Outside the light curtain, Kiana, who had collapsed the three worlds, was instantly unconvinced after hearing Raiden Mei's evaluation of her.

And others agree!

Because Kiana's thoughts are written on her face, anyone with a discerning eye can understand it at a glance. No need to guess!

As for the audience in Star World, they carefully observed Kiana's expression, don't say anything!! It’s exactly what Raiden Meiyi said! Kiana's thoughts are written all over her face, it's so easy to guess!

So on the barrage, the audience expressed their opinions one after another

【Xingqiong March 7: Wow~ It’s really too obvious! Your thoughts are written on your face】

【Star Sister: It’s called simple-minded and well-developed limbs!】

【Kiana: You! you……】

【Raiden Mei: Actually, isn’t this quite cute?】

【Bronya: I agree with this! First, it’s simple. When getting along, you can empty your mind.】

【Alicia: That’s the truth.~】

【Teresa: But sometimes it can make people mad!】

【Wuliangta Jizi: Yes, sometimes I am too impulsive and don’t move at all.……】

【Raiden Mei: It is precisely because of this that a complete Kiana can be formed】

【Star Vault March 7: But then again, pulling out Raiden Meiyi so early also proves how good Raiden Meiyi’s character is.】

【Star Sister: It’s too early】

【Kiana: Hehe, no one else is free, so I can only find Mei.】

【Teresa: It’s because only Raiden Mei is willing to listen to you!】

【Kiana: This...this...has a certain connection! 】

Under the blazing gazes of pairs of people, the video continued to play.

Seeing that Kiana was a little embarrassed, Mei said gently:"I understand."

"I was also very nervous before I stepped onto the stage of the class I was responsible for for the first time. At that time, I was even worried about strange questions like"where to place my hands and where to look""

"However, after using the secret that Bishop Teresa told me, my nerves immediately dissipated the moment I took the stage."

Kiana opened her eyes wide and asked excitedly:"Is it so powerful?"

So what kind of secret is it?

Mei Yi blinked her eyes mysteriously,"There's no harm in giving it a try."

With an uneasy mood, Kiana closed her eyes and took a slow and long breath according to the secret told by Mei.

Gradually, the aroma of the food disappeared, the sound of the food became silent, and a sense of relaxation touched her from the inside out. It was as if all the burdens on Kiana's body had slipped away to other places with every breath.

Kiana breathed in and out, and soon the tense mood relaxed instantly.

When she opened her eyes, Kiana's whole body Everyone was energetic. She looked at Raiden Meiyi excitedly, wishing she could hug him and cheer.

"Yayi, my aunt’s method is so effective! I'm not tight at all now………open……"

But before she finished speaking, she saw a familiar figure.

Coralie took the initiative and extended her hand to say hello."What a coincidence. Kiana Kaslana, Raiden Mei."

I didn't expect to meet them both here!

Seeing the students, Kiana's nervousness returned instantly."Kokoko - Coralie!"

Seeing Kiana coughing crazily, Coralie quickly picked up the water from the side,"It's me. If you choke, there is water here."

With that, she held the water glass in both hands and handed it to her. Go up.

Kiana mechanically took the water glass:"Thank you, thank you."

The moment the warm water entered her throat, she even had the illusion that she was sipping the wave of doubt - the previous sense of relaxation had long been washed away by this huge wave. Beyond the sky.

Fortunately, Mei Yi next to her caught the mental driftwood faster than she did.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Leiden Meiyi said in a deep voice:

"Well... Coralie, you can just call me Mei, and the same goes for Kiana. There is no need for us to be so unfamiliar.

Coralie rubbed her chin with her fingers and nodded in agreement,"That's right." The full name is too long, making it tiring to teach."

Leiden Meiyi:"Speaking of which, shouldn't you have arrived at noon? Why is it now four hours ahead of schedule? Coralie frowned slightly and said calmly:"That was the time on the first version of the itinerary. I did choose the spaceship that arrived at 12 o'clock."

"But Mr. Walter sent out a new itinerary a day later. Did you not read it?"

Raiden Meiyi:...


They really didn't see it!

Coralie's eyes glanced between the two people's faces, and she suddenly realized

"Got it, you really didn’t see it."

Thunder and Lightning Yayi sighed:

"We...we happened to be on vacation during that time, and you were busy with other things during the vacation. You really didn't notice that Mr. Walter sent another email. Coralie spread her hands and said nonchalantly:

"It doesn't matter. Since you are all here, why not just take me to the place where tomorrow’s class will be held. Helia is already doing morning exercises there"

"If I go back to the dormitory now, I will definitely be too lazy to go out later."

