Outside the light curtain, in St. Freya Academy, in the Valkyrie's dormitory.

Seeing that it was a dangerous road, Kiana was also particularly worried about Fu Hua and Grexiu.

Although the two of them fought side by side, the dangers on this road were far more terrifying than imagined.

Not only were there meteorites, there were even thunder and lightning, and at the back, three flying birds appeared!

That huge body and sharp claws! This is a huge danger for Fu Hua, who cannot fly and fight!

Especially those birds, they swooped down so fast that people didn’t even dare to blink. He was afraid that the next second, Fu Hua's body would be pierced by the sharp claws.

It can be said that this video was frightening for Kiana, Bronya and others to watch.

Afraid that Fu Hua and the others would be injured, and also afraid that they would suffer failure!

Kiana bit her lower lip with her white teeth,"Damn it, why did so many smelly birds suddenly appear!!"

"hateful! Damn it! If Suo Zai gets a few of them, Fu Hua and the others will be in a dangerous situation."

Bronya said coldly:"Calm down, the video has just started, everything is full of unknowns."

"And judging from the squad leader's appearance, she doesn't seem to be afraid of these things anymore. It can also be said that she doesn't take them seriously."

"In a situation like this, there’s nothing to worry about! It’s not like you don’t know the squad leader’s strength."

Hearing this, Kiana's anxious mind was instantly comforted.

But the battle is not over yet, Kiana will still be worried about Fu Hua's situation.

And Raiden Meiyi, who is sitting next to her, also believes in Fu Hua. The strength, coupled with the fact that she has Gracie by her side!

Together, the two of them can always overcome everything.

Back to the video, the content continues to play.

Looking at Fu Hua on the Rainbow Bridge, Asuka launched a 620 attack crazily



It's a pity that their speed is always slower than Fu Hua, so she angrily flew high into the sky and summoned countless ice balls to hit Fu Hua hard.

Fu Hua jumped up and the flying device started again, and her flying speed was even faster than that of flying birds. The speed of the attack.

The ice ball had not even touched Fu Hua, but she easily dodged it.

Fu Hua originally wanted to rush up and attack at close range, but he didn't want the bird to spin wildly. At the extremely fast speed, the feathers became It was sharper than that sword.

Fu Hua instantly realized something was wrong,"Oh no!"


Because the speed was too fast, she had no time to dodge. She turned sideways, and the aircraft was hit by feathers and bounced away. After losing control, she fell from a high altitude.

Seeing this scene in front of them, the muscles of the audience outside the light curtain also tensed up.

A frightening scene appeared. How should Fu Hua deal with the situation next? The aircraft lost control and it was impossible for her to stand firm on the Rainbow Bridge.

So on the barrage, the audience had a heated discussion stand up

【Star Vault March 7: It’s over, it’s over! What to do about this! Without the thrust of the aircraft, she would have no way to stand firm on the Rainbow Bridge. After all, it was upside down.】

【Sister Xing: The story is getting more and more interesting. Tsk tsk! Hanging~】

【Bronya: Not necessarily! Isn't there Gratius behind her? Since Gracie's effort can be turned into a rainbow bridge, it can also be turned into a rainbow bridge again.……】

【Kiana: Yeah, there must be other ways】

【Theresa: But the current situation is indeed a bit worrying. Fu Hua is always cautious when doing things. He should have a back-up plan this time.……】

【Alicia: Oops~ Her back-up is Gratius! She's here, don't worry】

【Padofelis: Yes, since Gracie is by her side, it won’t be a big problem for the two of them to fight together.】

【Xingqiong March 7: Hehe, I felt relieved instantly after hearing what you said.】

【Sister Xing: Are we overthinking? Na Fu Hua……】

【Kiana: Of course, she is our squad leader, her strength is always online, I have no worries about her】

【Bronya: That’s not what you were doing just now】

【Cecilia: Now that the children think so highly of them, I feel more at ease. 】

Because most people supported Fu Hua, this also made the audience of Star World heave a sigh of relief.

Maybe the result is really not what they imagined, and Fu Hua and Graciu will be able to save the day.

Back to video, content continues.

Graciu said anxiously:"Sister Hua!"

The colorful bridges in the sky turned into streaks of colored light, constantly integrating into Fu Hua's body.

Wrapped in the warm light of the quilt, Fu Hua could clearly feel the light of the rainbow repairing the armor.

After a few seconds, the aircraft was repaired intact, and Fu Hua regained the power to fly.

"Thanks, Gratius!"

But the higher she flew, the more obstacles she encountered.

The power of the rainbow turned into a light shield to protect Fu Hua, allowing her to fly higher.

When she saw the flying bird, Fu Hua turned around in a hurry , punch it in the head


Hit the key point perfectly.

