"Lynn is amazing. "

A few simple words made the audience debate about the popularity ranking. "

Bud Yi heard Lynn's last words.

Can't help but sigh.

What is high emotional intelligence?

This is called high emotional intelligence.

Just now, I was still arguing about who had the highest popularity value of Bronia and Kiana.

Also at this time there is no more fighting.

Their stories.

Obviously, it is more important than their popularity ranking.

Only Fuhua.

I don't think there's anything clever about Lynn's way.

It's a very sparse and ordinary thing.

After seeing Lynn's high emotional intelligence.

Turning his head lightly to look at Fu Hua: "Squad leader, if you can..."

"You need to pay more attention to the way Lynn speaks. "

"Learn more. "

Fu Hua was stunned.

With an expression of obvious incomprehension, he said, "Is there any reason why you have to learn?"

"Isn't that a normal way of speaking?"

As soon as these words came out.

All of a sudden, the three people present were killed at the same time.

Fu Hua still didn't understand the essence of Lynn's words.

Kiana could only say: "Forget it, it's still difficult for the squad leader to learn this." "

"As long as we follow the squad leader in the future. "

"Just pay more attention. "

Bronia nodded: "With us here, there is really no need for the squad leader to forcibly learn this kind of thing that she won't know." "

Bud Yi: "Exactly. "

"Then let's do it first. "

Fu Hua listened to what the three said.

A slight smile.

An unknown emotion slowly rose in his heart.

I don't know if it's good or bad.

And for high emotional intelligence such things.

Nothing touches me more deeply than the one who knows the law.

The Law of Knowledge was when he heard Lynn say this.

That hurry in my heart!

"Old antique, old antique. "

"If you had half of Lynn's ability to speak..."

The Law of Knowledge was silent for a moment.

Say nothing more.

After all, this kind of thing.

She was the only one who understood.

Especially since the end of the Great War.

The time she traveled with Fu Hua.

The Wise Law can be said to have been completely defeated by Fu Hua.

Think about those things that happened during this time.

The mind of the lawyer is full of thoughts.

I have never really been angry with Fu Hua.

All emotions turned into a long sigh.

Then the person who knew the law shook his head with a look of hatred.

Continue looking at the light curtain.

Watch Lynn's live stream.

In the live broadcast screen.

Himeko stood in front of the three.

The captain spoke slowly.

The voice is also Lynn's voice.

This made Lynn have to praise the system.


"Are you okay, Himeko?"

"It doesn't seem to look good on your face." "

Himeko immediately replied, "It's okay." "

"It's just a little problem..."

The words were not finished.

I don't know if it's because Himeko didn't close the door when she went out.

This time, there is no need for the captain to take Rita and Brownie inside.

The door was too big because of Himeko's movements.


Opened it myself.

Then there are all kinds of tinkling sounds.

It was as if all sorts of things had fallen to the ground.

Himeko also sat on the ground with her butt.

Rita quickly stepped forward and helped Himeko up.

The chaotic scene in the room also appeared in front of the three people.

also appeared in front of a crowd of audiences.

It can't be said to be disorganized.

It can only be said that there is no place to stay.

The whole room.

There is almost no pure land.

On the ground are a variety of beer bottles.

Then on the sofa are various throw pillows and clothes.

The only one is fairly clean.

It's Himeko's computer desk.

After all, Himeko had to process some of Saint Freya's documents on it every day.

So it would be relatively better.

[Kiana: Hahaha, Himeko-sensei, I see if you dare to talk about me in the future. 】

[Bronia: After I cleaned with Sister Bud, didn't you clean anymore?


[Teresa: Normally, a single woman's home will be chaotic. 】

[Honkai Himeko: This is all because I am too busy and have never cleaned up the world. 】

[Star: This room is not much different from March Seven. 】

[March 7: Hey hey, is it really good for you to say bad things about me behind my back like this?].

[Hoshidome Himeko: It's messy, but it's not dirty. 】

[Walter: That's true, it's really magical, it's just chaos. 】

[Danheng: I can't find a place to stay at all. 】

[Kafka: It's really surprising, obviously it was so powerful before. 】

[Silver Wolf: Everyone is a little different. 】

[Knower: Hahaha, I didn't expect Himeko's room to look like this. 】

[Fu Hua: I'm not surprised. 】

[Li Suxiang: My God, this is messier than my room. 】

[Xi'er: Xi'er hasn't gone back to her room for a long time. 】


"I see if you dare to do this in the future. "

"After I go back this time, let's clean it up." "

Teresa spoke seriously and said bitterly.

Himeko blushed with shame.

This time is really humiliating.

The point is that he was obviously so heroic before.

As a result, he has now become a lazy bug who does not clean up his home.

"It's all quick, Lynn!"

"He's so bad that he actually exposed my black history. "

"How can I maintain my majesty in front of Kiana in the future!"

Himeko is now regretting.

I regret it very much.

If only I cleaned up early.

Wouldn't it be so dead.

[Honkai Himeko: Anchor, you hurry up. 】

[Knower: We haven't seen enough of the other kind. 】

[Star: When I'm curious, how are they going to settle when they go in?


[Teresa: No, I'm more skeptical now that Rita will involuntarily clean up. 】

[March 7: Ah? Why is that?].

[Teresa: Because Rita has a very strong obsessive-compulsive disorder! 】


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