"This guy is really arrogant!"

"I really want to beat her up." "

Heixi in Xi'er's body.

It's also a temper.

When I saw that the Law of Knowledge was so arrogant.

There is also fire.

In addition to yourself.

There are still people who dare to be so arrogant.

Xi'er didn't care to persuade: "However, she seems to be partners with Sister Bronia in the future." "

Heishi snorted.

"My sister is surrounded by people. "

"When we return to my sister, we should help her clean up the stains around her." "

Hill: "But that's the case. "

"Sister Bronia, you should be unhappy. "

Hei Xi replied domineeringly: "That kind of thing doesn't matter. "

"Don't you want my sister to belong only to us?"

Xi'er was stunned.

What to say.

But suddenly I felt like I couldn't open my mouth.

I won't say anything about it.

This kind of thing.

Let Sister Bronia choose for herself.

Xi'er's heart.

Think so.

And the one who knows the law at this time.

I didn't know that she was remembered by Heixi.

Of course.

Even if you know, it doesn't matter.

The temper of the person who knows the law is not afraid of things at all.

Not to mention that the other party is still Hei Xi, who is younger than himself.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

"That's how a fight should be. "

"Knock it down!"

"I can't wait to get this God Key!"

The Knowers were excited.

The lawyer of the game.

Whether it's demeanor or speech.

It's all exactly like yourself.

Doesn't this justify yourself!

I know the lawyer.

It's not the kind of Q version villain who can only sing out of tune.

Look at my strength.

"Surrender at the feet of the Great Law of Knowledge. "

"No, no, no. "

This line was said by Nha Yi. "

"I'm thinking about one. "

"Wicked, look at the bricks !!"

Especially when I saw myself holding a brick and slamming at the broken beast.

Those who know the law feel the feeling of fists to flesh.

Just thinking about it.

I felt my hands tickle.

And those who know the law can also feel it.

After getting the brick yourself.

Seems a little stronger?


Not an illusion!

It's really getting a lot stronger.

"If only I had had this God Key earlier. "

"I can knock off Kevin's horns. "

"Alas, what a pity. "

"It will take the future to get it. "

Until now, those who know the law can only shake their heads with pity.

Continue to reminisce about your own divine power in the game just now.

It's really the more I think about it, the more I get on top.

The lawyer here is immersed in his own majesty.

Lynn in front of the computer.

Waiting for the settlement of the system.

Sure enough.

Wait until you exit the demo screen.

The new billing prompt immediately popped up.

"The fifth live broadcast is over. "

"Popularity Settlement: Interact with the audience and gain popularity value: 1034"

"Displaying Shinshin Key Brick and Gaining Popularity: 1724"

"The Demonstrator of the Law of Knowledge uses bricks to fight and gain popularity points: 2215"

"Viewers were blown away by the way Bricks and the Law of Knowers fought in the game, gaining popularity of 1500"

"Total popularity: 16286/11000"

Popularity value that pops up continuously.

Lynn's shock was shocked.

"It's really a treasure!"

"You actually gained so much popularity value once you looked. "

Originally Lynn thought.

It is enough to exceed the goals required by the mission.

I never expected that this time actually surpassed so much.

This is live until now.

The one with the highest popularity value obtained.

It has to be you!

Treasure Recognition!

"How about the next one that continues to learn the wool of the lawyer?"

The moment the idea appeared.

It was denied by Lynn.

Same dish after all.

Serve it up a second time.

The effect is not as good as the first time.

Keep it as a reserved program first.

Lynn is looking forward to new live streaming rewards.

"The next stage mission has a popularity value of 15000, for a total popularity value of 16286/15000"

"The popularity collection task is completed ahead of schedule, and additional rewards are distributed!"

"Live mission completion reward: all eighteen martial arts and weapons are proficient. "

"Extra Reward: Brick God Key, Fate Fragment *2"

"New Mission: Gain Popularity 19,000"

"Current Popularity Value: 16286/19000"

Lynn looked at the prompt in front of her.

The eyes were a little unsettled.

"I didn't expect such a hidden mechanism. "

"Completing missions ahead of time can get extra rewards!"


All the features of this system.

You still need to explore it slowly.

Converged his excited heart.

In my mind, there are countless moves and ways to use cold weapons.

Then a dark brick appeared in Lynn's hand.

Compared to the piece of the one who knows the law.

The only difference is that there is no exclusive engraving on it for those who know the law.

The moment the brick starts.

There is a heavy feeling.

It should be said or not, it is used to smash people.

It definitely feels good.

Although there is already a fairy sword.

But who would have too much of this kind of thing.


Stab him in the back with the Immortal Sword.

That would be a loss of face.

This brick.


"But when the phantom invaded the Immortal Boat. "

"Just give her a brick!"

Lynn waved gently.


It feels really good!

It can also freely change any cold weapon.

It goes without saying that the Law of Knowledge was when he created this brick.

There are ideas.

Don't say anything else.

Yin people!

Definitely not a problem, small size squeezed in the hand.

Enemies in general are also not easy to spot.

After all, who can believe it.

An inconspicuous brick.

Could it actually be the key of God?

Lynn played with it for a while before putting the brick away without thinking.

He couldn't wait for the illusion to hurry over now.

Give him a try.

"If only Nanuk knew his orders. "

"I knocked out a brick..."

"Will you glance at me?"

Lynn couldn't help but shiver.

It is important to improve your strength first.

The Star Dome universe is too dangerous.

Ready to start the next live stream....

"Please, next victim!"


Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

Immediately recharge(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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