Melon-eating viewers in the live broadcast room.

They were all curious and excited.

Only Himeko in the Honkai world.

At this time, he looked uncomfortable.


The fact that he does not rarely clean his room is about to be exposed.

By the way.

It also affected Himeko on the Star Dome train.

March Seven looked at Himeko curiously: "Sister Himeko, the isotope is in some way. "

"Things and personalities will be close, right? "

Himeko didn't know how to answer March 7 for a while.

Because that's exactly what it is.

But also just close.

It won't be exactly the same.

Himeko said a little speechless: "Don't worry, there is no problem with my room at all." "

"And still on the train. "

"My room was kept very well at all times. "

Being an isotope.

Himeko could probably guess.

Himeko of another world.

Why did you suddenly panic?

Walter: "This kind of thing is not absolute. "

"It's also possible that two isotopes just look alike. "

"There will be no other similarities. "

Danheng: "These are actually secondary. "

"I'm more curious about what the high-dimensional world created. "

"Another parallel world. "

Star: "So in the end, we had our world first, and then we created stories and games based on our world." "

"Or are we ourselves created stories..."

March Seven looked at the star in surprise: "When will you think about such a profound question?"

Star: "I've always been a very philosophical person. "

For this question.

Walter said flatly: "It doesn't matter. "

"Just do it well and be ourselves. "

March 7: "It's bad, Uncle Yang, what you said is even deeper." "

"I don't understand more..."

Xing: "Maybe Uncle Yang didn't tell you." "

March 7: "I suspect you are insulting my intelligence." "

"But I have no proof!"


At this time, the content in the live broadcast room screen changed.

Under Lynn's operation.

A plot slowly unfolds.

Several of Saint Freya's.

Recognize it at once.

This is the teacher's dormitory of St. Freya Gakuen.

It was an apartment.

In front of the apartment.

At this time stood Himeko.

There is also a man who can only see the back.

By the side of this man.

There were also two Valkyries standing.

It's just that you can only see the back.

I can't see my face.

The only thing that can be found is.

The two Valkyries are one tall and one short.

Which short Valkyrie, dressed calmly and generously, has a very good temperament.

Which Valkyrie who is slightly shorter in height.

He wore a jacket and a hat.

The black jacket also has a pair of small ears on the hat.

It looks cool.

It gives the feeling that you can't help but want to touch this pair of small ears.

Himeko, on the other hand, is the three people he faces.

Blocked in front of the door.

With an awkward wry smile on his face.

[Kiana: The one in the middle is the 'captain'. 】

[Teresa: Why is this back a little familiar?


[Ciel: Well, the back in the jacket also gives me a familiar feeling. 】

[Silver Wolf: This dressing style is quite good. 】

[Nha Yi: This is St. Freya Academy. 】

[Honkai Himeko: It's over, my first name!


[Hoshidome Himeko: It seems that I am going to be affected as well. 】

[March 7: You Saint Freya is quite rich, and the places rented by the teacher are so luxurious. 】

[Bronia: Of course, the headmaster is a rich woman. 】

[Teresa: Don't say, this year's funding is a little insufficient. 】

[Kafka: How does it feel a bit like that...]


Lynn watched the barrage.

While explaining: "Two Valkyries beside the 'captain'. "

"The tall Teresa should recognize it, it is Rita Rosewiser, the current S-class Valkyrie of Heavenly Destiny. "

"That's which maid I asked Tesla to curse when I first started playing the game. "

"A slightly mini-sized Valkyrie named Brownie. "

"It belongs to the original character in this parallel world, as for the appearance..."

Lynn smiled: "You can refer to Bronia." "

"Because this character was created after Bronia. "

"You can also call her Brownie Duck..."

"As for the positioning of the captain, you can just substitute me into it. "

After Lynn's introduction.

The audience also probably understood who the few people present were.

[Xi'er: It seems that the 'captains' of the other world also like Sister Bronia, so they created such a character. 】

[Bronia: Does that mean that Bronia is more popular than Kiana?


[Kiana: Definitely not, right, anchor, am I more popular than Bronia. 】

[Nha Yi: Why do you two always find a point of contention...]

[Fu Hua: So there will also be a popularity leaderboard?]

[Honkai Himeko: Or let's turn around and look at the leaderboard, not look at this. 】

[March 7: Of course not, I think this is beautiful. 】

[Star: It's because you don't think there's a place for you on the leaderboard.] 】

[Kafka: No wonder, there is a familiar feeling. 】

[Silver Wolf: To be honest, I'm also curious about this kind of thing as the popularity value ranking. 】

[Danheng: Is there really such a thing?].

Lynn in front of the computer smiled and replied, "Yes, yes, yes." "

"But every captain likes a different role. "

"So in every captain's mind, each character has a different weight. "

"So there's no need for everyone to divide the levels. "

"The only constant is that the captains love your stories..."


In the hearts of all readers.

Whether you prefer ducks or insects ????

I'll come first, I'll !!! them all

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