Lynn in front of the computer.

After saying the final concluding remarks.

I quit the plot and returned to the game interface.

As soon as you return to the game interface, the system's settlement pop-up window arrives as promised.

Very punctual.

"You really don't give me more time." "

"Can't you just let me save a little more popularity and settle later?"

"I don't know if I can meet the target this time. "

Lynn's heart was a little bottomless.

After all, this time the required popularity value is 19,000.

But in this live broadcast, this plot is a bit short.

Because of the length and plot.

Lynn didn't interact as much with the audience either.

It is to introduce the plot.

And the final closing arguments.

But Lynn is not in such a hurry now.

After all, the strength has been improved.

Let's take your time.

If you are too deliberate to interact with the audience for the sake of popularity, and do other things.

On the contrary, it will be somewhat counterproductive.

The checkout page pops up shortly.

"The sixth live stream is over. "

"Popularity Settlement: Interact with the audience and gain popularity value: 1012"

"Introducing the audience to a new parallel world and gaining popularity points: 789"

"The closing statement resonates with the audience and gains popularity: 1122"

"Total popularity: 19209/19000"

When you see the last popularity total.

The corners of Lynn's mouth smiled.

It's still done.

Just over, not much.

The interaction just now, if only it were less.

Maybe this time the live broadcast mission can't pass, right?

I just don't know if the mission fails.

Whether to reset the task or continue to complete the task on a settlement basis.

I don't know.

Lynn didn't want to try either.

After all, you can always get the job done.

Who wants the task to fail.

"Okay, now there's the mission reward. "

Lynn was already familiar with the road.

"Popularity collection mission completed, reward distribution!"

"Live Mission Completion Reward: World Shuttle (Once)"

"World Shuttle: When used, it can travel through worlds that have already been opened up (limited to the world on the Tree of Imaginary Numbers and the World Bubble in the Sea of Quantum. )"

"Worlds have been opened: Honkai 3, Star Dome!"

"New Mission: Gain Popularity 22,000"

"Current Popularity: 19209/22000"

Lynn looked at the reward this time.

Suddenly, he was a little speechless.

This thing, you say useful.

It really works a bit.

You say it's useless.

It can only be used once.

That is to say, if you go to the world of Honkai 3.

I can't come back.

"I'm still worried that this mission won't be completed. "

"And you gave something like this?"

"It's better not to finish knowing it sooner. "

This ability, if there is no limit to the number of times.

That's perfect.

It's a pity that there is!

This should be regarded as the most wasted ability obtained since the live broadcast, right?

But it doesn't matter.

Lynn adjusted her mindset and continued to broadcast.

After all, now you just need to live broadcast well to become stronger.

It's okay to get something bad once in a while.

"I just don't know when I will reach the level of phantom. "

"So I can knock her out with a brick." "

Lynn didn't know why she was so obsessed with knocking out a brick.

Avenge that cute little fox girl?


It should be.

"Get stronger first. "

"When the phantom comes, give her a brick!"

Lynn continues to work on the live stream.

Then I saw the barrage sent by Kiana.

[Kiana: Anchor, is there a story of Bud Yi or a parallel world of Bud Yi?].

[Bronia: Bronia is also curious. 】

[Xi'er: Since Sister Bronia is curious, then I also want to see it. 】

[Nyayi: No, don't. 】

[March 7: Hahaha, is this a mutual pit. 】

[Silver Wolf: So that's the case, can you still ask the anchor to broadcast anything?].

[Teresa: If you are in the bud clothes, I don't feel like there is any black history. 】

[Honkai Himeko: Bud Yi has always been my most reassuring child. 】

[Star: It's a pity, you all said so, there should be none. 】

[Danheng: It seems that yes, after all, Bud Yi's performance on the barrage is also very serious. 】

[Li Suxiang: Is there another new person going to appear?

[The Law of Knowledge: If you are in the words of Bud Yi, there is really no too serious black history...].

[Walter: Not really, Kiana looks like you're going to be disappointed. 】

[Kiana: Ah? No...].

[Bronia: It seems that Sister Bud Yi really pays attention to her image. 】

[Nha Yi: That's good... (Happy)].


Lynn watched the discussion of the audience on the barrage.

Suddenly smiled.

There is no ???

What a joke!

That's you don't understand the second creation of the captains.

All who live are created and died.

Lynn smiled lightly: "Yes, of course there is." "

"And there are many more!"

"I'll find a recreated video of the captains to show you the second creation. "

"I've seen this video before and I gave it a name. "

"It's called 'Middle School Second Girl, Raiden Bud Yi!'"

"Wait a minute, I'll look for it..."


In the Valkyrie dormitory.

The originally relieved bud clothes were instantly raised to the throat again.


And it's still a video, not a game plot!

It's over!

Kiana jumped up excitedly: "Yes!"

"I knew Lynn wouldn't let us down. "

Bronia also nodded vigorously: "Well, the appearance of sister Bud Yi in the live broadcast room." "

"It must be the best-looking. "

Bud Yi looked at the two.

These two really explain what it means to watch the excitement and not be too big.

Fu Hua looked at Bud Yi.

The eyes are flat.

"Squad leader, don't you have anything you want to say?"

Bud Yi asked curiously.

Fu Hua rubbed his chin.

Then replied: "No." "

"I think if the bud clothes go up, they should be quite photogenic. "

"It should be pretty good. "

Bud Yi: "..."

Bud Yi didn't want to speak and looked at the light curtain.

She only hopes now.

Lynn, just wait a minute, don't play anything weird....

But that title.

The premonition is very ominous.


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