St. Freya Gakuen Valkyrie dormitory.

To say except for Teresa.

Who has the best relationship with Himeko.

That was the four people of the Yusanjia and Fu Hua in the dormitory.

Fu Hua's status at St. Freya Academy is his own student.

And the three families of the royal family, three people.

It was brought back by Himeko from outside.

After bringing them back, Himeko became their teacher.

Again the head of their squad.

So in the eyes of the three.

Himeko has long been as simple as not a teacher.

It's the family....

An elder in the family.

Especially Kiana.

After watching the 'Last Lesson'.

The respect for Himeko in his heart has reached the highest.

After hearing what Lynn said.

Tears began to roll in Kiana's eyes.


Himeko-sensei is the best teacher in the world.

Nha Yi also felt Kiana's changed emotions.

He said softly, "Kiana, don't worry. "

"We're all trying to be stronger. "

"None of us will let that future come. "

Kiana nodded vigorously: "Hmm!"

"I would never let that future come about. "

"Himeko will look at me and fulfill the promise made step by step. "

"Watch me turn this imperfect story into what we expect. "

Fu Hua: "Kiana, I will help you too." "

Kiana wiped her tears hard again.

His eyes also became more determined.

Look at the live broadcast room screen.

When Himeko talks to the three.

That big smile.

Kiana secretly swore in her heart.

In the future, I will always be able to see Himeko-sensei's smile.

And Kiana's emotions came quickly.

Recovery is also fast.

Looking at Kiana he said, "Bronia, that Valkyrie named Brownie." "

"Like you!"

"Especially when boasting about yourself. "

Bronia: "Didn't you listen to Lynn just now?"

"Brownie is a character modeled after Bronia. "

"There's no problem with being similar to Bronia. "

Kiana: "Che, then I must have such similar characters with Nha Yi." "

"And the squad leader!"

Kiana pointed to Fu Hua.

Fu Hua shook his head gently: "I don't care about this kind of thing." "

Bronia: "I don't know if you have it yet." "

"But if it's Sister Nyayi. "

"I believe there is. "

Only when the topic of two people.

Let's discuss it together.

will be agreed.

Kiana grabbed Nha Yi's hand: "Yes, Nha Yi must have it too." "

Bud Yi looked at the two.

Very helpless support.

At this time, Kiana's eyes lit up.

It was like thinking of something funny.

"By the way, just ask Lynn. "

"There are no bud clothes!"

"If there is, let Lynn release it. "

When Bronia heard Kiana say this, she couldn't help but give Kiana a thumbs up.

For the first time.

She agreed with Kiana's idea.

"Just ask, Kiana. "

Bud Yi was immediately afraid.

Just now, the person who knew the law also had Himeko's social death scene.

But I still remember it!

It would be good if it were released.

Forget it.

If it were some social death scene.

Bud Yi has no face.

"Wait a minute, Kiana..."


Bud Yi just stopped it with a sound.

But Kiana's idea was faster.

It directly turned into a barrage and sent out.

Bud Yi looked at the barrage that had been sent.

There seems to be no function for withdrawal.

Even if there is a function of withdrawal, it is late.

All seen.

Lynn, including all the viewers in the live broadcast room, saw it.

Bud Yi's hand stiffened in midair.

It's not going to be dead....


"Silver Wolf, it seems that this guy named Brownie. "

"It's more like your isotope." "

"Whether it's dressing, or the look and tone of voice when you speak. "

The silver wolf glanced at Kafka and spoke, "I don't care about this kind of thing." "

But since Brownie was modeled after Bronia. "

"Then the three of us should be considered isotopes of each other. "

"Kafka, I remember you weren't interested in games before, right?"

Kafka nodded reasonably: "It should be considered so." "

"Just because I saw an acquaintance I didn't know in the live broadcast room. "

"So I'm curious a little too. "

After speaking, Kafka smiled lightly: "Moreover, I have the same purpose as you continue to watch." "

"Anyway, I watched it with you because it was really interesting. "

"And I can observe how her life is in the train set." "

Silver Wolf knows.

Of course, she was referring to stars in Kafka's mouth.

After all, the star was created by her and Kafka with the help of star cores in the space station.

The star enters the Star Dome train.

Adventure with the people on the Star Dome train.

That's what Elio's script meant.

In fact, Silver Wolf and Kafka didn't know why Elio arranged it this way.

All the time.

They were all just acting on Elio's request.

Only when a new operation begins.

There will be a new script.

And they are willing to work under Elio.

They all have their own purposes.

To be more precise.

It should be a deal with Elio.

Silver Wolf: "You don't have to worry about her." "

"From the moment she chose to set off with the Star Dome train instead of staying on the space station. "

"Elio's script is slowly getting on track. "

"You're more interested in streamer Lynn right now, right?"

Kafka smiled leisurely.

There is no explanation.

Directly acquiesced.

Silver Wolf didn't say anything more.

Continue to look at the live broadcast room: "Let's look forward to the next one." "

"The more we see, the more we learn. "

Kafka: "Why, don't you have to play the game today?"

Silver Wolf: "No hurry, with my ability to go online at any time." "

"You can't hack the company's game servers. "

Kafka smiled.



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