"Okay, so I'll show you some of it."

Lynn rubbed her hands and began to choose on the game interface.

At the same time, he did not forget to introduce: "In the game Honkai 3, the design is not completely open world. "

"It's a semi-open type."

"Among them is a map with a relatively high degree of freedom, Yae Village!"

Lynn selects a team while using the Stigmata of Amplified Movement.

Since he is going to Yae Village to catch shrimp households!

Then you must run the best results.

That's right, catch the shrimp household!

Lynn also didn't forget to add a background music.

Play it when you start running.

"Because Yae Village has a high degree of freedom, you can manipulate Valkyries for exploration."

"So the players started working and testing the speed of different Valkyries."

"I want to see who can run a lap in Yae Village in the shortest possible time."

"Each Valkyrie's speed is different, so there are often different results."

"Therefore, captains often argue on forums about this."

"Bronia who knows the law of reason appears."

"The uncrowned king who moves fastest in Yae Village deservedly fell on Bronia's head."

"For this reason, Bronia also has an additional nickname 'Yae Village Car God'!"

[Bronia: This nickname is better than the one just now. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: What about me, am I running a lap fast? 】

[March 7: Didn't Lynn say just now, Bronia is the fastest. 】

[Bud Yi: It seems that these captains really know how to play. 】

[Fu Hua: Yes, this kind of thing doesn't seem to be so important. 】

[Silver Wolf: You don't understand, for people who play games, it is also a joy to squeeze a game out of any place that can be played. 】

[Bronia: Agreed! 】

[Star: It really feels like you two are one person. 】

[Danheng: It shouldn't be an isotope.] 】

[Xi'er: Sister Bronia, really the most powerful, will Sister Bronia ride a heavy bunny to take me to the beach in the future? ] 】

[Bronia: It will be, Ciel. 】

[Star: Uncle Yang, if you look at people, they are also the laws of reason. 】

[Walter: Can you not mention this? 】

[Teresa: Yae Village, how do you feel that this place is a little familiar. 】

[Honkai Himeko: Yes?] How I haven't heard. 】


Lynn looked to the side and watched the barrage.

While starting to enter the map of Yae Village.

"Okay, here you go."

"Yae Village Car God is online!"

"I also prepared a very exciting drag racing music 'Shrimp Catcher'!"

Catch shrimp households?

Audience members in the live broadcast room.

After hearing this strange name.

All of them became curious.

[March 7: Such a song with such a strange name? 】

[Star: Anchor, are you going to drag racing, or are you going to catch shrimp with inside? 】

[Kiana: Hahaha, what a strange name. 】

[Bronia: This kind of name is not very suitable for drag racing. 】

[Honkai Himeko: Bronia, drag racing is not the right behavior. 】

[Teresa: It's okay, as a Valkyrie, you can't point to special skills, and you're still a Valkyrie of our Saint Freya Academy. 】

[Hoshidome Himeko: This doesn't look like what a school principal would say at all. 】

[March 7: Huh? I think that's right. 】

[Li Suxiang: On our Xianzhou, there is also a drag racing legend, running 6 red lights in a row! ] 】

[Walter: Although I don't recommend drag racing, I still think Bronia is cool. 】

[Silver Wolf: Agreed, I hope this song doesn't pull down Bronia's tone. 】

[Kafka: It seems that you are very concerned about Bronia's style. 】

[Xi'er: Sister Bronia is out. 】


Lynn looked at the evaluation of the 'shrimp catcher' on the barrage.

A faint smile.

You're still too young.

This is the first drag racing divine comedy!

I'll let you guys go up later.

In the game screen of the computer.

Yae Village has been loaded.

Bronia the Law of Reason followed by the reconstructed Reloaded Bunny appeared at the starting position.

Then under the control of Lynn.

The heavy rabbit directly deformed into a heavy locomotive.

Ghost Fire Girl is online again.

At the same time, the background music of the shrimp catcher sounded.

"Ballet in the Water, De Monet, India."

"Indian rice, kick out the feeling..."


Dynamic melody, empty ears above.

It shocked the audience at once.

Then it was Lynn who manipulated Bronia and incarnated Yae Mura.

Race around Yae Village.

When cornering.

Direct ultimate bending punch out.


Especially at this time, the map of Yae Village is still night.

The blue fire behind him is illuminating the darkness of the night.

A blue tail flame was directly formed.

Incredibly cool.

Cooperate with shrimp catchers.

It has a very different sense of movement.

[March 7: It's over, it's over, I'm all about catching shrimp and racing now, let Pam give me the driver's seat. 】

[Star: Let me come, I want to create a new path. 】

[Walter: Calm down! 】

[Kiana: Aunt Himeko, the next time Hyperion changes me, I will definitely not let you down. 】

[Fu Hua: Do you want to directly crash and kill the Avalanche Beast? 】

[Silver Wolf: No, I'm going to play two car games to calm down. 】

[Knower: This is also too cool, cooler than me.] 】

[Li Suxiang: I also have to run 6 red lights in a row, no! ] It's 8! 】

[Teresa: How about next time, I will drive the battleship that goes out?] 】

[Honkai Himeko: Teresa, calm down. 】

[Ciel: Sister Bronia is back in her place. 】

[Bronia: It only took 29 seconds to run a lap, and Bronia is too fast. 】

[Bud Yi: Bronia, it's better to drive slower in the future. ] 】


It's almost less than 30 seconds.

Lynn returned to the starting point of Yae Village.

A perfect tail flick stopped.

The audience on the barrage at this time.

Already caught shrimp households.......


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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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