In front of the computer.

Lynn first told the audience about the next show.

It was left for them to discuss.

From this moment on.

The popularity value they generate.

will be calculated into the popularity value of the next live broadcast.

And what Lynn is going to do next.

It is to get the reward for this live broadcast first.

The settlement prompts of the system in front of you have popped up one after another.

"The seventh live broadcast is over. "

"Popularity Settlement: Interact with the audience and gain popularity: 1531"

"Explain the causes and consequences of Bud Yi becoming the Law of Thunder: Gaining Popularity: 1266"

"Play the video I will fall into the darkness, exchange you back to the light! Gain popularity: 1736"

"Total Popularity: 23742/22000"

Lynn saw the final total.

Nodded in satisfaction.

It seems that the popularity value of this video is still good.

"Everyone who is chasing the fire thirteen heroes has just joined in, and they should not have contributed much popularity. "

"Otherwise, it should be higher." "


Lynn had also expected it.

After all, they have just joined the live broadcast room.

There is still vigilance.

So don't get involved in too many discussions and interactions to contribute popularity.

Of course.

Except for Alicia.

"The popularity value in this live broadcast of Thirteen Yingjian is estimated to be the most provided by Alicia and Padophelis. "

Lynn thought.

However, the system does not give the popularity value of each person, so it is not easy to do a quantification.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

After all, this time the live broadcast task has been completed.

And what kind of rewards will you get?

Lynn looked at the system prompt in front of her expectantly.

Next second.

A new system prompt pops up.

"The popularity collection task is completed, and the reward is distributed!"

"Live Mission Completion Reward: Thunder Law Empowerment. "

"The Power of the Law of Thunder: The power of the Third Law of the Broken World, with absolute electromagnetic field manipulation, has absolute dominance over machine enemies"

"New Mission: Gain Popularity 22,000"

"Current Popularity: 23742/30000"

"After this live broadcast, if you complete the popularity task, you can open the system store. 24

When seeing the power of those who have acquired the Law of Thunder.

A flash of surprise flashed in Lynn's eyes.

Especially the last attribute, the absolute dominance of machine enemies.

In the Star Dome World.

But there is such a group of species.

If you encounter such enemies in the future.

There are good means of targeting.

But did not rejoice for long.

When Lynn sees the new popularity value mission.

Gasp directly.

Demand has skyrocketed!

"System, are you playing me?"

"Directly up 8000?"

This is the first time this is such a big increase.

It has directly exceeded the 30,000 mark.

However, it is not without reason to break through the 30,000 mark.

After all, the next step is to complete the task.

to open the store.

And the system trades things too.

Such words.

These collected popularity points also come into play.

In addition, the number of people in the live broadcast room has doubled compared to before.

So for this live mission.

Lynn spit and complained.

I still have a lot of confidence in my heart.

After stretching his old waist.

Lynn smiled slightly: "Okay, keep up the good work." "

"Then it's time to show off. "

"The Misanjia?"

When Kiana heard this name, she directly tilted her head.

I don't understand what this word means.

Bronia's witty mind immediately analyzed something.

"It seems to be a synonym for three people or a group or something. "

"After all, you can fight Kevin. "

"It can't be something weird. "

Kiana nodded reasonably, but immediately realized something else.

"Wait, that means Kevin's pre-civilization era. "

"It has survived until the age of our civilization. "

Bronia nodded: "If the two Kevin are the same person." "

"Then it should be. "

Bronia has reservations about this.

There is no direct affirmative answer.

Bud Yi's tone was tinged with a hint of surprise: "It seems that the pre-civilization era is not just some heritage. "

"I just didn't know it was Kevin alone. "

"It's still all the members of Thirteen Yingji. "

Kiana remembered something, and immediately said: "Bud Yi Bud Yi!"

"What's wrong?, Kiana. "

Nha Yi looked at Kiana and asked curiously.

Kiana's face became solemn: "Bud Yi, if you really meet that woman Alicia in the future." "

"It must be remembered. "

"Don't let her touch your horns!"

Bud Yi shook her head: "Don't worry, Kiana." "

"Let's not say that Alicia is not in our current era of civilization. "

"Even if I was, I couldn't let others touch it casually..."

"This kind of stuff. "

Bud Yi's face was slightly red.

Touching corners is such a thing.

I always feel like I'm well-behaved.

