Under Lynn's explanation.

Viewers watch this video again.

It becomes much easier to understand.

In the first half, it is the voice of the Law of Thunder.

He is telling Bud Yi that once he becomes the Law of Thunder, it is like falling into darkness.

And Nha Yi's answer was affirmative and free.

Fall into darkness with yourself.

Change Kiana back to the light.

This second creation video.

The dialogue between the two at different points in time is edited together.

It forms a feeling of dialogue across time and space.

The departure of the bud clothes.

Kiana's retention.

It's all helplessness in the face of Honkai.

It's all their own choice.

Finally, the thunder bud clothes, the law of success turned into the law of thunder.

The look has changed dramatically.

Long double horns grew on the head.

The clothes on the body also changed to a black and red color scheme.

The eyes turned into purple star eyes.

The previous bud clothes gave people a gentle feeling of big sister.

And at this moment, the bud clothes are a sense of cold royal sister.

Iceberg beauty in general.

The last paragraph of the video is Nha Yi's self-statement, the last words to Kiana.

"Kiana, nice to meet you. "

"To be able to go through so many stories and create so many memories with you. "

"Go do what you want. "

"Live up to your dreams. "

"Let me go to the darkness and exchange you back to the light. "

The final picture freezes in the Bud clothes transformed by the Law of Thunder.

On the back of the figure who turned away.

[Alicia: Oh, the bud clothes are really gentle, and I seem to look at the diagonal silently. 】

[Kiana: I knew that Bud Yi must be for me, woo-woo!].

[Bronia: I didn't expect Sister Bud to look so handsome after becoming the Law of Thunder. ] 】

[Mei: It's incredible, after being legalized, he really maintained his sanity. 】

[Mebius: Finally no longer an apostle of Collapse. 】

[Bud Yi: This is what I will be like after I become the Law of Thunder. 】

[Xi'er: It looks so fierce. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: This is where and where.] 】

[March 7: Are they all so handsome after the lawyers?]

[Star: The power of the lawyer, and the ability to change clothes, it's really a long time to see. 】

[Himeko: Honkai energy, it's really amazing. 】

[Alicia: Bud Yi, if I can also go to the next era, can I touch your horns?]

[Kiana: No! 】

[Bud Yi: Let me take it slowly. 】

[Teresa: Tired, destroy, all lawyers, this school is not open. 】

[Honkai Himeko: School headmaster, not to the end. 】


In front of the computer, Lynn returned to the game interface.

Then he continued, "Introduce the new heroes and Dr. Mei." "

"This is Honkai 3, a game. "

"A game condensed from the story of a broken world. "

"So it's not just a record of Kiana's story of their civilizational era. "

"There's also part of your story. "

"However, this part of the story is more general. "

"So we will lead everyone to experience it slowly in the next live broadcast." "


Pre-civilizational era.

Mei watched as the law turned into a bud of thunder.

That face is exactly the same as my own.

There were also some plays for a while.

It's a bit like the power you showed when you used the Blank Key to set the Thunder Law core.

The difference is.

Will the bud coat be eroded and infected with collapse disease.

And himself .


Mei's face was calm though.

But there is a little bitterness in my heart.

After hearing Lynn's words, May continued to look at Lynn.

Then he said, "How much do you think this man's words can be believed?"

Su: "I checked it with mental power, and there was nothing unusual. "

"Maybe he's really a high-dimensional creature." "

Wilvie: "Then what is his purpose in starting this live broadcast?"

Alicia: "Who knows, maybe it's just a matter of just wanting to have fun." "

Padofelis: "Everyone, it doesn't matter anyway. "

"We also happened to have a meeting. "

Aponia: "That's right, the thread of fate has not changed for the time being. "

"So I don't think there should be any problems. "

Sakura: "Well, it doesn't seem to be malicious at the moment. "

Thousand Calamities: "It's a big deal to fight!"

May looked at Kevin: "Kevin, do you want to keep watching?"

Kevin looked at the live broadcast room.

The tone was a little cold: "Keep watching." "

Su also nodded: "At this point, we can only continue to watch." "

"In case the other party has any conspiracy. "

"We can also respond in a timely manner. "

After some exchanges.

They intend to continue watching.

The main thing is that they are also curious.

Lynn said in his mouth.

I'll play it next.

The story of the thirteen heroes....

No one doesn't care about their future.

Even the thirteen heroes are the same.

In the live broadcast room at this time.

No one wants to know more than they do.

In the future.

Did they overcome Honkai.

[Kiana: A story from the pre-civilizational era?

[Bronia: Curiosity +1].

[Pardolphilis: Curiosity +1].

[Alicia: To be honest, I'm curious too!


[March 7: I am also curious about my own future, and everyone's future. 】

[Star: I'm not curious, I just want to get to the next stop quickly to explore the trash can. 】

[Walter: Alas...].

[Knower: If you ask me, I will give you a good explanation. 】

[Fu Hua: The Law of Knowledge, you know the story of the pre-civilization era. 】

[Knower: I don't want to explain too much to you old antique. 】

[Bud Yi: The law of knowledge, your attitude towards the squad leader is so bad. 】

[Teresa: Maybe it's because I was hurt by Fu Hua. 】


While discussing on the barrage.

Lynn also thought of the next thing to play.

Must be fun!

"Audience. "

"Thirteen heroes in the live broadcast room are also here, so that the protagonists of the two civilization eras are all together. "

"I'll give you a live broadcast of the collision of the protagonists of the two civilization eras. "

"One of the strongest battles in the Honkai world. "

"The last battle!"

"Kevin vs Mizoya!"


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