
"Why is this guy so similar to the marshal?"

Li Suxiang saw the moment the Law of Knowledge appeared.

The whole person is not calm.

It looks exactly like the marshal he knew.

If anything, there's anything different.

That's the style and temperament of dressing.

"Could it be that this is the isotope that has been talking about on the barrage just now?"

"March 7 also explained to me that people who look the same in different worlds are called isotopes. "

"So the law of knowledge is the marshal's co-body in the Collapsed World?"

"It's like another Li Sushang. "

Li Da pillow with her simple brain.

The possible relationship between the two was analyzed.

"But it's not right. "

"My isotope, Li Sushang, doesn't look much different from me. "

"At most, it's in strength. "

"But the character of the lawyer, and the marshal..."

It's a world of difference!

Li Suxiang compared the two.

This conclusion was reached.

The two except that they look alike.

There is no other place like it.

"Isn't that supposed to be an isotope?"

When Li Suxiang thought about it.

I heard the game demo screen.

The rampant laughter of the Law of Knowledge.

After the laughter is over, it is the rampant sound of bricks.

Li Suxiang also saw the other hand of the person who knew the law.

It was also compared to a crude gesture.

And it's obviously a game effect.

When putting special skills.

The Knower is facing the screen.

But at this moment, Li Suxiang had a feeling of being offended by the person who knew the law.

It was as if the brick of the Law of Knowledge was going to shoot her.

It's very visual.

The next moment, the brick of the Law of Knowledge really smashed down.

Li Suxiang, who was too deep into the play, directly exclaimed.

Taken aback.

Of course, Li Suxiang was not the only one who was also frightened.

March Seven on the Star Dome train also touched his little heart in shock.

"How do I feel like I've been hit by a brick by the Law of Knowledge. "

Danheng nodded.

Several others felt the same way.

Danheng analyzed: "The law of knowledge, the law of consciousness." "

"It seems that it should be a mental attack, which has a unique point. "

"Maybe this brick also has such properties, which is why we have this special feeling." "

March Seven shook his head vigorously.

Shake off the strange feelings in your head.

Then said unceremoniously: "This person who knows the law is really too arrogant. "

"She looks like this in another world. "

"Doesn't it really make people beat?"

At this time, Walter spoke: "When she was just born. "

"I almost fought with everyone. "

Star gave a thumbs up: "Strong!"

Danheng is more concerned about subsequent development: "What later?"

Walter explains: "Later, Fu Hua regained control of his body, and the Law of Knowledge was quiet for a while. "

"Then came the crisis around the world. "

"The Law of Knowledge naturally joins our camp. "

"It's whitewashing. "

March 7: "Then the crisis is over, this guy is not the one who will stop." "

Walter shook his head: "It's just that the crisis has been lifted." "

"There is a bigger crisis ahead. "

"In short, these stories are long stories. "

"Wait for anchor Lynn to slowly reveal the secret to you. "

"What I said may not be as detailed as he put it out. "

Star: "Uncle Yang, if you go to the premiere of the movie, you are definitely a qualified moviegoer." "

Walter was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Star: "You don't spoil it casually. "

Walter: "..."

Never mind.

Just if you're praising me.

And at this time in the game demo screen.

Lynn unleashed the Terminator of the Law of Knowledge.

The same starting style, lifting the brick and knocking down.

The other hand was just as eclectic and mockingly sticking out its little finger.

Everyone can feel that the power of this move is even more powerful.

And the expression of the person who knows the law also follows this trick.

It became more rampant and arrogant.

At the same time, like a vicious villain, he said the villain's line: "You, you!"

"It's really ignorant!"


Bricks fall directly.

Several digits of values appeared from the body of the Honkai Beast.

is enough to prove it.

How powerful is this move.

St. Freya Gakuen Valkyrie dormitory.

The three families of the Imperial Family were despised twice by the Law of Knowledge.

They all looked at Fu Hua with a resentful expression.

Fu Hua was stunned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Kiana: "I don't know why, I feel like I was beaten by the squad leader." "

Bronia nodded: "Well, although we know that it is the law of knowledge. "

"But I really look too much like the squad leader. "

"There is always a feeling like I am watching the squad leader. "

Bud Yi: "If the law of knowledge is so arrogant, will it really not be beaten in the future?"

All three of them had been scolded by Fu Hua just now.

The feeling of a slap.

It's very humiliating....

Only Fu Hua did not feel this way.

Fu Hua looked at the way the Law of Knowledge withdrew the brick and smiled faintly.

"Maybe that's who she is." "

"And didn't Lynn say before that the Law of Future Knowledge will be our partner." "

"Now what she shows is just one side of the battle. "

"I don't know what it's like when she gets along with other people. "

Kiana: "But when she was on the barrage, she was also so arrogant." "

Bronia: "And the fact that she is exactly the same as the class leader is really concerning." "

Bud Yi: "In the same world, it should be impossible to have such a thing as an isotope." "

Fu Hua said with a big heart: "This kind of thing will only be known in the future." "

"But the way the Laws of Knowledge fight. "

"It's really too bold. "

The eyes of the three were resentful again.

Too much?

Is that too much?

That's just arrogant!



It seems that those who know the law are also quite self-aware.


I won't call my moves that kind of homophonic terrier.


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