After flying for an unknown amount of time, Fu Hua finally flew out of the cloud top and reached the sky.

But the bird behind her was still chasing after her.

In the sky, the bird was spinning crazily, It was like a tornado rushing towards Fu Hua.

At that critical moment, Fu Hua grabbed its wings with his bare hands. He turned over and pressed directly on the bird.

The flames in his hands burned brightly, and he lowered himself. For a moment, flames swept through the body, a golden phoenix spread its wings, and the powerful flames wrapped the bird's body.

Seeing that something was wrong, another flying bird quickly attacked Fu Hua.

The blue light struck Fu Hua like lightning, and Fu Hua Hua gave up his phoenix appearance and returned to his original appearance, his body falling downwards.

"Landing point, Gratius."

Gratius:"Leave it to me."Wave the brush in your hand, and the power of the rainbow exploded instantly

"Let my hands... draw the future!"

(babd) came to Gratius's side, Fu Hua stared straight ahead.

"It seems that we have finally met..."

The sky was shrouded in dark clouds. Amidst the lightning and thunder, a white object slowly appeared from the clouds.

White feathers fell from the sky, and the huge monster also opened its arms. It had petals-like branches and three huge eyes staring down.

The moment it touched the ground, one of the flower cores turned into a being that looked like a human but was actually a monster..

The moment a pair of claws touched the ground, the entire plane was shaking.

Looking at the situation in front of them, the audience outside the light curtain breathed a sigh of relief.

They thought Fu Hua would be defeated by the monster, and their hearts were frightened. It's hanging.

Fortunately, the final result was far more perfect than they imagined. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But the monster that appeared at the end looked even scarier than those birds. Ah!

Those black eyes and the huge body shaped like petals look nondescript, but it also makes people feel chilly.

I wonder what the scene will be like if her whole body is exposed to the clouds and mist?

So on the barrage, people from different places Audiences around the world have started a series of discussions

【Star Vault March 7: This new monster looks difficult to deal with!】

【Sister Xing: It seems that Fu Hua and the others are in danger.】

【Teresa: Hmm, her huge body is enough to intimidate the enemy. But looking at Fu Hua and the others, they don’t seem to be afraid of everything in front of them.】

【Kiana: I believe Fu Hua, she will always find a way to solve this! No matter how big the monster is, it must have weaknesses. With Fu Hua's intelligence, it shouldn't be difficult to find this weakness】

【Bronya: Paramecium, what you said is right.】

【Alicia: Oops~ The situation was so critical just now. Hua hasn’t solved it yet. Just believe them.】

【Mebius: As long as it is a living thing, it must have weaknesses.】

【Otto: It seems that the real battle has just begun.】

【Bronya: However, the monster that appeared at the end really made people feel uncomfortable!】

【Kiana: Yeah, yeah, when those dark eyes look at each other, I feel uncomfortable all over. They are really scary! No different from that ghost】

【Starry March 7: Yeah, I feel the same way! It's simply scarier than Suiyang's appearance】

【Star Sister: ]

Audiences from different worlds are also full of expectations for the next content.

Faced with such a huge amount of evil, how should Fu Hua and Grexiu deal with it all?

On the other side beyond the light curtain, in St. Freya Academy, in the Valkyrie's dormitory[]

The monster in front of them is also extremely scary to Kiana and others!

That twisted body, dark pupils, and there is more than one such body.

On this petal-like object, there are three such monsters, which are slowly derived from the petals.

Just looking at it made me tremble with fear.

It says it looks like a fish, but overall it doesn’t look much like it!

But if it doesn't look like a fish, its twisting body looks like a fish swimming in the water.

Kiana lay on the bed, holding her face with her hands, her pink lips slightly opened,"This monster looks too scary! It looks weird, like a ghost."

Bronya crossed her arms. , with his back against the wall, a video of staring with cold eyes."A monster with this shape is really not flattering."

Leiden Meiyi:"I can't tell that there are three such bodies hidden in the starfish-like object. How will the real power be then."

Fu Hua:" The body is so huge, and the appearance looks particularly strange, and the strength may not be able to go anywhere."

Kiana:"Ah! Wouldn't that be more terrifying!"

As she said that, she put her hands together, and Kiana prayed devoutly. Fu Hua and Graciu in the game are able to defeat this monster.

Looking at Kiana's worried look, Raiden Meiyi said:"Don't worry too much about this situation, Fu Hua is also pretty strong."

In response to the audience's expectations, the video content continued to play.

Looking at the monster in front of him, Fu Hua didn't care at all and waved his fists to attack wildly.

But at this moment, Graciu observed some details,"The power of the clock is not here... it is directly above, hiding behind the clouds!".

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