
No wonder Kiana looked a little unhappy when she mentioned it later. "

"It turns out that Raiden Bud Yi beat her so hard." "


The wise man's laughing waist couldn't straighten up.

He looks like he is at the forefront of eating melons.

When this first happened, the Law of Knowledge was still in the process of being born.

Later wanted to gossip about this.

Whoever knows doesn't say.

No one who wants to say it doesn't know.

But the one who knows the law is in a hurry to death.

Well now!

Finally saw it.

It can also be regarded as a wish.

In addition, Nha Yi and Kiana have always been very good-looking.

Therefore, the person who knows the law wants to see it even more after the two fight.

What a feeling it feels like too.


"Raiden Bud Yi really is..."

"Oops, no. "

"My stomach hurts when I laugh. "

While laughing.

Those who know the law do not forget to watch the barrage.

Together, we interacted.

When I saw Hua Ye send a barrage.

The person who knew the law was stunned: "Then then aren't there two old antiques in the live broadcast room?"

"Plus one of my side of the world..."


The heads of those who know the law are big!

Three old antique !!

Has all the memories of Fu Hua.

The Knower understands it all too well.

Fuhua in two eras.

The saying of high emotional intelligence is: do not forget the original intention.

The term low emotional intelligence is: emotional intelligence has always been so low.

In short, face a fuhua.

The temper of the person who knows the law is getting worse day by day.

And now.

There are two in the barrage....

The person who knew the law was entangled for a while, and finally he could only say helplessly: "Forget it." "

"Come here, the most is to talk to the two of them. "

"After all, in the live broadcast room. "

"There are still a lot of fun audiences..."

The lawyer quickly convinced himself in his own way.

Continue to participate in the melon-eating audience.

After all, just now on the barrage, the performance of the two.

Everyone can see that the relationship is very good.

So now look at this large-scale domestic violence scene.

Everyone watched with relish.

Eat melon!

It's human nature!

At the same time, everyone is eager to know the cause and effect.

Lynn asked questions first.

Lynn, who was watching the barrage in the live broadcast room in front of the computer.

See everyone incarnated as a melon-eating mass.

It is also beginning to show up and say.

However, Lynn couldn't hold back her smile: "Hahaha, let me tell you about the cause and effect of this matter." "

"The plot follows the story of Bronia becoming the law of reason, and then the story after that. "

"Kiana was injected with the God Killer Gun by Himeko in the last lesson. "

"He was forced to withdraw from the imaginary space and drifted to the Heavenly Dome City of Shenzhou. "

"There are stories that happen here that make Nha Yi feel a deep sense of powerlessness that there is no way to protect Kiana. "

After that, in order to protect Kiana and to help Kiana share the responsibility. "

"Also angry with Kiana, sacrificing herself for the world again and again, regardless of the feelings of those around her. "

In order not to let Kiana overdraw herself again and again, Nha Yi chose another path. "

At the same time, the personality of the Thunder Law in Bud Yi's body agreed with Bud Yi on this point. "

"So in the battle with Kiana, Nha Yi successfully became the perfect Thunder Lawyer. "

"Left Kiana's side and joined an organization called the World Serpent. "

Under Lynn's explanation.

Everyone immediately understood what was going on.

Eat melons.

I was deeply touched by the spirit of sacrifice between the two for each other.

[Honkai Himeko: I know, but this kid is also real, so heavy. 】

[Kiana: That's right, Nha Yi still loves me! 】

[Bronia: Bronia still thinks that it was the stupid Kiana who made Sister Bud Yi angry. 】

[Nha Yi: So it is...].

[Alicia: Nha Yi is really a very gentle girl. 】

[Mebius: The snake of the world?].

[Mei: Why is that?


[The Law of Knowledge: Oh anchor, you should let them guess, it's not interesting to say it directly. ] 】

[Li Suxiang: You are so bad and bad for the people who know the law, how can this be! 】

[March 7: It's just, ideas can be so bad. 】

[Xing: I think the person who knows the law is right, you see Uncle Yang didn't say it. 】

[Walter: I just don't want to reveal too much about the future, causing the future world line of the collapsed world to change and cause unnecessary trouble. 】

[Silver Wolf: But Lynn said it all. 】

[Kafka: Maybe in Walter's eyes, Lynn said something different. 】

[Eden: What a deep friendship. 】


Pre-civilizational era.

When everyone was immersed in the bond between Kiana and Nha Yi.

They all looked at Mei curiously.

May looked into everyone's eyes, and Kevin's eyes.

Then shook his head: "I don't understand why Bud Yi looks the same as me." "

"It's obviously the same world. "

"There can be no isotopes..."

Sue: "Is there really such a thing as reincarnation in this world?"

Pardophyllis: "Oh, the world is so big, what's so strange about having someone who looks the same." "

Mebius: "It's unlikely, but it's not impossible. "

Vilvie: "Indeed, and it is the next era of civilization, maybe because of the similarity of the development process of the world, the same genetic arrangement may appear." "

Opinions are divided.

But none of them are conclusive.

Finally, Alicia said, "It's okay to do this kind of thing. "

"As seniors, let's pay more attention to the development of juniors. "

"What do you say, Kevin?"

Kevin nodded: "It is indeed very rare that the lawyer fights for mankind. "

"So let's take a look first. "

Alicia smiled slightly.

Eden glanced at Alicia and saw that she was starting to use the power of the Thunder Law as she saw Bud Yi.

It's like paying attention to Bud Yi....


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