And why are they all lawyers.

Just grow a pair of horns strangely?

Obviously, after Kiana and Bronia were regularized before, their appearance was normal.

Could this be the characteristic of the Law of Thunder?

Bud Yi does not understand either.

It's embarrassing to ask about this kind of thing.

Anyway, anyway later.

You can't let anyone else touch the diagonal.


Bud Yi secretly made a decision in his heart.

At this time, Fu Hua, who was beside the three, said lightly: "According to what Lynn said just now." "

"I think the three families should refer to the three strongest warriors in our civilization era. "

"After all, Kevin is the strongest warrior of the pre-civilization era. "

"The battle between the two civilization eras should be the strongest versus the strongest. "

Kiana immediately blurted out: "Isn't that the strongest S-class Valkyrie Lauder." "

"And her Immortal Blade squad?"

Bronia also felt that Kiana's analysis made sense.

"Yes, the strongest and strongest S-class Valkyrie in the history of Destiny Bianca Yulau Landel Atagina!"

"If it were her, it would make sense. "

"Since it is the Royal Three Family, it is three people. "

"Maybe the other person is Rita, who is the vice-captain." "

Bronia thought carefully, "So who is this last person?"

Bud Yi thought for a moment: "Li Suxiang!"

That's right!

The strength shown by Li Suxiang before was not much worse than that of the Void Law.

Especially that move is too Void Sword God.

Across a live broadcast room, there is a feeling of panic.

One of these three people came out.

All three of them felt that it made sense.

Fu Hua had another feeling.

It just didn't say it.

That's the three guys!

Not Kevin's opponent.

"Did I know Kevin before?"

Fu Hua secretly inquired about his memories in his heart.

There was no response.

So Fu Hua could only continue to look at the light curtain, quietly waiting for Lynn's new live broadcast content next.

Kiana was excited: "We must have guessed correctly!"

The other side.

Teresa said the same: "Since it is the strongest against the strongest." "

"Then it must be that Lauderdale guy." (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"Whether it is talent or hard work, she is the strongest in our time. "

"No, it should be said that it is the strongest existence among the S-class Valkyries of all generations. "

Himeko: "I've always heard about Lauderdale's strength, but I haven't really seen her fight. "

"Speaking of which, when I first met her. "

"She's still a child, she should be this old..."

Himeko gestured.

That was when the second collapse happened.

As a member of the commando, she survived.

And their captain.

It was Lauderdale's teacher at the orphanage.

It is also a special fate.

Seeing that Himeko did not know how powerful Lauderdale was, Teresa explained: "When she was 12 years old. "

"It's already the strongest A-grade Valkyrie. "

"And she is also the youngest A Valkyrie, she saved a world bubble with her own ability. "

Himeko people are directly stupid.

"And this thing?"

Teresa nodded: "The top secret of the Mandate of Heaven, of course, it is impossible to know with your authority. "

"Plus the low profile of Lauderdale herself. "

"So the people who know about this, in the entire Mandate Organization, I don't think there will be more than 5 people except me." "

In other words, Lauderdale saved a world by the time she was 12 years old. "

Himeko's breathing suddenly became rapid.

She had thought that Lauderdale was powerful.

But I didn't expect to be so perverted.

12 years old!

Many people are still ignorant.

Teresa continued to break the news: "At the beginning, because Lauderdale's strength was too strong. "

"Grandpa also joked that he would open another Valkyrie level above the S-class. "

Himeko rushed to reply, "SS level." "

Teresa looked at Ji Zi like a fool: "Grandpa is not as boring as you." "

"Given that Lauderdale far exceeds the strength of the S-class Valkyrie. "

"So grandpa said to open a Lauderdale class. "

Himeko's face went straight black.

Aren't you more bored than me?

However, this also shows the strength of Youlandell from the side.

It has far surpassed Otto's understanding of the S-class Valkyrie.

In other words.

It was Otto who had been in charge of the Mandate of Heaven for more than five hundred years.

First time to see such a powerful Valkyrie.

The two are contrasted.

Himeko probably understood the power of Lauderdale.

That's the kind of power that can't be replaced by quantitative metrics.

Ji Zi continued: "I don't know how it compares with Li Suxiang?"

Teresa thought for a moment and replied, "I think it should be stronger than Li Sushang." "

After hearing Teresa's answer.

