
"How can there be my story. "

"Haven't I already sacrificed?"

Himeko sacrifices herself to save Kiana.

But it's still about purpose.

How come now Lynn said that she has her own story again.

And in this story.

Lynn became captain of the Hyperion.

Isn't that their position?

Unemployed, ah, this is.

Teresa looked at Himeko's appearance and explained, "Himeko, you rarely play games, so you don't understand what Lynn means. "

"Let me introduce you. "

"To put it simply, it's adding another set of stories outside the storyline to the game. "

"You can understand it as a parallel world, which has nothing to do with our world. "

"And the only difference between that parallel world and ours is that there is one more 'player'!"

"That is, the 'captain' that the Law of Knowledge has always shouted, Lynn has become every 'captain' involved in the Honkai 3 story. "


Teresa is also a game lover.

So I don't know much about this aspect of the game, although I don't know as much as Bronia.

But it's much better than the average person.

For example, it is much better than Himeko.

After Teresa's explanation.

Himeko probably understood what this meant.

In other words, it's another world's story. "

Teresa nodded: "The only problem is." "

"This 'parallel world' really exists, like our world. "

"Or is it just designed by the creators for better game participation. "

"That's not clear. "

End of explanation.

Teresa continued to look at the live broadcast room.

Above Lynn is working on some interfaces.

Start moving into a new storyline.

A story line that is not part of their world, but is closely related.

Himeko watched Lynn's skillful movements.

He said with a smile: "To be honest, I really didn't think that one day I would actually become a character in the game." "

"I used to catch Kiana playing games. "

Teresa: "Who isn't." "

"Anyway, this experience today. "

"Maybe it's just once in my life..."

Himeko nodded: "Yes, if it's a dream, just keep doing it." "

Teresa glanced at Himeko: "Why do you want to be lazy and not go to work?"

Himeko shook her head: "No, it's just that I haven't been so relaxed like today for a long time." "

"You should too. "

Teresa was stunned.

Then a sigh.

"Becoming a Valkyrie is destined to be the beginning of an uneasy fate. "

"We don't know about another parallel world. "

"Isn't that the case..."

Teresa's eyes.

With a little longing.

How she wanted the world to be beautiful and peaceful.

There is no collapse.

There was no fighting.

There are not so many partings of life and death.

In front of the computer.

Lynn clicked into the story chapter and explained at the same time: "The approximate plot is that as the 'captain' of the Mandate of Heaven, I took the Valkyrie to the Far East Branch to complete some tasks. "

"However, it was too rushed. "

So there was nowhere to rest, so I decided to go to Himeko's house to rest for a while. "

"So there is a more fun plot with Himeko-sensei. "

However, just after Lynn finished speaking.

Himeko was instantly not calm: "Go to my house ???"

Teresa said helplessly: "Usually tell you to clean your home more, you don't listen." "

"I know how to drink every day when I go back to the dorm. "

"Okay now. "

Himeko's face was embarrassed like a bitter melon.

Remember the last time I cleaned up.

It was time to bring the three little ones back from outside.

She took Bronia and Bud Yi to clean up the house together.

It was spotlessly clean and clean.

Unfortunately, that didn't last long.

It was destroyed by itself.

After that.

Himeko didn't clean up much.

Don't think about it.

Since the world created after them.

So that Himeko.

It's definitely the same.

A mess in the home.

Himeko didn't care.

But seen by so many people.

It's really embarrassing.

And obviously before, his story in the 'last lesson' was so handsome.

Suddenly something like this.

Didn't the image just established collapse suddenly?


You have to stop Lynn.

[Honkai Himeko: That anchor, it's bad behavior to look at the girl's room, or we'll forget it.] 】

[Kiana: Hahaha, Himeko-sensei will be afraid, this is really rare. 】

[Bronia: It's not just like that, so Himeko doesn't want to be seen by everyone. 】

[Fu Hua: Yes, it should be like this. 】

[Nha Yi: It should be right. 】

[Honkai Himeko: Hey, hey, all four of you have been shaken out by you.] 】

[March 7: Hahaha, so what it is, I became curious. 】

[Star: Curious +1, my favorite thing to watch is this kind of reserved show. ] 】

[Law of Knowledge: Hahaha, I know, but I don't say. 】

[Walter: I don't know about this kind of thing, don't look at me. 】

[Danheng: As an isotope, Himeko, do you have any ideas?


[Hoshidome Himeko: No. 】

[Li Suchang: It seems that it should be very fun!].

[Xi'er: I'm curious too. 】


Lynn looked at the barrage, basically belonging to Himeko who blew himself up.

I could only say a little helplessly: "Teacher Himeko, now you have blew yourself up." "

"I even wanted to stop. "

"The audience doesn't want to either..."


Himeko doesn't say it's okay.

But as soon as she said it, she completely hooked the curiosity of the audience.

Now it was difficult for Lynn to even stop.

Lynn sighed helplessly again: "I can only wronged you, Himeko-sensei." "

In the expectations of the audience.

In Himeko's shouting, don't look at the barrage.

Lynn opens the plot of a parallel world.

Himeko's room.......


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