"It's a bit of a head."

"No, no, I'm the lawyer of consciousness."

"Be restrained..."

The Wise Man wants to shake off the shrimp catcher in his mind.

But apparently not the slightest use.

Just now, she still felt that catching shrimp households could not work.

Get smacked in the face now.

Although the shrimp catch broadcast in Lynn's live broadcast room has ended with a circle of Yae Village run.

But in the minds of the audience.

The brainwashing-like cycle has already begun.

Can't stop at all.

Even if it is the law of knowledge, the law of consciousness.

Same too.

My mind is now full of what water ballet is.

Monet, India.

I tried for a while but couldn't stop.

In the end, the person who knows the law is also rotten: "Forget it." "

"It doesn't matter, isn't it just a song."

"Big deal, I'll look for old antiques in the city later."

"Go drag racing with old antiques."

The Knower of the Law at this moment seems to have forgotten.

Who was talking about waiting for Fu Hua to find her in the first place.

The Wise Law then looked at the live broadcast room.

"Then again."

"I still think that the law of truth is better than the law of reason."

"But it's just not as handsome as me."

The Law of Knowledge at all times.

In any way.

They don't want to lose to anyone.

Even if there is no one else around.

She still had to speak.

After finishing the mouth cannon, he continued to watch the live broadcast room.

"Don't say, this live broadcast room is still weird and interesting."

"Anyway, the old antiques won't come to me in a short time."

"Keep reading."

The Wise One sits down like a rotten one.

Only she would know Fu Hua so well.

At the same time.

The room where Li Suxiang was.

Li Suxiang sang excitedly: "Water ballet ~~~"

"This kind of music has never been heard."

"But it's really emotional!"

Li Suxiang was born in Xianzhou.

All you can hear is some classical music.

Never touched this type of bungee racing divine comedy.

So the degree of the top is much higher than the others.

"Before I officially joined the Cloud Cavalry Army."

"You must also run a few red lights first."

"It's really handsome!"

Li Suxiang remembered that Bronia was under the control of Lynn just now.

That drag racing scene.

I couldn't help but feel a little excited.

This is no better than going to the palace.

Than what to practice swords.

Much stronger?

"I don't know what the anchor will play next."

"I'm really looking forward to it."

"The next one will be more fun."


At this time, in front of the computer.

Lynn's eyes under the wood-grained mask revealed an extremely satisfied look.

Reply from the audience barrage.

Although it was expected.

But I really didn't expect it.

Shrimp catchers can actually be so top.

This time you can definitely gain a wave of popularity, right?

The moment this mind just arises.

The system's settlement page also popped up.

"The fourth live broadcast is over."

"Popularity Settlement: Interact with the audience and gain popularity value: 1350"

"Play 'Angel Reconstruction', gain popularity value: 1130"

"Yae Village Hiroshi drag racing, broadcast catch shrimp households, brainwash the audience to gain popularity: 1933..."

"Total Popularity: 9813/8000"

"I didn't expect that the shrimp catcher actually brought me such a high popularity value."

"It seems that I will have to cooperate with the whole work in the future."

Lynn looked at the popularity value of the last item.

There was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

It would be a bit high to think.

But I didn't expect it to be so high.

Almost broke 2000.

"I don't know what good things will reward me next."

After the system settles.

The rewards also came as promised.

"The popularity collection task is completed, and the reward is distributed!"

"Live Mission Completion Reward: Fortune Fragments*1"

"Fate Fragments: Can act on itself, after use, you can choose a fate path to join at will, obtain the power of fate path to become a fate walker, or you can keep it and wait until the future to open up your own fate path to use."

"New Mission: Gain Popularity 11,000"

"Current Popularity Value: 9813/11000"

Lynn's breathing suddenly became rapid.

"Isn't this equivalent to having a chance to become a star god?"

Star God.

That was the most powerful being in the entire Star Dome universe.

Can accompany the name of God.

Will it be weak?

Today's Star Dome Universe is a problem for becoming a star god.

It's still an unsolved mystery.

But with Fate Fragments, it's different.

Becoming a star god is only a matter of time.

And it is also to open up its own destiny.

Even if you don't want to open up your destiny, you can feel free to add one of them.

Such a good thing.

If it gets out.

Maybe how many people will start coming to Luofu Xianzhou to rob it.

"In that case."

"Just collect it slowly."

"Wait until you collect enough fragments before starting your own destiny."

As for what kind of destiny the future holds.

It's not for Lynn to think about it now.

After collecting my mood.

Lynn looked at the live room again.

The barrage of circulating shrimp households has already brushed the screen.

Lynn smiled and said, "Since everyone likes to catch shrimp households so much now." "

"I'll play it again and wait until the song is over."

"Start the next live stream."

Soon, the music of the shrimp catcher began again.

Lynn also operates Bronia to continue racing in Yae Village.

How sassy it is to be!

Soon, the music ended.

Lynn also withdrew from Yae Village's map.

And what to broadcast next.

Lynn had already thought of it during the drag race just now.

The one who knows the law is the easiest to mobilize emotions.

It is also the easiest to drive everyone.

Just the wool of the lawyer!

Lynn looked at the live broadcast room: "Audience members in the live broadcast room, can you tell us what your weapons are?" "

"Send your weapons together to the barrage."

"See whose weapon is more powerful!"


Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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