In front of the computer.

After seeing Himeko embarrassed, Lynn laughed very unkindly.

Didn't feel the slightest.

The reason for the embarrassment.

It's all because he wants to put this plot.

"Only in this case can Himeko show such a cute side." "

Lynn said with a happy smile.

It's a pity.

In the original plot, Himeko left too early.

So no more stories.

The story of Himeko in this parallel world.

It can also be regarded as a kind of compensation for the captain of the ship.

Himeko's eclectic personality is so big that she doesn't clean the room.

In Lynn's opinion.

On the contrary, it is a plus in character shaping.

After all, no one is perfect.

Himeko herself is a person who sees through a lot of things.

Besides, Himeko's room just stayed on top of the mess.

And not dirty!

So it's still acceptable.

At this time, Lynn saw Himeko's request on the barrage.

In this regard, Lynn shook his head and said, "Teacher Himeko, it's really not that I don't want to speed up. "

"Mainly because it can't speed up this plot. "

"But it's almost over. "

Himeko on the barrage issued a barrage of protest.

But it was soon overwhelmed by the melon-eating masses.

Himeko could only helplessly follow everyone to continue watching.

And the audience also discovered.

Himeko in the previous 'Last Lesson', and Himeko who was broken into the secret.

There is a huge difference between the two.

In 'The Last Lesson', Himeko is the teacher, a teacher who wants to bring her students back.

Full of responsibility and justice.

And the final self-sacrifice.

Earned the respect and tears of all the audience.

Himeko, on the other hand, in the parallel world, is facing her colleagues and bosses at the moment.

The side that manifests.

It is the relaxation that only people can get along with each other.

and the sense of restraint at which little secrets are broken.

Two live broadcasts, to the audience in the live broadcast room.

A different Himeko was shown.

Audience members in the live broadcast room.

I didn't think Himeko was because of the room problem.


On the contrary, I know more about Himeko.

The impression also became even deeper.

Lynn continued to look at the computer screen.

On the computer screen.

Himeko also wants to prevent the three from entering.


But at this point, everyone saw the appearance in the room.

Himeko also confessed: "Forget it, you guys come in." "

Although the appearance is resigned.

But Himeko still rescued the room.

I want to show that I am not a clean person.

At the same time, I also want to find a place for the three of them to stay.

"Hey, don't look at the mess!"

Himeko is still very principled.

"Everyone, whatever..."

"Just sit down, you're welcome. "


Himeko found that she couldn't clean up at all.

As soon as I put out a position, I found that there was no place to put the things in my hand.

You can only put it back.

Fill in the blanks for that seat.

In the end, Himeko could only give up helplessly.

Rita spoke, "Don't bother, Miss Himeko. "

"We just have to wait for Miss Brownie to finish commissioning the equipment. "

"To have a place to stay tonight. "

"We are already grateful. "

At this time, Brownie also spoke.

The voice is no different from Bronia.

If I have to say it, I have a little more affection than Bronia.

Of course.

Mainly because of this Bronia in the live broadcast room at this time.

Emotional expression was affected by the X-10 experiment.

It hasn't recovered yet.

"That's right, there's no need to bother. "


"Genius hacker debugging equipment just 'heh~~~' is good. "

Then there's the clip of the four of them working together in this room on the remaining tasks.

Himeko has been wanting to entertain the three during this period.

Friendship with landlords.

But alas.

This small room didn't give her that chance at all.

In the end, they had no choice but to give up.

But later, Himeko gradually let go.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly returned to the normal way they were together.

This is the end of the plot.

Go back to the game interface.

Lynn said with a smile: "The Himeko-sensei in 'The Last Lesson' is Himeko-sensei. "

"Himeko-sensei here is also Himeko-sensei. "

Although she is in a different parallel world, this is also a way for the captains to miss Himeko. "

"When the captains were swiping or seeing Himeko-sensei's video. "

"I will say 'the best Himeko-sensei in the world'..."

Lynn voiced her regrets as a player.

It also speaks of the regrets of many people.

Viewers in the live broadcast room.

I was also deeply touched by Lynn's words.

Although it is not necessarily empathetic.

But the people in the live broadcast room can also feel that different emotion.

St. Freya Academy.

Himeko's eyes were slightly moist: "It's true, obviously I was still breaking my ugly material just now." "

"This moment is so affectionate. "

"Are the captains all as bad as you?"

Teressa, on the other hand, was completely different from the same channel and said: "So Himeko your popularity." "

"Is it taller than me in another world?"

Himeko: "Teresa, is that the point?"

Teresa nodded solemnly: "Yes, you rarely play games, so you don't understand." "

"A game character in a game. "

"Once in the player community, there are some words or scenes that spread the letter. "

"This proves that this game character is popular with the player community. "

Himeko didn't know what Teresa meant.

But there was one sentence that Himeko understood.

She was popular!

Himeko raised her head proudly.

Teresa looked at Himeko's two huge fruits with resentment.

"I don't know what charm you have. "

"If the students like you, forget it. "

"Even the captain of another world..."

Himeko smiled and said, "Maybe this is the charm of mature women." "

Teresa gritted her teeth.

Secretly cursed in his heart.

What a damn it!


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