Coralie still has a certain understanding of herself! Once she enters the dormitory, the God of Sloth will possess her, and then... she really won't be able to go out.

Kiana said in surprise:"Co, Coralie Why do you know that Helia has arrived at the scheduled teaching point? Coralie said calmly:"This is what she said to me herself when the spacecraft arrived at the moon base."

"If you don’t believe it...do you want me to call her now and ask her?"


That's no need.

Outside the light curtain, listening to the conversation between the two, the audience also sighed in their hearts. The characters of Helia and Coralie really have their own characteristics!

Although Coralie is lazy, A little bit, but he is a real genius.

And this Helia is a hard-working and standard three-good student. If she can arrive at the teaching point in advance, she will never delay.

On the barrage, the content is crazily updated

【Kiana: Hahaha, this Coralie is exactly like me. As long as she enters the dormitory space, she will never leave. Can lie down, never sit】

【Bronya: Humph, it’s good that you know you are like this】

【Raiden Meiyi: It is indeed easy for people to become lazy and sleepy when entering the dormitory area】

【Xingqiong March 7: But the person named Helia is too powerful! Arrive at the class location early! I’m still doing morning exercises there now! Wow~ How early do you have to get up?】

【Sister Xing: Tsk! real scroll】

【Alicia: Oh~ This also shows that Helia is really a very good child? Be extremely responsible for yourself】

【Aponia: Such a good boy is rare】

【Gracie: Wow~ That’s amazing! Gratius also wants to work hard like her! effort! Try harder!】

【Lawyer of Knowledge: Tsk! Can she stand getting up so early to do morning exercises?】

【Fu Hua: For her, I’m afraid it’s become routine, as simple as eating. 】

For a time, the audience was conquered by Helia's hard-working attitude.

This content ended and the screen fell into darkness again. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After a while, a row of white text appeared on the screen

【If you cannot know death, how can you talk about life?】

【Man-made collapse, start!】

【We are here to end Him! 】

Although I don’t know who this sentence came from, the audience’s curiosity has reached its peak.

Under the gaze of pairs of eyes, the content was officially played.

Looking at the scene in the sky, Graciu and Fu Hua looked sternly and stared straight ahead.

Graciu glanced at Fu Hua, then raised the weapon in his hand,".The rainbow across the sky - guide us!" In the blink of an eye, a colorful light instantly appeared in the huge gap, and gradually turned into a Colored bridge.

Seeing this scene, Fu Hua quickly followed, jumped, and summoned her aircraft.

Along this huge rainbow bridge, Fu Hua drove forward crazily.

The clouds and mist in the sky gathered together like tornadoes, ranging from dark to light, with lightning appearing from time to time in the middle.

The bell of divine punishment rings:"Dang——"

Fu Hua:"Is that... a bell?"

Vita's voice came from the communicator,"Oops. You have to be careful, that is the countdown to the punishment from the God of Creation."

"If the bell rings seven times...can you guess the consequences?"

Fu Hua frowned, it seems he has to hurry up.


I suddenly noticed a huge flint in the sky. If Fu Hua hadn't dodged it in time, I'm afraid it would have been suspended.

And there were countless obstacles on the road.[]

Vita:"Soon my voice won't be heard over there. The rest will be left to you~"

Fu Hua also understood how critical the situation is now,"Gratius, follow me."

Fu Hua continued Accelerating, more and more meteorites are falling in the sky, and the density is enough to make people scared.



Meteorites fell to the ground one after another, but these were not a big obstacle to Fu Hua.

Suddenly, several purple meteorites fell to the ground instantly.

Fu Hua:"That is?"

Gratius:"Be careful!"


Under this huge force, a large section of the Rainbow Bridge was broken.

Without enough time to stop, Fu Hua jumped into the air with all his strength and flew over easily.

"The flight function reserved for this suit of armor... I didn't expect to use it at a moment like this."

Gratius:"Sister Hua, try this!"

Fu Hua is protected by the colorful protective shield, which also gives Fu Hua no worries.

"These. The power of the rainbow... is very warm."

Gratius:"I never thought that there would be a day like this where I would be able to fight side by side with Sister Hua like this."

Fu Hua:"But from a long time ago, Graciu was no longer a child who needed protection, but a comrade who could be trusted to support him."

On the road ahead, unknown dangers keep coming.

But Fu Hua behaves extremely calmly, maybe because Gratius is right behind her, and the two of them are fighting side by side. There is nothing to be afraid of.

Maybe it's because she saw Fu Hua It was too easy, and Suo directly summoned several flying monsters.


The sharp claws grabbed Fu Hua, but unfortunately he couldn't match his speed. Fu Hua easily dodged again.

"That bird...is it Suo's defense mechanism?".

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