Himeko smiled bitterly: "It seems that I want to surpass Lauderdale." "

"Kiana still has a long way to go. "

Teresa said unceremoniously: "She has to be so lazy." "

"Don't say beyond Lauderdale. "

"Whether you can become an A-class Valkyrie is a question. "

"It's really killing me. "

Teresa at this time has her own cabbage.

Not as good as someone else's home.


Himeko feels the same way.

"I just don't know, these three people who fought against Kevin. "

"Who will it be. "

In the minds of the two.

At least Lauderdale and Li Suxiang each took a seat.

The last one left.

It's hard to say.

And at this very time.

A certain point in time.

A conference room at the headquarters of Mandate of Heaven.

Rita is pouring a cup of delicious coffee for a blonde girl.

It really looks like a competent maid.

The blonde girl smelled the coffee and said with a smile: "Thank you Rita." "

Rita smiled slightly, "You're welcome, Lord Lauderdale." "

"Lord Otto, do you need a drink too? "

At the front of the table.

A man with long blonde hair and a purple bishop's robe sat upright.

"Lauderdale, Rita. "

"You guys are really casual and elegant. "

"Aren't you worried about this sudden appearance?"

Lauderdale replied, "I haven't seen you worried about the bishop either." "

"I thought you made it. "

Rita stood beside Lauderdale: "So, this thing has nothing to do with Lord Otto. "

"So how did it go through layers of defenses and get straight to our most confidential conference room?" "

Otto: "There is no collapse energy reaction, nor any power recorded by the previous civilization. "

"What the hell is this?"

Otto was very calm though.

But I don't like the feeling of 380 in my heart.

This feeling of not being able to explore the unknown.

Just as he has been trying hard for more than 500 years, he has not been able to explore the true meaning of death.

It's very uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Lauderdale's eyes narrowed: "Bishop, it seems that content has begun to appear on it." "

Rita was stunned: "This..."

"This seems to be a live broadcast room?"

Otto was also stunned.

What the heck?

Engaged in such a big battle.

Also sneaked directly into the place.

Just to open a live broadcast room?

Just when Otto was stunned.

Rita keenly observed the barrage of several people joining the live broadcast room.

[The strongest Valkyrie in the history of Destiny Bianca, Lauderdale Atagina, joined the live broadcast room. ] 】

[Vice Captain of the Immortal Blade Squad, S-class Valkyrie Rita Lotus Weiser joined the live broadcast room. ] 】

[Archbishop Otto Apocales joined the live broadcast room. 】

[Kiana: Eh??? Lauderdale, say Cao Cao Cao has arrived!]

[Fu Hua: And the bishop?]

[Teresa: Rita is also here, Rita looks at me, looks at me. 】

[Otto: My lovely granddaughter, why are you there?]

[Rita: Miss Fuhua? 】

[Lauderdale: So what is this place. 】

[Alicia: Oh, the same question as we just did. 】

[March 7: Otto, why is this name a little familiar. 】

[Xing: He was mentioned in the last lesson, and Uncle Yang also mentioned it, and Uncle Yang seems to hate Otto. 】

[Walter: I didn't expect you to come in, Otto!]

[Danheng: It's really annoying. 】

[Otto: Walter Young, I didn't expect you to be there, can you explain what is going on, or is it your latest research on anti-entropy?]

[Li Suxiang: It's getting more and more lively, okay!]

[Otto: Li Sushang?

[Li Sushang: You know me? No, you should know Li Suchang of the Collapsed World, and I am the Star Dome World. 】

[Knower: Oh, isn't this Otto's old friend?]

[Sue: Archbishop of Heavenly Destiny, is that what the leader means?]

[Mei: It looks like so,]

Three new joiners.

Immediately made the barrage more active.

Lynn in front of the computer saw the three newly joined.

"Unexpectedly, Lauderdale and Otto joined in at this time. "

"That's fine, a few more people and a little more popularity. "

After all, this time the popularity value.

That's 8,000!

Next, Lynn served as the anchor in the live broadcast room.

Traditional performing arts are brought into play.

To three new arrivals.

A good introduction to the functions of this live broadcast room.

And what will be played next.

Kevin vs Mizo.

"Well, the welcome ceremony for the new audience is over. "

"Let's move on to the next live broadcast right away..."

It's on the shelf, ask for the first order!! ask for the first order!! ask for the first order!!。

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