Fu Hua:"Sure enough, the one we are fighting in front of us is still not Suo's body. Let's fight quickly!"

Instead of wasting time, it is better to deal with this monster quickly and leave enough energy to deal with the monster above the clouds.

Graciu:"Well, I will also provide support!"

At this moment, Fu Hua's attack speed is getting faster and faster, and Graciu behind her is also frantically adding shields to Fu Hua~.

Fu Hua's whole body was wrapped in a colorful protective shield, which perfectly resisted Suo's attack.

And the speed of Suo's attack is indeed extremely fast. Suo's huge body cannot move quickly at all, so he can only bear it all.

Suddenly a red ball was spat out, and the moment it landed on the ground, purple energy swept outward crazily.

Seeing this scene, Graciu's pupils tightened,"Huazhong... is absorbing energy!"

Fu Hua:"We must solve it as soon as possible."

At this moment, Fu Hua discovered Suo's flaw.

Summoning the huge phoenix again,"Boom!" it flew above the clouds at extremely fast speeds.

A few seconds later, Grexiu, who was sitting on the Phoenix, also saw Suo.

"Use your own body as a pen name - Paint the Starry Sky!"

The moment he waved the pen, the power of the rainbow rapidly expanded outwards, and finally turned into flat ground.

Fu Hua returned to his human form and looked at Suo above with a particularly serious expression.

Didn't expect her guest to rush up so quickly?

Suo raised his head. Raising his right hand, the sharp sickle quickly condensed. The huge body and terrifying figure showed a sense of oppression everywhere.

Suo:"I am the rule."

Gratius:"This color...Sister Hua, be careful!"

"Although this is just a tentacle protruding from the quantum sea, there is no doubt that it is part of Suo's body!"

Outside the light curtain, what was shown in front of them was far more exciting than the audience imagined. They thought that by defeating the monster, Fu Hua and Graciu would be able to win.

But in the end, above the clouds, There is actually another monster. And they are all part of Suo's body.

The terrifying appearance, powerful power, and strong sense of oppression make people afraid.

But this one looks more powerful than the previous monsters. Powerful!

No! It should be said that it is several times more powerful.

When fighting against other monsters, Fu Hua can still perform with ease, but now...

Even Graciu's face is particularly nervous, which is enough to show that there are many enemies they face this time. How strong.

But then again, this talk is too funny!

He actually said that he is the rule! For people in the Star World, rules are meant to be broken!

So on the barrage, the content started to go crazy again renew

【Star Vault March 7: The monsters this time are very oppressive! He also said that he is the rule, what do you mean? Is she a god?】

【Sister Xing: It doesn’t even look like it!】

【Kiana: Some of the tentacles emerging from the quantum sea are already so terrifying... If the true body appears, Fu Hua and the others will not be able to defeat it at all.】

【Bronya: You can’t think like that!】

【Leiden Meiyi: Believe in Fu Hua! will win】

【Teresa: Rules are meant to be broken! Since she made the rules, Fu Hua will help her break them】

【Graciu: Sister Fu Hua, come on, come on!】

【Velvet: Hehe, what a thrilling battle! It also makes people look forward to the final outcome more and more】

【Padofelis: Yeah~ Yeah~ Hua can win anyway】

【Velvet: Don't worry, with Fu Hua and Graciu fighting side by side, there will definitely be no problem. ]

On the other side, in the meeting room of the Fire Chaser Moth from the pre-civilization era.

How could the heroes not be worried about the battle before them?

After all, Graciu and Fu Hua are their partners who get along day and night. Seeing them fight against such a terrifying enemy, everyone's heart is tense.

Just looking forward to the scene where Fu Hua and Gratius defeat the monster!

And judging from the current situation, Fu Hua seems to be struggling!

Although Grace repaired her shield in time, the monster's power was obviously stronger than Fu Hua's.

Mebius:"Flying from the ground to high altitude, Fu Hua has been fighting all the way, and his physical strength is probably almost exhausted.……"

Alicia picked up the coffee and took a sip, and then said sweetly:"Hmm~ It seems like this is true~ Whether it was Fu Hua or Gracie, they have already consumed too much energy on the road ahead."

"Even so, I believe them.

Then he patted Mebius on the shoulder,"Oh, it's okay, it's okay!" If the two of them fight side by side, there shouldn't be much of a problem!"

"And you also know Fu Hua’s strength! When you are strong, you will be strong, and you will always find a way to defeat your enemy."

Gratius tilted her little head and stared at the screen.

"Sister Hua, come on!"

The small voice made everyone's eyes fall on her.

Returning to the video, the content continued to play.

After hearing Gratitude's words, Fu Hua smiled and said:"It's exactly what I wanted. We end here [Him!"

Sao:"Ordinary people are making arrogant plans."

