyes.

"snort! makes sense. A half bottle of vinegar makes the loudest noise. Feeling that Tesla was suppressing his anger, Einstein said in a deep voice:"So, Dr. Tesla." There is absolutely no need for you to get angry in advance. It is better to save your energy for the future."

"In addition, if something can be achieved easily and without controversy, then we should think about whether practicing it has corresponding meaning and value. Tesla:"

Tsk." Your chicken coop is really lacking in oil and salt."

Although what Einstein said was very reasonable, Tesla couldn't help but refute her.

After watching the content in front of them, the audience outside the light screen also had an earth-shaking change in their view of Walter..

It turns out that Walter is actually a middle-aged boy in private!

He is completely different from his usual elegant and erudite appearance.

Tsk tsk! Sure enough, a man will remain a boy until he dies!

Reading books and computers in a dark environment, there is obviously no I am short-sighted, but I have to wear glasses.

Although I don’t understand what Walter thinks, for the viewers of Honkai Impact III, these contents are exciting enough.

On the barrage, people expressed their opinions one after another

【Starry March 7: Hahaha, isn’t this the Walter of our world? How come two people look exactly the same?】

【Sister Xing: Even the tone of speaking is the same!】

【Kiana (K423): Oh, how normal! In your world, there are many people like us】

【Otto: The worlds on the Tree of Imaginary Numbers are all similar.】

【Raiden Meiyi: I didn’t expect that Mr. Walter was actually a middle school boy in private!】

【Teresa: Humph! The adults failed to set a good example! Not to mention a child! No wonder Tesla was worried that Joyce would imitate him】

【Bronya: If Tesla doesn’t stand up to stop it, I’m afraid Joyce will become another Walter】

【Alicia: Hahaha, I would like to see which congressmen Tesla talks about?】

【Kiana (K423): 1】

【Starry March 7: I also want to see who they are.】

【Einstein: Later……】

【Mebius: Sure enough, no matter what world you are in, there will always be a group of people like this.】

【Klein: Yeah! Originally, the cost of the experiment was not enough, so those old guys tried their best to reduce it. As a result, we ended up eating instant noodles. It lasts for several months once I eat it】

【Dr. Mei: Oh……】

【Fu Hua: There are not many such people in reality.】

【Kiana (K423): What a bunch of hateful guys】

【Mebius: Alas...]

For a time, everyone was full of expectations for the"Senior Congressman" Tesla called him.

Things continued to play out with the anticipation of the audience.

Tesla sighed:"I thought that when I saw Coralie soon, you would at least become a little more humane."

Einstein rubbed his brows helplessly,"Yeah, I'm very happy."

"But not to the point where you immediately light up two red handheld fireworks and run around Dr. Tesla three times, right?"


It seems to be the case.

Einstein crossed his arms and said in a deep voice:"Besides, the reason why I didn't show the expression you expected is because I am convinced that with Coralie's ability, I can win the trial. Winning is not particularly difficult. Tesla snorted softly:"That's true, that kid himself is more mature than his peers." After all, she is just like you back then, able to publish a doctoral thesis at a young age."

Hearing the news about Coralie, Joyce's eyes lit up and he asked anxiously: (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Well, well, Aunt Ein, can I ask you a question?"

Einstein:"Of course. You are welcome. Joyce clenched his fists and asked nervously:

"Sister Coralie, when will you come back? Tesla sighed with emotion:"She hasn't set off yet, and you're just thinking about when she will come back?""


Einstein also understood why Joyce was so anxious, but she really couldn't give an answer now.

"Xiao Qiao, I'm afraid I can't give you an exact date. Because most matters related to deep space exploration must be planned on an annual scale."


In terms of years, how long will it take? Doesn't that mean he won't come back for a few years?

Joyce's little head drooped, and his whole person seemed to have lost all energy."It's been so long."……"

Tesla:"Hey, Xiao Qiao, I remember the day Coralie signed up for the trials, you were eating jelly while imitating the advertisement and saying that you wanted to be an astronaut when you grow up. 0"

"What, do you want to regret it now?"

Outside the light curtain, everyone was shocked by what they heard.

What's going on! Publishing a doctoral thesis at a young age?

Doesn't this make them a bunch of losers?

Think about it, the people who collapsed the three worlds are still a little sad.

As for the people in the Star World, they don’t feel that much, but they are still a little depressed.

Comparing people to each other is really irritating! []

On the barrage, the audience expressed their opinions one after another

【Xingqiong March 7: Wow~ Published a doctoral thesis at a young age, how big will it be when you grow up?……】

【Kiana: Yes, this is too strong!】

【Tesla: She got her doctorate at the age of 17. Like Einstein, she is a genius!】

【Bronya: 17 years old? Obtain a doctorate degree?】

【Raiden Mei: He is indeed a genius】

【Mebius: Very good. I can publish a doctoral thesis at a young age and I will definitely become a pillar in the future.】

【Dr. Mei: I underestimated her.】

【Kiana: It’s too big anyway! Comparing her with another person, I originally thought that she was unlearned and unskilled, and liked to be lazy in all kinds of battles, but I didn't expect that……】

【Alicia: Wow~ This is really a surprise! I didn't expect Coralie to be so powerful at such a young age】

【Padofelis: Obtaining a doctorate at the age of 17 is not something ordinary people can do.】

【Lawyer of Knowledge: Tsk! powerful!】

【Xingqiong March 7: Yes, you really can’t judge a book by its appearance. 】

After this content, the audience's view of Coralie has changed again.

At least she is no longer classified as unlearned and unskilled.

In anticipation of the audience, the video continued to play.

Joyce shook her head quickly and explained quickly:"No, no! I'm just a little worried about Sister Coralie"

"Aunt Ain must be too, right?"

"After all, dad took sister Coralie and me out to play.At that time, Sister Coralie would just sit on the lawn in the park and play games on her 1.0 mobile phone...or simply hide in the arcade of the mall.……"

Einstein laughed endlessly:"Haha, Xiao Qiao has very strong observation skills."

"But I don't worry about Coralie—or rather, she doesn't need me to worry at all."

They are all at ease with Coralie.

It can be said that in many aspects, Coralie is more mature than her actual age. She can also consider all aspects when doing things.

Walter pushed the frame of the mirror and said in a deep voice:

"Yes, Xiao Qiao. In the eyes of your sister Coralie, the universe is full of unknowns and surprises, and it is far away from crowds and communication. From a certain perspective, it is another kind of [game arcade] that is more suitable for her."

Joyce blinked his light blue eyes:"Eh~ Is that so?"

Einstein nodded and replied gently:"Yes. In fact, there is someone else who worries everyone more than Coralie right now.——"

On the other side outside the light curtain, in the dormitory of the Valkyrie of St. Freya Academy.

Kiana:"So everyone is so relieved about Coralie!"

She hugged the pillow and rubbed her little face on it,"But... think about it, a person who got a doctorate at the age of 17 must do things for sure. It's also very reassuring"

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