"Unexpectedly, the anchor can actually pull the heroes of the pre-civilization era into the live broadcast room together. "

Kiana was surprised.

Before this, she did not know much about the existence of the pre-civilization era.

The only thing that is known is that the True Red Knight Lunar Eclipse Armor that Himeko wore when she died was a product of the pre-civilization era.

But under Lynn's brief introduction just now.

Also probably understood.

It was a group of humans who fought against Honkai before them.

It's a pity, though.

They lost to Honkai.

But also in their way, to leave a legacy to this era of civilization.

Bronia's tone also had a hint of surprise in it.

"yes, the span of this timeline. "

"It shouldn't be just a decade or twenty. "

"Breathtaking. "

And the bud clothes at this time.

Kiana looked at Fu Hua: "Speaking of squad leader." "

"In the pre-civilizational era, there was a person's name that was just one word away from you. "

Fu Hua nodded: "Well, I saw it too." "

"But I guess it's a coincidence. "

Kiana and Bronia nodded.

It is also thought so.

After all, now Lynn and the Law of Knowledge and Walter.

Fu Hua's identity has not been officially disclosed.

Everyone only knows that Fu Hua's other identity is the Red Kite Immortal of the Ancient God State.

Now amnesia.

And the bud clothes at this time.

Apparently not very concerned about the addition of the people of the pre-civilizational era.

Because compared to that.

Now Lynn plays the second creation video.

The protagonist is her.

This makes the thin-skinned bud clothes have to be cautious.

Especially as the first subtitle appears.

Bud Yi began to blush.

It's too middle two!

That line.

What thunder or something.

And those words spoken by the Thunder Law in the Body.

It's embarrassing!

Kiana, on the other hand, continued to chat with Fu Hua about other things.

At this time, Bronia's eyes lit up as she looked at the light curtain.

The man in Bud was directly stunned.

Bronia immediately reminded: "Kiana, look quickly." "

"Sister Bud is beating you. "

Kiana laughed directly when she heard this: "How is it possible!"

"How can Bud Yi hit ..."

While saying, Kiana looked at the live broadcast room.

When I saw the live broadcast room.

The person was directly stunned.

The location is still the rooftop just now.

Two people were fighting.

One is Bud Yi and the other is Kiana.

And it seems.

It was Kiana who was beaten unilaterally.

There is no warning.

There is no prompt.

And Bud Yi did not have the slightest concern.

It's really !!

Kiana immediately looked at Nha Yi with teary eyes: "Nha Yi, how can you hit me." "

"Do you hate me that much. "

Bronia said with added to the vinegar: "It must be Kiana who made Sister Bud Yi angry." "

"After all, the stupid Kiana often annoys Sister Budyi. "

Fu Hua looked at the appearance of the two and analyzed: "This can't also happen behind the story line of 'Last Lesson'." "

Bud Yi looked at the live broadcast room.

Looking at the teary-eyed Kiana.

I didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Kiana, I..."

"I don't know?"


How will Bud Yi know about future things.

At the same time, the voice of the Thunder Lawyer seemed to match the rhythm of Bud Yi Beating Kiana.

Keep ringing.

"At the same time, you will say goodbye to everything you have now. "

"Say goodbye to your companions, say goodbye to your family. "

"You will leave her forever..."

"You'll never come back to her..."

"Look at her smile and grab her hand. "

When the last sentence is spoken.

The battle between Nha Yi and Kiana has also reached a fever pitch.

To be precise, it is the white-hot color of the bud coat.

The thunder on Nha Yi's body surged with lightning, and a hand knife slashed directly into Kiana's abdomen.

Kiana's whole body was bombarded.

The barbed wire fence on the roof was knocked out of a large hole.

What is a large-scale domestic violence scene!


See this scene.

Bronia, who was watching the play, was also dumbfounded.

What's the situation?

What a fight!

Sister Bud Yi, what's wrong with this?

Watching Bud Yi beat herself, Kiana's whole person became aggrieved.

Douda's tears kept falling.

At the same time, the second creator of the video.

He also released Kiana's twisted smile.

The effect impact is directly full.

[Alicia: Bud clothes are so fierce, how can you bully a girl like this. 】

[Sue: This seems to be the power of the Third Lawyer Thunder Law, has this person been affected by the Collapse Consciousness?].

[Ciel: What about sister Bronia, is she okay?


[The Law of Knowledge: Hahaha, it turns out that Kiana was beaten by lightning buds like this, hahaha...].

[Li Suxiang: You are too gloating, the law of knowledge. 】

[Kiana: Bud Yi hit me... (tears) (tears) (tears)].

[Bud Yi: Kiana, wait a minute, I am me, I don't know. 】

[Honkai Himeko: Bud Yi, you are too ruthless. 】

[Teresa: Could it be that the consciousness of the Thunder Law has controlled the bud clothes. 】

[March 7: It turns out that the battle of Bud Yi is also so strong!]

[Star: I can see the firmness in her eyes when she beats Kiana. 】

[Danheng: Well, it's not that I can't do this kind of thing for a long time. 】

[Mei: Wasn't the lawyer fighting for humanity just now? 】

[Thousand Calamities: It's weakened, Lawyer. 】

[Kiana: Anchor, what the hell is going on, why did Nha Yi beat me (grievance) (grievance) (grievance)].

[Bronia: Although the eyes of Sister Bud Yi are very firm, they are different from the eyes of the lawyer. 】

[Silver Wolf: Sometimes fights are not necessarily conflicts, but also have other ideas in mind. 】

[Kafka: That's right, the reason for what the anchor has to answer for us. 】


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