Gratio:"The color is the same as [the sacred object], this is... the power of reincarnation!"

Fu Hua:"It is indeed a difficult opponent."

Facing Fu Hua's attack, Suo didn't panic at all.

Suo:"I am a heretic god.

Fu Hua:"Do you directly use energy to condense creation... It's really [all-powerful].""

Facing Suo, Fu Hua couldn't help but speed up the attack.

But Suo showed more power than he imagined, condensing a huge boulder out of thin air and pressing it on her.

If it weren't for Graciu's protective shield, she might have Life is in danger.

Suo:"Three times of false self."

Suddenly something similar to a clock landed from the sky.

Fu Hua:"The clock... fell?"

When Graciu saw the front, she always felt that something was wrong,"Something's not right, Sister Hua, stop it quickly!"

At this moment, Suana's cold voice came,"Dharmakaya Great Self"



The bell rang, and a mysterious force spread outward.

Graciu:"Sister Hua, the clock is accelerating!"

Fu Hua gritted his teeth, damn it!"Is this also the omnipotence of that guy?"

"Oops, countdown, it’s too late!"

As time goes by, Suo's power becomes stronger and stronger. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The scepter also reappears in Suo's hand.

"reincarnation life and death——"

"Saha world!"

The moment the authority hit the ground, purple light enveloped the entire screen.

Under this dazzling light, the audience outside the screen could not see clearly what was going on inside.

And in the center of the screen, four big characters suddenly appeared

"The battle is lost!"

Outside the light screen, looking at the situation in front of them, the audience outside the screen were stunned.

What happened? Both Fu Hua and Grexiu were defeated?

Suo's power is inevitably too strong!

0 Asking for flowers outside the screen Even across the screen, the audience seemed to be able to feel how powerful that purple light was.

That majestic power made people dare not get close!


Was it really defeated?

The audience in the Star World were all in one voice Staring at the video with disbelief on their faces, they originally thought that Fu Hua and Grexiu could defeat each other, but the final result was like this... without even a chance to resist, they were enveloped by the purple light.

From the Honkai Impact Three Worlds The audience were also dumbfounded.

What's going on!! How could the power that Suo burst out be so strong? []

Seeing the dazzling light, the audience's hearts were also high.

Can Fu Hua and Graciu be saved? ?

So on the barrage, viewers from different worlds started discussing

【Xingqiong March 7: Alas, the situation is not good! The moment I saw the white light, I understood that Fu Hua and Graciu were probably in danger.】

【Sister Xing: Tsk! This ending is really sad】

【Kiana: No, no, no! This must not be the end! How could Graciu and Fu Hua lose to Suo! Fu Hua has always been very strong!】

【Bronya: Uh……】

【Raiden Mei: Alas~ we underestimated Sua】

【Wuliangta Jizi: Confidence is indeed a good thing, but blind confidence can put people in dangerous situations】

【Theresa: Well, it’s not blind confidence, it’s just that we believe in Fu Hua more. It's a pity...I underestimated Suo in the end.】

【Alicia: Oh~how could this happen? Graciu and Fu Hua were both defeated!】

【Gracie: Gracie can’t believe this ending】

【Weiwei: Ah this...just now I said I believed in Hua Lai】

【Padofelis: Such an ending is really unbelievable! It was obviously going well at the beginning, but in the blink of an eye, Graciu and Fu Hua failed!】

【Siegfried: What kind of power is that?】

【Otto: Reincarnation? interesting】

【Eden: Is the power already so strong just by giving part of the Quantum Sea? If all the true entities surface, who else can be her opponent?】

【Teresa: Oh~】

【Kiana: Ooooh, damn it! How strong is she?】

【Bronya: The progress bar didn’t end, which means the video hasn’t ended yet! Maybe things can turn around】

【Mei Raiden: Well, I hope a miracle happens】

【Star Sister: Miracle? You actually place your hope in a miracle? How ridiculous】

【Starry Sky March 7: At this time, apart from relying on miracles, what else can you do?】

【Sister Xing: That’s true】

【Kiana: Alas~ Who doesn’t want to put their hope in a miracle? However, there are four big words written on it: battle failure, so we can only……】

At this moment, the audience of Honkai Impact Three Worlds were deeply shocked in their hearts.

The initial self-confidence was no longer there. I thought that Fu Hua and Graciu would be able to end the battle quickly.

But in the end... they were raped.

Fortunately, Bronya said that the progress bar of the video has not yet reached the bottom, which shows that there is still room for things.

In this last resort, the audience can only hope for a miracle.

On the other side outside the light curtain, inside the Valkyrie's dormitory at St. Freya Academy.

Kiana's chubby little face rubbed against the pillow, and she muttered in a low voice:"Damn it! Damn it! How could things have turned out like this! The squad leader is obviously very strong!".

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